Ch7. Accelerando

Ch7 Accelerando \*\* Dal made a few last notes on the page and sighed. He hadn't heard anything more from his mother or father. Rick lay stretched out on the couch asleep. Dal had worked for the last few hours and finally finished the Requiem /...

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Ch17. Lesson Eleven. The Older Stud.

Soon though things were changing. I was being driven back to the O'Brien residence with Aden's dad and Aden. Aden's dad, Lucas, kept going on about law and order and the importance thereof. He droned on. I got tired. By the time we pulled into the...

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Ch16. lesson Ten. The Timid Colt: Rein and Stick

I woke up early. I was really, really sore. It took a minute to realize why. The game was last night. Ow. I was bruised, not that you'd know under my black fur and skin. hurt. I leveraged myself out of bed and got dressed. I actually...


Ch.15 Lesson Nine. Building Confidence: The Timid Colt

Dex gave me a pained look before he headed off to track. I had a little more time than him. I jogged back to the practice field behind the main field. There was a large crate of footballs. I sighted at the practice target that was set up some 30 yards...

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Ch.14 Lesson Eight. Always Maintain Proper Eye Contact

Ah Friday. Game day. And everyone is wound up. No one is paying attention in class. The football team has their eyes on the game, the color guard and band are focusing on their performance, the cheerleaders are hanging around the football team, the...

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Ch 13. Lesson Seven. Always Follow Through

I blinked for a minute or two. It was an interesting proposition. Adan was sitting in front of me on the ground. I checked my phone, I still would have plenty of time before I had to get home. "So let me see if I follow this. I send the money via...

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Ch12. Lesson Six. Taking Charge

It took me a few seconds to get my fear under control. I could see that Aden was about to bolt. I gripped his hand. His eyes were wide and rolling. He wasn't thinking, he was reacting. His instincts had taken over. I stood up and slapped him. Hard....

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Ch11. Lesson Five. Defining the Roles.

I sat in the cafeteria. I'd gotten dropped off early. My Mom had told me she was very proud of my behavior the last several weeks. From now on, if I wanted to, I could go to school early, or leave a little late, but I couldn't deviate from my...

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Ch10. Lesson Four. Knowing Your Role

The bed was soft and the autumn breeze that blew in my window was cool. I couldn't sleep. I knew at the beginning when I decided to become Aden's friend that this would be a long haul project. I liked the equine. Inside I could see he was noble,...

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Ch9. Lesson Three. Reprecussions

I sat there on my hands and knees. I hadn't cried since my mom died, but I did now. I so didn't want to disappoint my heard leader. That's so wrong. And I had. I Was a fuck up. I'd have to face the music when I got home. I didn't know what I was going...

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Ch8. Lesson Two. Follow the Rules.

I sagged into the seat in English Monday Morning. God I could never get used to Mondays' There you are, enjoying your weekend, and all of a sudden you have to do crap you'd rather not be doing. Sorry if I'm sounding morose. It's raining. I fucking hate...

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Ch7. Lesson One. Humility

\*\* Damn but it's cold this early. I had to leave before my dad got home or I'd never live it down. This thing itches too. I'd gotten only a little sleep last night so fucking excuse me if I'm not in a chipper mood! Sorry sorry. Its not you it's me....

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