The greatist story ever wrote

The bat stood over his his portable computer smiling as the story gushed out of him at an amazing rate. "Oh," he said as he hit the back space after noticing he spelled a word wrong, "Wouldent want to give those grammer nazi's ammo." He notices that he...

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Subject Nine Ch. 3

They were absorbed into me all at once the confusion, fear, and pain of breaking necks washed over me. through all this i kept my eyes on the inmate. he screamed and attempted to climb up the smooth walls to safety. i stood up and ran at him.

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power of ideas (poem)

Sorry if it sucks, i dont write poetry very often. blank verse and haiku's are all i got :p confusion words words words, so small, they are an idea words cant cut skin or crack bones words cant stop bleeding or

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pet training chapter 1

I was nervous, scared, and confused. i had no clue what was going on, but before i could say anything she said "don't worry baby, everythings gonna be alright".

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After Pawing.

I woke up. I realised I was in a cave. How many hours I'm here, I don't know. I just feel afterglow. I try to stand up, but I just can't. What I have just done, send my energy to the end. I close my eyes again, waiting the sleep to come, but all that...

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Well here is my frist attempt at writing so please commet on the story and tell me what you think and way that I could improve my writing which I think i need to a lot XD but anyways...

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The Beginning With No End (Chapter 7)

I jumped up startled from the nightmare I was having, the movement make Narei, whom I was leaning to stir and rub his eyes. He opened one eye, to see my standing there looking...

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A Change Of Heart CH1

It was the middle of October, just a few weeks before Halloween. It was shortly after 4, as the sun was halfway down is descent towards the horizon. At the nearby highschool, many young students were rushing inside after their practice ended an hour...

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My eye is not a hard drive

Alwrin tripped over and turned into a lemon. "Careful!" shouted Fradrys, "And don't put your paws into the mouths, they will eat your soul and turn it into lemonade that will pour from them afterwards." Two friends were climbing a tall, ancient-looking...

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Emotional state

This is just a poem I wrote about how I feel right now in my life. Its not really furry related, but I see myslef as one so I guess it is. Um...I do not know if its any good but, I felt better by writing it. It let me collect my thoughts. I just titled...

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The runner

He was confused what was an ambulance? he felt something in his throught and he coughed....what was this warm, red stuff he just coughed up?

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You Will Never Belong

They walked along the empty pathway alone, pondering to themselves. Their eyes empty and distant as they drifted through their thoughts. Though their eyes worked fine aside from the typical blindness that occurs from having astigmatism, the only eye...

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