The White Robe: Epilogue

Caitlin sat on the couch in the warm beam of sunlight that filtered through the living room window. The bandages were finally off, and the stitches had come out. She was healing nicely, at least on the physical side. The nightmares still came, and she...

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The White Robe Chapter 30

The world exploded in pain once again as Sinclair's hand connected with Caitlin's face. She curled herself into a ball on the grass and tried to bring her hands up to cover her head against the onslaught. The orange light of the courtyard illuminated...

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The White Robe Chapter 29

"I managed to get ahold of someone over in the magistrate's office, Inspector, and they told me that I was out of luck for the night unless I was looking for a warrant," Sylvester said over the car's speakers. The drive back into the city always took...

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The White Robe Chapter 28

The drive to the Brighton's house brought the same feelings that Corbett had felt the first time that he drove along the wooded street. His heart was racing and he could almost feel his hands beginning to shake. The first time that he had come up here...

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The White Robe Chapter 27

Corbett pulled his phone out as soon as he walked out the front door of the hospital. In his other hand, he clutched the folder that Amine had given him, afraid to even let his grip slacken on it for fear that it would be carried away by the wind, or...

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The Journal - Beginning.txt

THE JOURNAL March 30th, 2048 Its been three days since I entered the portal. It occurs to me that this could be a parallel universe, or another dimension, or something of that kind, but I cant be sure. I can, however, be sure that that I am no longer...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 4

Chapter 4 The afternoon sun was full against the side of Meriah's cottage when she woke, little beams of light making their way through the thick curtains, even with them drawn tight over the windows. She'd been awake for a while, though, and when the...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The sun was setting over the horizon when Meriah finished sealing the top on the bucket of meat she had just finished seasoning and salting. She stood up, wiped her brow and then carried the bucket with her to the small, inconspicuous...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The sun was further down the horizon by the time Meriah woke again. There were no other dreams to haunt her sleep and when she woke, she felt as refreshed as ever. Her bed was in the far corner of the cabin right under one of the many...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 1

**Part 1 - Servant** Chapter 1 Meriah sat in one of the taller trees on the property. The night wind blew the scents and the sounds from all over the grounds to her perch in the crotch of two large branches. She wasn't large by any stretch of the...

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The White Robe Part 2 - Accused

The White Robe Part 2 By BlindTiger By the time the van pulled up outside the prison, Caitlin was so sick with worry that she didn't even think she could walk. She looked up from where she was sitting to the front seat and the back of Sinclair's big...

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The White Robe Part 1 - Caught

THE WHITE ROBE By BlindTiger Part 1 **"For too long has our society stood by and allowed the so-called rights of the prisoners to outweigh the genuine rights of the victims. No more. From this day forth, justice shall be swift and merciless."...

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