A New Dawn - Chapter 16 (The Clothes Make the Dragon)

Jovani had explained that he was the finest tailor in zangar. back when it was in it's prime, many patrons would travel to zangar just to have garibaldi make some fine clothing for them.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 15 (Shadows of the Past)

It didn't matter why they were running towards zangar, they could simply be having a race for all we know! we had to go and relieve the drakes currently manning the outposts.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 4 (Home Coming)

"they were wiped out during the last war with the wolves, the battle where zangar fell. grand master galford was the only member of the house to survive. the rest of his clan were either killed or fled zangar all together.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 26 (Hard Lessons)

I'd take a walk round zangar and see what it was like at night. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* zangar at night was apparently dead.

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Daemon - Chapter 12 (Banuke)

The wolves took control to reduce the amount of aid new zangar would be able to receive from its allies.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 29 (Hard Lessons)

I'm sure most of zangar already knew by know, but i didn't really want to go about advertising the fact i was under arrest pending my hearing. i just lay there in bed, in the pitch dark, staring into the darkness.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 4 (The Mourning)

But here in zangar, farmland was minimal, and all of the land was owned by the houses of zangar. the families that manage the farms were well paid for their services, often running the farms for generations at a time.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 11 (With Friends Like These...)

"zangar was once famous for it's steel!" "yeah, i'd heard about that." "there are quite a few vendors here but a few of them are well known for certain pieces.

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Aaru - Chapter 1 (Waking in Aaru)

The ruler of zangar. i can't think of anyone who would openly oppose the leader of their community. discarding the fact that he was actually the leader of zangar, there was also his skill as a bender.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 13 (With Friends Like These...)

At first it was good, it had given me time to reflect, but xavier normally rambled on and on about this and that, educating me about life here in zangar. i waited till he finished dressing before i spoke. "same time tomorrow?"

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A New Dawn - Chapter 37 (Jumping Forward)

Gisbacl\* was used in all sorts of things in zangar, including armour and weapons, and apparently in some of feun's healing potions.

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