Pledge Poll

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#4 of Frat Boy Fun

While the next chapter is in progress, time for some reader input! Can't wait to hear what you think.

The next chapter of Frat Boy Fun is on its way, and I hope to have it posted soon. In the mean time, we have a decision to make. During the streaking challenge, Sam promised to help Shawn get his pick of the other pledges for some fun. But that raises the question - which pledge should it be? Comment below and let me know what you think. I have a general idea of what will happen, but if you have any suggestions for something you'd like to see, who knows, maybe I'll include it! In your comment, please note your vote for the pledge of your choice, and if you have anything you'd hope to see or want to add. Also, if you have any requests for future chapters, feel free to add those, too. You never know what might happen >:3

Omega Delta Beta Pledges

Charlie - Black Jaguar; thanks to Sam he now has a bit of a canine fetish. Try out his barbs and maybe you'll have a fetish, too

DJ - Stallion; A stud in every sense of the word, with a cock to match

Ethan - Husky; I wonder if that collar is just for show?

Keith - Black Cat; Amazing, the things you can do with some feline flexibility

Kyle - Rabbit; You know all those things they say about a rabbit's ass? They're true. And those strong legs aren't just for show.

Matt - Otter; small and energetic, with stamina you wouldn't believe

Ryan - Crow; there's at least one part of him that's not black, and he knows how to use it. Want to try for yourself?

Jimmy - Red Fox; an Irish fox that can't escape those stereotypes about foxes no matter how hard he tries (which, to be fair, isn't very hard at all)