naughty kwampmas

Out of options, he squeezed his spandex and latex body through the small hole, as well as his big bag. dropping like he was a steamrolled object, the flattening was not at all painful, but pleasureable.

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Rubber Wolf Paradise

He asked ''indefinitely" the wolf said ''that's good" he said feeling over his rubber body ''is there a way i can take it off if i need to since i am in school?"

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Skyshadow’s Birthday, Revenge

"oh silly pet having to tie me up then untie me, you get me a latex body suit?" asks skyshadow as he is completely oblivious to the fact of what was going on.

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{Comm} A Different Kind of Officer

She then sprayed herself down, getting all the soap off of her and getting her rubber body nice and wet once again, the glistening droplets running down her curvy body.

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Body Mods; The Wonders of Becoming a Rubber Wolf

He smiled at his own latex body taking another suit and smacking it against his own chest after all, why should they get all the fun of being able to morph into what species he commanded he giggled softly waiting for the two to complete their session and fall

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Ergo the Hive Begins

"we can not," bheni replied, moving closer until their rubber bodies began to touch one another.

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Land Sharks: Horsing Around

Sliding along its arms, legs, belly, breasts, the rubber body suit coils around ivy's neck but stops there while spreading down to the rest of the toy's body.

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Happiness Is Still a Warm Pouch

Jem hooked her thumb on the rim of her pouch and stretched it open, watching it snap back and send ripples all throughout her rubber body when she let go. and then her big, round ears perked up.

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There Can Only Be One (2/2)

As that muscular latex body began to press against his he could feel the latex that the rubber creature had slipped into his maw continue to flow down his throat and begin to coat his muzzle.

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Her Ancestor's Suffocating Curse

She could do nothing without his command, and the only thought within the latex body was one of desire and willingness, completely subservient to whatever twisted ends anubis asked of her.

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Handle With Care (2/5)

Even though that was helpful he was still practically shaking from the stimulation that was being caused through his rubber body.

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