The night the lights went out....

Tony smiled as he knew the wolfess was looking at his sheath, his cock not emerging despite the scent of the wolfess being in heat entering his nose now.

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FoxTail preview #1

His father, zalphine (zal-fe-en), was a full blooded wolf beast; his blood drew all the way back to african wolves.

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Cafe Dining

I grin lazily at riley the wolf, who, although he has eaten more than twice as much as me, is already energetic and eager for more. "thank you so much!" he says, and then he pauses, closing his eyes.

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Gryphon's Tale Part 2

A shadow appears behind him; he turns and sees it, than the shadow turns into a wolf. shocked the gryphon approaches the wolf; soon the silence was broken as the wolf speaks.

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Blasphemy In The Den

Michael watched as his younger brother Gabriel got dressed after his shower. He had heard the water shut off and seen Gabriel walk back to his room wrapped in a towel through his open door. He never heard Gabe's door shut though. Cautiously he crept...

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The Weight: Chapter 12

The preemptive strikers stalked through the territory in a tight pattern, only about two feet between each wolf.

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In the Negative: Chapter 2

"i had no idea," the blonde wolf said softly. winston nodded.

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In the Negative: Chapter 2

"i had no idea," the blonde wolf said softly. winston nodded.

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Odd Wolf Out Chapter One

She also loves to be noticed by the younger male wolves in her pack, much to the annoyance of her older brothers. bell a blonde female wolf with brown eyes.

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Jaybird, P1

The young maned wolf's ears perked and his brow furrowed. "uhh?" "i'm anderrick. you will call me sir, or boss." jay didn't question it, the wolf's voice alone demanded obedience. "y-yes, sir."

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The Wolves of Twilight: Fallen Angels -- Chapter 2

This was puzzling to seth, yet farniadus explained about the sacred spirit sign that every twilight wolf possess. each wolf's sacred spirit sign is different, and thus identifies the wolf for who he/she is.

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Omega, Begin Again

**The End: Chapter 8: Omega, Begin Again.** **Humphrey's P.O.V. ** I felt a certain type of numbness settle over me as I lied in the train car and watched the tiny specks of dust zip into and out of the rays of light that carved through the...

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