New Journey Chapter 48: God

Chp 48: God "Damn." Seth muttered as he looked up. "Missed." He was at the base of Mt. Coronet, instead of the peak. "I'll say. Do you even know what you're doing?" Soul said. Seth's head darted over and...

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New Journey Chapter 47: Ambition

Chp 47: Ambition After a trek through the light jungle terrain of the island, Seth and his team stood before Stark mountain. The mass of rock reached high into the sky, the top of it lightly smoking. The rocks that made up the mountain...

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New Journey Chapter 46: Aien

Chp 46: Aien "Child... why are you here?" "Poemon!" The infant said happily, stumbling over and reaching out for the snake shaped dragon. "Are you lost? I am Zygrade. Your people are afraid of me. I am...

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New Journey Chapter 45: Turnback

Chp 45: Turnback "Ugh." Seth reached across Soul and grabbed his noisy dex off the nightstand. "Rise and shine, we leave in an hour." "Five more minutes daddy..." Soul groaned. "If you aren't up, I'll...

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New Journey Chapter 44: Action

Chp 44: Action 'Where u at?' Seth looked at the message for a moment, blinking the sleep from his eyes, before realizing who it was from. 'Long Story.' He sent back. 'Call me?' 'Nope :p...

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New Journey Chapter 43: Frontier

Chp 43: Frontier "So Reginald. How have you been doing?" "Fine. It is nice to serve." "Yeah..." Seth said. They were high in the sky, just above the tallest buildings of the league, though they were...

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New Journey Chapter 42: Champion (X)

Chp 42: Champion Seth took in a deep breath. His entire body was tense. This time, he left Fluffy in the hotel room, having Drew and Dust babysit. The elevator hitched as it came to a stop. The doors opened to reveal a young-looking...

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New Journey Chapter 41: Regret

Chp 41: Regret The first thing Seth heard upon opening the door to their room was the shower running. "Filthy... Filthy. Disgusting." A voice said from inside the bathroom. He quickly released everyone, after having...

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New Journey Chapter 40: Master

Chp 40: Master "You ready for this? These guys are the best trainers in Sinnoh." Seth said. Fluffy was riding on his shoulder. "Yeah!" He jumped happily, causing him to nearly lose his balance. Seth couldn't help but...

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New Journey Chapter 39: Fluffy

Chp 39: Fluffy "We're back!" Seth announced as he entered the room. He was immediately attacked by Dust. "How did it go? Did you win?" She asked excitedly while pawing at his knees. "Yeah. We won. But... I'll admit, I'm kinda scared...

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New Journey Chapter 38: Historian

Chp 38: Historian "Here we go... number three." Seth said, mentally getting himself pumped up before the elevator arrived. This time, his team consisted of Soul, Sky, Star, Mewtwo, Daim, Tiff, and maybe himself. He was feeling good, at least...

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New Journey Chapter 37: Recovery (X)

Chp 37: Recovery "Ah. OW! Careful." Seth cried out. He was lying on his back, effectively paralyzed, while Sky in her hybrid form applied pain relieving cream over his body. "Maybe if you get like this after a battle, you should leave the...

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