A Small Mishap

Odddice hissed at kickaha. "help him!" "i am helping!" kickaha insisted. "i'm providing invaluable moral support while he comes up with the good ideas!" despite his claim kickaha did move to help.

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Foxyote Hunting

kickaha patted dan on the back." "maybe..." dan responded in between sobs. "okay. but just this once!" kickaha walked to the entrance of the trap and went in.

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The Mouse Trap

#13 of shrinking/micro patreon reward for kickahaota on fa kickaha has noticed that calex has a problem.

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Door to Door

With this rob pushed the product he had carried from his car between him and kickaha. it was taller than kickaha, made of shiny metal, and had a large red bag attached to it. "a vacuum cleaner." kickaha said in disbelief.

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Thriteen Tales 2020: Tale 9

kickaha pointed skyward towards his ceiling. "i knew the second i 'gave up' something would happen! kickaha 1, universe 6,421."

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SHIFT 003: Lost in the Woods

kickaha responded. "squeak!?" frinkel cowered at this remark diving off of kickaha's shoulder. "i didn't mean you!" kickaha said. "i'd never snack on a teammate... especially not while i look like this."

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On The Lamb

kickaha held up the pen. "baaaaahhhh!" scott grabbed the pen in his mouth greedily. this was really going to work. "absolutely amazing." kickaha grinned.

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SHIFT 007: Routine Mission

And while she seemed confident everything was fine and kickaha was well... kickaha. william and alex found themselves feeling ill at ease now.

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Sixth Tale

kickaha of the art, he's a foxyote from-" "we've met." dr. cutie pup interrupted. "oh... well... i guess you have." the kitten smiled. "in tonight's tale kickaha was just trying to set up for a fun game night with friends....

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Life Among The Grass

kickaha did his best to help, lifting up one of the sleeves of the calagon's shirt and calling into it. "this way!" kickaha gave a shout. eventually alex was able to find his way out of the sleeve.

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Fourth Tale

kickaha's paws meanwhile swelled in size. both of them soon had horns protruding from the top of their heads and extremely pointy teeth. while the kid's fur was green. kickaha's maintained its rusty coloration.

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