[SNEAK PEEK] Poolside Manner

"I must say, if you will permit me-" "No, please, go right ahead." "-Thank you, Sir. I wish to point out that you do seem incredibly tense, and that it is significantly hampering your enjoyment of this day." "I don't feel tense," Adamos said,...

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SNEAK PEEK: The Recruiting Ground

First off, I catch a slender young macaw with purple plumage. I clock him as maybe 18 or 19 at most. When I see him using his college ID to pay for a drink, my suspicions are confirmed. Young, dumb, excitable and eager to please. The fresh meat always...

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Matheau and Beijore:: Sneak Peek

sneak peek:: matheau and beijore novel opening intro to all of my loyal matheau and beijore fans, i have decided to give a special little treat. this is the opening introduction of the matheau and beijore novel.

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Sneak Peek: The Protector and the Peacemaker

#49 of the slayer and the sphinx here's a sneak peek at the slayer and the sphinx's upcoming sequel, the protector and the peacemaker. as promised, here's your sneak peak at the first chapter of the sequel to the slayer and the sphinx!

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A Trip to Betty's: A Sneak Peek

Tim was reading the newspaper when Diane walked into the dining room with a cup of coffee. "Do you know what your son asked me yesterday?" Tim lowered his newspaper and studied the face of the vixen in...

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A Little Sneak Peek For DMON.

These are the sneak peek of the stories and i don't want to add more spoils to it. once it's been chosen, we can't rewind their fate.

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"Steel Works" sneak peek

Hey folks, just figured you might like a look at what I'm currently working on. As I haven't figured out how to use RPG Maker well enough to make an actual GOOD game yet, I'm instead going to run a furry magazine featuring 4 sexy stories a month, each...

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Car Trip (Sneak Peek)

Koda inspected himself in the mirror. When he lifted his shirt, he could see the waistband of his Pull-ups. They did not look the same as his underwear, no matter what mom said. Yet, they really did not show themselves once his shirt was pulled down....

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Abused 4 **SNEAK PEEK!!**

Sasha dug around in her purse. "Crap" She mumbled as she pawed deeper into it. She had been dumped yesterday and was eager to get her mind off ex,so she hunted down the nearest theatre and bought a ticket all for herself. Finally finding her keys in...


SNEAK PEEK : Bimbo Binge

_The cans were just a little cold, with no condensation on them. They weren't exactly at the perfect chilled temperature, but they would still be drinkable._ _Izzy was quicker on the draw, opening his can with a sharp metallic snap. Rahka followed...

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Mrs. Mac: Sneak Peek

#1 of stories a sneak peek at my upcoming story of a budding relationship between an elder corgi and a young equine, that won't end how most would expect....

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Down on the Farm - Sneak Peek

**Name** : Hearn Edward Drummond **Location** :Outside;Laggan Farm;PH21 Even though Hearn knew to duck - and had, in fact, ducked as he crab-walked out of his back door - he still caught some of his hair on the head of the door frame. He rubbed the...

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