Dead Space Dissolution Chapter Three: Complications

Chapter Three: Complications An almost reverent silence fell on the bridge. As I looked around I could see that everyone was trying to process the implications of finding a crucial element of Unitology on a backwater world like Kreemar. Even I was...

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Old Problems

This would be a fight against something besides a necromorph. he had been fighting them for so long that he had considered it normal, almost as regular as breathing.

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Chapter II

At critical mass the monsters or necromorphs as they were called would all gather near the marker on the planet. they would the fuse their collective mass to create a celestial satellite, or moon." this time falco really lost it.

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Fur space prologue/pilot

I have one job on board the USG Ishimura. One job,cleaning up the zero gravity basketball court when it's done being used. Simple right? So just my luck that the gravity field reactivates while I'm on the "roof" ,and also just my luck that I shatter my...

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Make Us Whole: A Dead Space Experience: Prologue

It was dark, nothing but darkness filled my line of sight. But then I hear something. A noise that begins to ring throughout my entire brain. I kept running, my feet paws were gliding across the metallic floor beneath me. I could hear them, hear them...

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Chapter XII

"those necromorphs really did a number on it huh?" slippy commented. "yeah, i think in the end it was worser off then me." "well don't fret, i have all the things we could need to fix it." slippy assured.

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nohope part one

this is my first story in a world far in the future the date is december 21, 2012 .I was sitting im my house preparing for the worst.As there had been repots of a large meteor(imagine the lincon memorial statue bout that large and wide) headed for the...

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Chapter VIII

As we got closer we saw him fight that thing," he pointed at the massive dead necromorph. it pinned him to the wall but he managed to kill it. then he was attacked again by a pack of these things.

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Drakensang Chapter 10

Sure he would gladly throw himself against whole swarms of necromorphs; or ai's exterminators, or run space combats against the impossible odds.

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New Friends

. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* fox told the story, leaving out the necromorphs at a swift negative shake of alex's head. they were gone and he wanted to keep it that way.

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Chapter V

Even though the necromorphs were gone a small part of him was still afraid. he subconsciously held on to his pendent. when he finished his room alexander left to find slippy. he wanted to show the frog some human technology.

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What Once Was, Part II

Now the necromorphs were gone, he had a life to live, friends that he needed, and love that he thought he had found. if he lost it all again, it would absolutely destroy him, shattering his fragile core.

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