Rising Anew-Chapter 2, part 1-

Rising Anew -continued-Chapter 2- It was a cold morning. One of those kind of mornings when the slightest breazes caused a chill to the bone. The clouded over sky seemed to bode ill to the rest of the day. ...

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As Time Slowly Fades (Chapter 1: So this is it huh?)

As Time Slowly Fades Tirren rubbed the side of his head slowly as he looked down into the sink. Little crimson blossoms lay spread in a haphazard way around the small bowl. Sighing and leaning back, the 20 year old cheetah stared at the mirror in...

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Unto The Breach! (Concept- Will be scrapped later)

**Title:** Unto the Breach! **Characters:** Brigand- Young adult from the village of Marlton. Adventerous, brave, and loyal to justice. Brigand is not afraid of a fight, thinks quickly on his feet and enjoys exploring and treasure hunting. Charlie-...

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A Twist of Life Part 4 of ?

Thehin sat across from Dossy in the diner, munching on french fries and watching her chomp on a quarter pound cheeseburger. He leaned over and took a sip of his coke, thinking back to that kiss. His mind had just cleared out like someone had erased...

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A Twist of Life Part 3 of ?

Thehin stretched and pressed his fingers into the headboard to make them pop. sitting up slowly he scratched his belly and rubbed his eyes. Still dazed from waking up he yawned and looked at his phone. The display read "10:58 am." He smiled a little...

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A Twist of Life Part 2 of ?

Thehin flushed a little bit and smiled. Setting the phone in the cup holder, he pulled the shifter into reverse and backed out of the parking spot. The dim parking garage was a bit dreary as little streams of water trickled down the inclined surface of...

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A Twist of Life Part 1 of ?

The computer screens flickered gently in the dark room as ads and videos streamed across them. One held a chat program. Little blips of conversation would blink into life then slowly scroll towards the top of the screen. A clean limp paw lay draped...

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Bleade's Revenge

Hey there. My name is Bleade, and I wanna share something with you. Shall we begin? "Bleade! Fix the damn streaming system already!" the bulbous boss, Leonard Sheppend yelled into Bleade's cubicle. "Why do I keep you around you useless...

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New Depths to Reach New Dreams

Little drops of water slid ever slowly down a stalagmite. Condensation gathered along the bottom of a shimmering alluminum railway. A brushing of wings whispered down a side passage, small brown bats shuffling at the muffled sounds echoing from deep in...

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Birth of a Burning Soul.

Dim light flowed in soft beams through the rocky opening to a narrow cave. Little paws padded along with a happy patter. "Da dum da dum, dummdedy dum da dumb!" Kivany hummed as she ran her fingers along the rocky walls. Her little claws caused small...

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Wim of Bastet

Hungry eyes stared through a window on a neon lit street. Tendrils of lust crawling through an unquinchibly thirsty throat. A demon's look whispered through the features of the creature as it watched a tall clean cut male walking towards a ...

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Rising Anew -Chapter 11, Family and Learning"

Rising Anew - Chapter 11, Family and Learning- Slowly the sound of feet padding down the stone hallway brought Narina into the world of the conscious again. She sat up with a grimace as her head pounded her back down. "Uggghh, my head is killing...

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