The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Twenty Two

tick, you follow her. and if anything happens, you two run as fast as you can, got it?" for once, tick didn't argue about having to go last.

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First Hand Experience

A voice speaking to him from what sounded all at once like close by and a million miles away, and alongside it the rhythmic sound of a metronome ticking away. tick. tick. tick. tick. _tick_. talosar blinked.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty One

"tick, run!" gwinn yelled as he struggled to overpower the burly troll. the troll's hammer came up again, and struck the cat-man in the ribs, making him cry out in pain. "dad!" tick yelled. "just run!"

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirty Three

tick pulled on his arm. "come on, let's go!" porter looked from tick to the slayer, and shook his head. "no," he said, tugging his arm out of tick's grip. "we can't just leave him like that." tick's eyes went wide. "what? why not?

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Playing Together

You can still hear them ticking behind you. you wonder if there is anything wrong. and then they touch you, one hand holding your key still, preventing you from moving, preventing the tension from releasing. you are barely half wound.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Twelve

Up above them, tick dug a handful of small rocks out of his pockets and started to juggle.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirty Four

"tick, tick," porter said, and pulled the child into a hug. "it's okay. everything's going to be okay." "why do people have to die everywhere we go?" tick asked. porter shook his head. "i don't know, but--" "come on!"

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tick. tick. tick. my ears flick to the sound as i slowly regain conscious, prying my eyes open while my head is throbbing away. tick. tick. tick. ugh... where am i?

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Eleven

"tick?" she asked. the boy nodded, and then pointed at himself. "oh," sarah said. "you're name is tick." the boy nodded again. "how long have you been in here, tick?" tick stopped to think, and then held up six fingers. six days.

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The clock refused to shut up and continued its ceaseless tick..tick..tick.. i took a deep breath, and decided to be the one who broke first. it's what he wanted, anyway. ""

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirty Two

"we need to get out of here," he said, standing up and taking tick's hand. "did you see sarah anywhere before you found me?" tick shook his head, and porter groaned.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Fifteen

"tick, i'm not mad at you!" tick stopped struggling, and then hesitantly turned to look at the older boy. "you're not?" he asked. porter shook his head. "why would i be?"

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