Colours of Fancy
"hey now, isn't it a bit early for bondage play?" kit said, forcing a laugh as he was half dragged, half stumbled to his feet.
Petticoats and Padding
Fara then reminded kei that she intended to combine his babying with bondage play when she slipped pink cuffs around his wrists and ankles.
No Control (M/M)
I'm no dumbshit, i've done plenty of bondage play (always with a spotter so people don't really use me), and you don't blanch at the last second. harley liked my fingers in his ass. harley wanted to get fucked.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 426-450
"some sex slave and bondage play, i think," he said, after deciding that he wanted this session to be on his own terms, and not hers. "have a small examining table sent to my room, with suitable ropes, cuffs and collars.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 476-500
The word 'squick' can be used sort of like a safeword in bondage play. in fact, i think the term was developed by people who were not into bondage, to cover the same necessity that the bondage people use safewords for.