Causing Trouble (A1, B11, C35)

reinhardt's name was in the book, and had an 's' adjacent to it. it wasn't difficult to figure out that the abbreviation was for '_supernatural_' or possibly 'special.' clarence was also listed, showing 'ec.'

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Centurions (A1, B1, C15)

I'm willing to bet the farm that reinhardt would kill you whether you were telepathic or not, and he will stop at nothing to make sure you die." "okay." peri approached astor.

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The Gun Bunny Chronicles - 1: Welcome to the Jungle

Sergeant elise reinhardt watched from beneath her sunglasses as a lion cub ran off with a foxes doll, the latter running after him with determination shining in her little eyes.

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Playing Defense (A1, B10, C24)

"it's in the news - reinhardt st. leonard just became the president of the united states. you might remember his psychotic brother, sire." "the guy sinopa had to fight with a sword all those years ago?

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The Archon's Ascendancy, Chapter Two: The Sabbath of the Magna Tor

She had at one time been the trusted sorceress of king reinhardt of dordrecht, and is one of the most accomplished sorceresses of the entirety of the arathian empire. her intellect and influence of the golden court is not to be underestimated.

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Quest for the Grail (A1, B1, C18)

I'm telling you right now, i don't trust reinhardt. i've been saying that for ages. he's a dick head, and i don't trust him. he needs to take a hike." methos frowned. "nathan, please.

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The Esoteric Collapse (BOOK 2)

Leonard brothers, sire and reinhardt." the succubus shrugged. "reinhardt is dead. i saw the video - he was wearing a google glass headband when conducting a conference.

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War and Peace (A1, B11, C4)

"he works for reinhardt st. leonard, who is now the president of the united states of america. reinhardt has possession of the nuclear weapon destroyed by the doppelgänger of nichole parker and laura báthory.

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CBC - Terminal Love

It read: 'amanda reinhardt née johansen' with the words 'loving wife and daughter. may she always be surrounded by flowers' under her name. he sighed softly, reaching out to touch the ground. "i brought you more roses. i know you always loved these."

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Seeking Answers (Chapter3, Act1, Book3)

His mental manipulation was _much_stronger than justicar reinhardt. to the point of mastery. and i was told that sire was angry that the justicar was killed. why is he working with falcon?

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Exit, Stage Left

You like don delillo and your eyes light up when you hear django reinhardt and i saw the way you saved your pineapple for last in the fruit salad, and i--i do that too, and...

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Summertime Blues (Book7, Chapter6)

Starting with reinhardt st. leonard and krys monroe. i'm going to kill all the lackeys - jasper cunningham, wilhelm snipes, and all those goddamn mercenaries. then i'm going to kill every freak, monster and clone that asshole has ever created.

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