Brief History of Uraz military capabilities and doctrines

As the century turned, the fledgling unified state moved from helpless to having ambitions on the world stage. at first doctrines revolved around creating a deterrent to foreign intervention by making an attack unsustainable.

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For Love Eternal

Hand she is one with the poor, and one with the lost though she sought to rule all the land we met in the moonlight, one evening so late on the shores of the lake we embraced we found that our love had grown over time not a thought for the world

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A New World. Chapter 3: Becoming A trainer.

**Hi again. I hope everybody is having fun reading My stories. Here is the 3rd chapter.** "Well. What are We waiting for? Lets go." I said. "O.k. Go get Lucario and We can head out." Derrick said. I ran up to the house and opened the door....

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Total Trust Chapter Four: A Whole New World

The reverse world is parallel to our own world and should anything happen in the reverse world its effects are felt here as well."

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Words apart together

Sick of carrying the world on his shoulders and helping, always helping. he couldn't stop though, it was who he was. he 'saved' people.

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Darkness 1: Beginning

Why? Why is this happening to me? What _is_ happening to me? Where am I? I'm on a cobbled street, and it's nighttime. It's raining hard, and the rain soaks my clothes as I lie on my back on the hard cobblestones. I can't move my body. I'm not...

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Sanctuary Curse

Shifting shadows of the night. I watch the raven as it swallows the decaying meat that is in first sight. Hidden beneath the moon the Hollow winds swoon As I shift from shadow to shadow. Concealed in darkness until first sun rise. With each...

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Game Over Chapter 1 Game On

No longer a world of real life everyone's life is now a video game.

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A Fain to North

He muttered to the world. dian knew he had until first light to make good on his oath.

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One hundred and One, falling out of the sky

I stare at my reflection, lightly shown in the window due to the dimness inside our carrier. I lift the dog tags from around my neck, Seargent Buck Ross was imprinted on them. Might lose these today, I think to myself, Staring at the Dark green Iguana...


Part 2: Electrokinesis

Hey, everyone. Pokémon Trainer Hilda here! Did I say Pokémon Trainer, even though I'm already in my late forties? Well, there are some occupations you can retire from; Pokémon Training isn't one of them to say the least. (Laughs) Death is really the...

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Inquiry into the sinking of the H.M.S. Thunder Child

**Inquiry into the sinking of the H.M.S. Thunder Child** **First-hand witness present for interview** **5,600 tons** **298ft. Length ** **20 knots** **6 (six) 6"/40 (15.2cm) mark I cannons, 6 submerged mark II torpedo tubes.** **Completed...

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