day 13: back at work and sucks worse than ever

I have to fiugre out how to apply and deploy something to do that, which isn't easy when two very annoying executives stroll in and pester me and hypnotize me into thinking i'm blowing chris while holding up a popsicle!

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An Awkward Encounter

Jeremy placed the dildo into his maw, likcing it like a popsicle until she squirted some kind of fluid, which he swallowed. "good boy," she said again, petting him gently. jeremy, slowly and nervously, looked back at the clock.

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Kinktober 2018 Day 24 - Pegging

While my walls would not yield at first, they soon open up to her, wrapping the plastic dick like lips around a popsicle. soft breaths from my girlfriend mix with the grunts and groans from my throat.

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The Redeem: Chapter 13

I had bought jason a rocky road ice cream cone, and bought myself a cherry popsicle. as i waited for jason, that ice cream cone became a reminder of the time i had been waiting.

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Young Love - Chapter 14

Before long, it was revealed what it was: platinum was eating a blue popsicle with one paw, and with the other, holding a smaller, silver and spotted paw. the paw belonged to a young snow leopard cub, which was also licking a blue popsicle.

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How I Learned To Use Distraction and Annoyance Positively

In all my bread induced excitement i had failed to notice him standing in the kitchen with a blue popsicle mustache eating a blue popsicle. "where is he?!"

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 25

There is yuri with a pair of light blue popsicles. she slowly approached him, and offered him one. the merman sniffled as he accepted it, and she sat right beside him.   "thank you, yuri..."

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Pandemic-Day 44 5:03AM 1/6/2023-Chapter 14-Horror

I made a mental note to keep a close eye on the food as i selected our last pouch of scrambled eggs and a pop-top can of ravioli for jericho, which was now a tomato and meat flavored popsicle.

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Nighthowler 2, Ep. 11

Her lips idly accepted one twitching shaft without thinking, idly bobbing up and down its length, sucking as casually as one would a popsicle. pleasantly _warm,_ nice to push against her tongue, to play with its shape.

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He grabbed a popsicle out of the freezer and walked outside. his sister, sam (short for samantha) was standing at the bus stop. he up to her, smiling when he got near her. "hey, sam." he smiled warmly. sam was a blue dragon, the same height as him.

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She went to town quickly, slurping and sucking on it like a popsicle. she purposefully started to salivate around it, letting her spit wet him up. he tentatively put a hand on her head, and thrusted inward slowly as she bobbed.

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Terveta-Chapter 1: Warning (Part 5)

"come on, blizzard, i'll turn him into a goddamned popsicle!" he said furiously. "what do we need his money for, anyways?" the husky glared at him and the lupine flinched. "it's not our money that we're trying to earn," his voice was low and commanding.

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