Hunted Relentlessly: The Beast And His Monster

"now silvus, we want you to get out of here, and make a life for yourself. let's try harder this time! you can do it!" -but i'm mechandise- i thought. -that life will never be mine-. i turned around, and headed to the sink area of my cell.

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Resurrection: Forward

The story of the forgotten legend and the character of silvus belongs to silverfury23. []( sithris agon belongs to sithris.

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Return To The Stars

silvus stepped on a buzzards landmine... it had to have been since juniper didn't hear a gunshot or the shot of a launcher.

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23- Family

silvus probably knows i survived, he's weird and tends to just know things." the black drake yowled and laid his head on rift's chest. "it's really late pest. if you want to make it to dante's freezer, we need to head out pretty early."

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24- When Fire Flickers

Rift stepped away from the others, trying to keep them away from Keltin's focus. He growled and raised his wings, ready to attack if needed. He had a sickening feeling as he looked over the burgundy dragon, corruption seeming to radiate off the...

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22- Breaking

Arcane stirred, his hatchling form trembling from the battle. White eyes stared at his paw, trying to make sense of things. His attention was redirected to the source of paws as black and orange dragons both moved up to him, the black trembling as...

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21- Corruption of Minds

Sithris winced in pain as he helped up the unstable fire dragon. The Black drake had been forcing them to take the trip slowly, dreading the knowledge that his friend was on borrowed time. Each morning, Sithris would help Rift stand, only for his paw...

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19- Shattered Reunion

Rift stepped into the grassy floor of the forest. He let the portal close as he let out a sigh. The dragon began making his way through the woods, following the faint scent of his friend. I should have never let her near him. * * * Sithris...

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17- Deception

Sithris smiled as he watched the blue dragoness explore the area in front of him, her happy chirps at the beautiful scenery. Each rock she would leap to with a grace the black dragon had never seen. He couldn't help but squirm as she would constantly...

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15- Warp

"But that still doesn't explain why I can't keep it! They may be bad but the nodes are still useful!" The young drake cried, clutching the small compass-like object to his chest. "Because it's dangerous." His teacher said for the umpteenth time, still...

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14- Rage

"HELP ME RIFT!" Rift slammed his head against the concrete walls, tears flowing freely from his eyes. He couldn't bear it. The screams of his closest friend filling his ears were the worst sounds he's ever heard. He kept hearing the screams,...

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13- Grudge

A few days had passed and the dragons were staggering through the swamp. They were exhausted and the terrain wasn't helping their morale. Sithris cringed every step, the marsh ground squelching around his paws at every step. He felt slimy and...

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