Big Jake (Kreet 59)

marge deserves a day off from that duty at least." "good idea. i'll be up on the roof working on sanding that wood down.

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The Bold and the Furry – Who Shot RJ?

"ohhh marge!" cobb crooned as he pulled the little woman into the crook of his arm, "i was looking for you all over the place!"

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A Date With a Dobie?

"maybe i could write one as my next nanowrimo," marge suggested playfully.

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Mike 4

Jean like marge and rory is an amazing polar bear. marge is agitated seeing us. "he'll go off on you, he's been almost crazy since he figured out i'm leaving him" marge says sadly.

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a differant kind of job

The door opened and marge fell into my arms crying.

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"the films to which you refer are among the most talked about productions today, marge. it's what readers want to see." "no, idiot" marge shot back. "it's what you want to write.

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"i feel like i might be getting one of those days," marge chuckled and patted her belly with a meaningful smirk on her lips. crystal shook her head. "shit, not you too, marge!" "huh?" the cougar's brow rose.

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In one paw, and using the other to...molest...marge across the counter...what...

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Dressed For Action (HH)

"and i'm sure paul is a hard worker, too, so we don't have to worry about him slacking around," i said, "marge has inspected him, after all." her eyes practically strip-searched the boy, but i knew that was just marge being marge. "you don't say?"

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