Stupid snakes doing stupid things

You never know if you get attacked by a weedle or run into a butterfrees poison powder. or get assaulted by a 6'07" purple home invader...

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Ninetales' Revenge

One rumor suggested that he once had a woman's mouth sealed shut by a weedle's string shot.

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Shining Aura: Tony's Journey Chapter One: Emerald Eyes

Several pokemon species made their home in these woods, mostly bug types like weedle or caterpie, crawling along branches and nibbling on leaves overhead, stopping to glance at me before returning to their meals their evolved forms, kakuna and

Commission story for Zohaku-When Mew wants to play, you don't get a choice in the matter of how

"all of the trees were covered with weedles & kakuna! i was lucky enough not to run into a beedrill!" ash replied looking shock & hurt as he had tried his best truly finding that the trees had been littered with bugs.

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Forever Legendary Ch.1 - The Legendary Celebi

Kabutops said sternly and looked to his right where he saw a weedle looking at them. she became startled, and crawled away into a bush. "yet another suitor, passed on by me..." kabutops whispered to himself while snickering. "...

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Abandoned Innocence: Chapter 1

Many kakunas and metapods hang on the trees and caterpies and weedles crawling through the dead grass, finding a source of food they can eat. many trees were burned down, only ash remaining.

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The Golden Eevee Queen

The group found some silk made by a dozen weedles and woven into a cloth. then, the group found a leavanny to make a support so she could sell tickets. she had to be carried everywhere and had an escort.

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A Feeling Unforgotten

He turns around, darting his eyes back and forth, his eyes eventually coming to a stop on a weedle, who is perked up on the ground. mewtwo sneers, and the weedle goes flying back into the trees in a blast of energy.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 20 - A trip down Memory Lane - A Special Bond

I'll give you credit if you ever beat a weedle. na wait...that's too much, i'll give you credit if you manage to not pass out after a tackle." he let out a short laugh. flak smiled back. this was a sign of their "insulting mode".

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Norman Normal Types

But in previous regions, with caterpie and weedle too. i encouraged anorith to do his absolute best and he responded to my encouragement the way any pokemon did. he worked hard day and night, to grow stronger and catch up with my other pokemon.

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Lost and Found

Not to mention the numerous attacks by angry bug-types, with frequent appearances of weedle and spinarak. luckily, pyro was usually quick to scare them off with a bit of fire, so no one was hurt... yet.

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Dark Mind Always Has His Way...

Now look at you, lying there as weak and vulnerable as a stupid little weedle! now you will know what it's like, to stay cooped up in this shithole for months at a time!" kuro whimpered. dark mind shoved him over onto his back.

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