Fallen (Part 2)

It had been a month since Gabriel fell to the earth and he had been a good pair of hands around the house. Although half the things I asked him to do I had to teach him to do, which I didn't mind too much. It almost felt good to have him around in the...

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From The Wolf's Mouth (Part 1)

The sausage, mash and gravy sat steamily in front of Alex, who sat quietly at a window seat in his favourite diner. He slowly moved one of the two sausages with his fork, as if to prompt it to do something, his stomach grumbled for him to eat which his...

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From The Wolf's Mouth (Part 2)

Gale and Jake entered their apartment and started to undress until their t-shirts and boxers. Gale went over to the sofa and jumped over the back, landing back first onto the soft cushions. Gale's paw went to the TV remote, pressing the on button,...

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So, I live alone. I don't mind at all, it actually suits me rather well. I'm more of a loner you see. I don't avoid people by nature, I just don't go out of my way to make friends. I lived a pretty normal live by most definitions... well, until today...

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Burned Memories (Part 4)

The feel of warm fur greeted Snowfire's pads as senses returned to him, waking up from his sleep. The fox opened his eyes and saw Hound's muzzle pressed against his paw, his eyes closed in a bliss that only sleep can bring. The memory of the last...

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Burned Memories (Part 4.5)

Snowfire and Hound walked down the left pathway while Lucien and Chris took the right. Hound kept his ears folded back against his head as he walked, whimpering quietly as unsettled ash got stirred up from their pawsteps. Snowfire looked down at him...

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Burned Memories (Part 5)

**One week later...** Jacob walked through the thick forest until finally he reached the clearing, the pond's bright blue waters shone with sunlight, five basic wooden huts stood around the water's edge with their shadows falling away from the pond....

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Burned Memories (Part 3)

The German Shepard felt the bubbles move against his fur, a slight brush of hair with every small pocket of air that passed through them. The liquid that surrounded him warmed his skin and filled his lungs, somehow acting like oxygen, being sucked into...

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The Farmhouse: part 3

Today's gonna suck, I'm on cleaning duties... for the most I don't mind it since I get to wash Sam's length. Or give him a musk filled, saliva 'baths'. But with him on a trotting lesson some city kids, I'm stuck on sheep duties, and the biggest stud...

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Seducing A Sangheili

[Location: S.S. Phoenix Of Dawn] [Date: 26/03/2247] [Name: Alex Johnson] [Rank: Lieutenant] [DOB: 12/04/2224] [Species: Fox] * * * I have to get to a escape pods! I don't give a shit if it's desertion, those Elite bastards are overwhelming the...

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My Lion Roommate Part 3

I feel a soft breath along the back of my neck, ruffling the fur and bringing my mind into the real world. Warmth surrounds me as I slowly wake up, my eyes heavy and slugish from sleep. I yawn and press against the abbs of my lion, running a paw over...

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A Christmas With My Brother.

I still haven't gotten used to my brother living with me, even after the few months since he was kicked out of our parent's place. We both knew about eachother being gay since we were young teens, we had stayed up one night and just talked about it. I...

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