The Flogging

Mike loved housekeeping. Most of the slaves hated it; Evals in particular considered it boring and repetitive, but Mike actually looked forward to it. He took pride in cleanliness and the sense of accomplishment that came from an organized storeroom...

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 15

A week had gone by since Marshall and Zuma officially started dating. Marshall had been recovering from his injured paw, as well as get cured from the cold he caught from being out in the cold, rainy weather. Marshall didn't mind being sick. Sure, it...

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A Midnight Dance Chapter 2: Oddities

Chapter 2 Oddities Elliot slowly awoke in the warm glow of mid afternoon daylight streaming in through a drape less window where it pool across his chest. His chest hurt but it was a far away kind of hurt, as if by a mostly healed wound. That pain...

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 5

Zuma had trouble sleeping that night. A thought was persistent in his mind, causing him to toss and turn. When he closed his eyes, all he could picture was Marshall. Those big beautiful blue eyes that would even make the ocean jealous. The Dalmatian's...

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 13

"look marshall, i know it hurts now. i'll be honest, it'll probably hurt for a long while. the only thing you can really do about it is forget and move on. i'm sorry he doesn't feel the same way for you, but you can't force someone to like you.

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Hell Week P. 35-77

Or, even worse, dig his claws in and scream, say bad things, hurtful things, just to make nai go away and stop before_nai_ could hurt _him_. it was best to leave things as they were.

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Hell Week p. 1-35

"mommy," ana said, very high and thin. ". . . hurts . . ." "shh," said nai. he washed ana's muzzle, hoping to cool it. "hush, now, ana. it's going to be all right. it doesn't matter," he said to the others.

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A Superheroine's Bad Night

_This is a sequel (of sorts) to "Tracking The Huntress", which Desert\_Mutt, and I collaborated on together. That story can be found __here []( The 5'9" 150 pound golden eyed tawny...

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Teardrops fall her visage, still as stone hard and unmoving. No pulse to see No heart to feel not even an eyelash moves only the drops warm, wet show the storm the tempest, raging within. Heat and pain, collide, black lightning and...

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Rocket Raccoon Comforted

"Everything" had just... built up. One little thing after another; a slew of minor repairs and other small problems that seemed endless... until, finally, Rocket Raccoon - his small body shaking from, stress, exhaustion, being utterly worn...

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The Blessing of an Anal Bead

The Blessing of an Anal Bead Horatio H. Bezoar Copyright © 2021 Mule Girl Books All rights reserved _ For Aly_ ...

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Mythical Misfits

Kittacus "Kitt" Tailton was a very strange creature. Half kitsune, half minotaur. Too cute and not muscular enough to be a true minotaur yet too awkward and not elegant enough to be a true kitsune. Standing at only 5 foot 4, Kitt resembled more of a...

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