TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 5)

#5 of tlos: the fall of the dragon of legend chapter 5: the dark side. spyro woke up by the sudden temperature fall in the room, "huh, why did it turn so cold out of a sudden." he thought to himself.

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TLoS: After the war (Chapter 4)

#4 of tlos: after the war chapter 4: all these new faces. so, in chapter 3 the five friends where standing in front of a room with something in it.

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TLoS: Darkness Falls Prologue

The Legend of Spyro (and Company) Darkness Falls Prologue: Crash Course Drake grimaced from his perch on the dusty sandstone cliff overlooking the dunes and valleys of the desert below him. He sighed. 'This job better be over soon,' he...

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 3)

#3 of tlos: the fall of the dragon of legend chapter 3: overwhelming feelings. this chapter contains adult content so if you are under 18 i must advise you to not read this.

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 24)

**Chapter 24:****... But it gets worse** All four dragons landed in the entryway of the dragon temple. The sun setting down beyond the horizon, bathing the two couple's backs in the waning sunlight, signalling that another day was drawing to a...

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 22)

**Chapter 22:**** A Find in the Forest** "It says here that you should know after six days." Flame spoke silently under his breath to Ember. The two dragons found themselves in the library, flipping through books on mating, under the cover of...

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 23)

**Chapter 23: **** The Deal** "Ember, Flame, what are you hiding from me?" Cyril looked down at the two young dragons, attempting to get information from them. "What do you mean what are we hiding? It's nothing, really." Ember tried to...

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 21)

**Chapter 21:**** Confirmation** "I don't know what to do with you two. There is so much that I can't find out, but I have to because that's what I have to do!" Cyril was pacing back and forth before a seated Flame and Ember. "It has only been...

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 20)

**Chapter 20:** **Mine** There was a wide variety of expressions on the faces of the gathered dragons. Not only were they shocked at what they had seen, but, some dragons also had a thought very similar to the one Cynder had moments...

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TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 5

If your under age then pray you won't get caught. Other than that Enjoy. Chapter 5: A New Guardian Shalone lead Luxray and the group to the training room. It had a dragon statue in the way but as soon as Shalone pressed something the floor opened and...

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TLOS; Darkness Rises: Chapter 3

If your Under 18 then pray to god you won't get caught other than that enjoy. Well here's a quick recap Spyro and Cynder recently made it back to the dragon temple. While at the same time Luxray made it about 2 miles away from the temple. So things...

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TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 2

Hello me again Sorry for the short chapter in chapter 1. I think this time it could be a slightly longer chapter. And i wanted to be clear on what weapons The Dragon Heart Squad was armed with. So i wont have to do it in the future Chapter 2:...

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