
bane shook his head and responded, "things are just so complicated now. i can't be his bane and i won't try to. if i'm going to do this, then it must be my way. right or wrong, i'm not his bane."

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Twisting Winds: Old Habits

bane reached for his blade as dasher prepared for attack and sebastian stood beside bane ready for whatever happened. the wolf was carrying a white flag on a staff.

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Through the Horizon: Healing 2

bane stepped onto the transporter pad and punched in the destination.

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Toys 4: The Handkerchief

Ori had been worried at first, but bane recognized the hint of curiosity hidden underneath.

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Into the Horizon: Departure

Ron, unlike bane, worked in the engineering department of the titan.

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Through the Horizon: Organization and Personalization

Given that he would be bane's representative to the empire and the other worlds not a part of it, he needed access to bane.

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Through the Horizon: Emotions

bane realized that they were tears of joy, not tears of sorrow. bane held seamus, and in that moment, nothing else mattered. the hole left in bane by the death of his mate had been almost magically healed.

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A New Home

Inside he had no intention of moving out, but he was hoping that bane would relent and try and get him to stay. " want to move out?" bane said sounding a little hurt. "well the time's almost..." "so?" bane interupted.

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Hell Hound and Demon Cat Ride Again 2

bane blinked and rose as he asked, " **we**?" seamus put his paw on bane's arm and answered, "yes, we. you may not be my bane but i feel our connection and this means you're very close to him.

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Cop & Bull

Lutz pulled bane off his cock and helped him under the shower where they both washed one another and ended up kissing and tonguing. 'i love you lutz' said bane 'i love you too bane said lutz.

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She looked back and forth between bane and kyle. "oh...about three months." bane replied nuzzling kyle, lovingly. "aww, that's so sweet." kira said. bane and kyle turned to her in amazment.

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Into the Horizon: Settling In Part 1

Scott had an idea why bane had zoned out, in fact, he was thinking similar thoughts, but he didn't want to risk his relationship with bane. bane hadn't said anything about his romp with ron, but they had known ron for a long time.

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