Where Everyone Belongs*

Where Everyone Belongs\* Vasek sighed as he walked into the grocery store. The blue skinned, white furred mouse hated going here for one reason, he could never reach the higher shelves. Barely under five feet, he struggled to pull one of the hand...

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Success "So by reconfiguring the output by twenty percent, rewiring the lines to the trifocals lens, and readjusting the power supple to triple its current level, the gun should work." The blue and white collie snapped on some protective goggles and...

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The Growth Off

The Growth Off Challenge Way in the back of his lab, Serophous worked to put the final touches on his project. He scrolled over his computer screen as a brown draco raptor tapped his foot impatiently. "We going to get this show on the road soon or...

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Wishful Disires

Wishful Desires In the middle of the park, covered mostly by trees and brush, a large, girly looking purple dragon boy floated in the air, sighing boredly. His extra long tail trailed behind him, fluttering in the air like a flag as he put his one arm...

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Sleeping Skolf, Absent-Minded Collie

Sleeping Skolf, Absent Minded Collie Nate walked groggily down the street, rubbing his eyes as he forced himself to stay awake. The ten foot tan skolf had trouble sleeping at night. He tried everything from therapy, over the counter medications,...

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Big Brother

Big Brother The chocolate furred dobie fem quickly went around the room, vacuuming the floor and furniture as Sero sat on the sofa, eating from a pack of cookies and watching TV, his feet propped up on the coffee table. "Do you really need to vacuum...

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Told Ya So

Told Ya So "Could not." "Could too." "Could not." "Could too." Sero and Mud had been at it for awhile now, arguing back and forth with Mud on the floor, looking up at the blue and white collie who crossed his arms, looking down. "I could so live...

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Collars "So what did you want to show me Sero?" Gates, a brown fox leaned over, examining some of the test tubes and bubbling beakers in the lab. The blue and white collie, dressed in his usually lab coat, was looking alongside a shelving display for...

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Twins at Large

Sera stood there biting her lower lip as she examined the two different cookie flavors. "Sera, come on! Make a choice already." Her twin sister Shea huffed and leaned on the cart. "But I can't choose which one I want. I mean, we got minty chocolate...

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Simple Growth

A Simple Growth It always starts slow. Mind you, I'm not complaining about it. I enjoy it slow at the start, it sends a shiver down my spine, causing a low moan to escape my muzzle. Like I said, it always started slow. My jeans pants' leg slowly...

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One End to Another

"Yes, yes, I know. Hurrying." "You don't need to get snappy with me." "I'm working as best as I can!" "You do know I actually can't understand you, right?" A young brown deer sighed, readjusting her lab coat as she slowly boiled a vial...

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Home Movies

"I'm bored." Sero flopped onto the couch face first, the blue and white collie sighing against the arm of the chair. On the other end, and with paws in his face, the brown fox Gates glared and pushed at. "You run a top secret lab that contains...

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