Tales of the Stars Chapter 1: Into the New World, Join Tripeace!

Emil was still falling into nothing but darkness. He was thinking "What has happen? I remember opening a door, but then. . ." Suddenly, the darkness that was around him, was now gone. Emil felled face first to the ground and was said "Ow. . .Well, at...

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love Chapter 8: Reservations, Demonstrations and Explanations

**Chapter 8:** **Reservations, Demonstrations and Explanations** A concerned Whisper paced back and forth in the small waiting room before Tsunade's office, her nerves refusing to settle. Ever since she had gotten the message from...

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 5: New Friends and Old Feelings

**Chapter 5: New Friends and Old Feelings** Kroqgar and Whisper stood there, jaws hanging wide. It was Naruto. Orange jumpsuit, whisker marks, it was all there. "Though I suppose if you replace someone's pillows with nindogs and rig their place...

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I began to feel a buzzing, tingling sensation. I felt little else- I remember attempting to panic but it soon left me. I was too numb to fell much at all. I eventually explored myself; the tingling outlined what I recognized as my body. My only...

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I'm Only Human Pt. 3

Alright so here is the next chapter finally. It took a while to get done and it is quite a bit longer than the last chapter. This one comes out to about 15 pages while the last chapter was around 9 pages. Oh and dl98 do you have something against...

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race to live

Ever feel like you've been singled out? Feel like there's only one of you? Well when you talk to the average person their not alone. Matter of fact, there's many of the said people if not more. Cept in my case it's a bit different. Let's just say I'm...

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 6: A Meeting, A Greeting and an Upcoming Beating

**Chapter 6: A Meeting, A Greeting, and an Upcoming Beating** Kroqgar and Whisper blinked in the brightness of the morning sun streaming into the Hokage's office. They saw Tsunade sitting there, hands laced under her chin, with a slightly...

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Chapter Four: The purpose

{People search for there purpose in life sometimes until the day they die. Before Tony met Jasmine, he was doing just that, trying to figure out what his role on this planet is supposed to be. When he met Jasmine, he thought he found his purpose; he...

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Legio Patra Nostra Chapter 4

Legio Patra Nostra Chapter 4 All characters are copyrighted to me Ddraig I walked through the double doors that led in to the Council chambers. I steeled myself to what I would be facing on the other side. The door closed behind me...

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Authors note This is the first story I am submitting for public view, any and all constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged, I would vary much appreciate any helpful advice or guidance, Thank you. -Ctthuruate Prologue It was...

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New Home

// Gaia, Ligus System // 12/04/4716 [Federation Calendar] Gaia. The origin of the Federation. The centre of the galactic trade treaty. The most technologically superior, and most heavily fortified planet in the galaxy Altair called the Milky...

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