Subjugation, Ch 4

**Chapter 4** The rain had stopped falling but clouds covered up the night sky, casting a somber mood over the city. Personal transports still moved from place to place, even at this late hour of the night. Herik had tailed Lt. Tashk's vehicle the...

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Maiya Station Disaster: Part 8 – The Search

_Captain's Log, 355.04.16._ _Its been over eighteen hours since we've arrived in the Maiya Tau System and so far we have only found wreckage of the station. Search has been slow going due to the radiation that was scattered when the station's reactors...

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The Drop

Ensign Keryl cringed as the storm buffeted his drop pod, shaking it violently as the high winds shrieked and howled with a blood curdling crescendo. "T-minus eight seconds until impact. Unit rally point is town square, approximately 2.9 kilometers away...

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Prologue, Nightingale Trade ships passed through the void of space to and from border station Ne'Ki at a flow that sometimes rivaled planetary city traffic. The station was posted in a lightly fluctuating orbit around a hydrogen and oxygen rich gas...

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Sith encounter fix chapter

Harrower, the capital ship, was called Drea within the medium sized fleet of the Sith Empire. It was on its usual patrol around the borders of its territory. Nearby were the unknown regions, a place that no pirate or smuggler would ever dare to tread,...

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Aden's Story Ch 4

The next day I woke up later than I usually do. I'm usually up around eight-ish, when I woke up it was ten in the morning. I stretched, as I did I felt Tony pull me close and kiss my cheek "Good morning love." he said and I snuggled into him "Morning...

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Transformation Roulette

There were cheap casinos, and there were fancy casinos. The "New Body Casino" was one of the fancier ones. Bets were very rarely made with money. Most bets were made with transformations, physically, mentally, or both. The interior of the casino had...

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Episode 1: The Initiates' Job

Of Light And Shadows: The Saviors of Requiem Episode 1: The Initiates' Job Story - It was shaping up to be a quiet night for the citizens of Requiem City. A good deal of the residents of the city have gone home for the night while others...

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Eye of Excitement

There really was a lot to see in a city as vast as Union Heart. With people from the most diverse species and body types, like taurs and arthros, to places with a very modern and futuristic architecture, blending in with their natural...

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A Simple Question

Saturday really was the best day of the week. At least for Luke. His mom would close their flower shop (Striped Roses) earlier, so he would have the whole afternoon and night to do whatever he wanted, without the need to wake up early on the...

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Giving a Hand

Going on a walk around town with Luke was really the best idea for the evening, since Tom always thought walks were better with someone by his side. It also helped that Atlas showed up along the way. Even after they left the Astral...

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Pledge Poll

The next chapter of Frat Boy Fun is on its way, and I hope to have it posted soon. In the mean time, we have a decision to make. During the streaking challenge, Sam promised to help Shawn get his pick of the other pledges for some fun. But that raises...

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