Slaves we are not

"he such a jackass, he try to embarrassed me just 'cause i'm a house slave. making fun of my tight clothes and the unnatural black stripes under my eyes." i yell angrily at the ground. am i really that different?

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Perks of the position part 2

The young jackass's head snapped up and he looked the older stag deep in the eyes, as he mulled over that statement. "a mule in her belly huh..."

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Jack It

They had enough jackass of their own to play with- the bartender only had interest in you.

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The Donkey Diaries

He pushes back as ian sputters, the brown jackass thrusting wildly into the rump of the gray donk as they begin to mate.

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No, i can't blame the stupid jackass _too_much." heather stepped forward in the dark, her heavy boots clunking, the noise resonating in the shadows. she placed the long razor sharp dagger in between the girl's perfect breasts.

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The Donkey Diaries

He pushes back as ian sputters, the brown jackass thrusting wildly into the rump of the gray donk as they begin to mate.

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Barnyard Fraternity (Patreon Series Preview)

You watch as the now fully formed jackass leaps up on the backside of the jenny and thrusts forward, spreading the female's moist cunt lips with his taut equine cock.

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The Zoo Chapter 6

As the two horney jackasses had their fun, the blue dragon continued his work and examined the room around him.

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Making A Mule (Horse/Donkey CTF/UDTF)

I wish i could see your cocky face when your jackass tries to fuck a big-ass broodmare in heat!" mike laughed, finally getting the satisfaction he'd been craving for years!

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Looking To The Stars: Episode 00 (Getting the job)

\*runs out of the way then mumbles under his breath\* ya jackass. \*looks at the note in his paw then looks around the area again\* where... oh! \*smiles\* after trying and trying, i finally got the job of a lifetime.

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Closing time delight...

Reaching over dunlup gripped the stallion's mane pulling his head over, so the jackass could plant a lusty kiss on the stunned horse's mouth.

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It Could Have Happened- Prince Arthur

His mind had slipped and his raw jackass urges fully took over. stuffing his snout into the bag, he felt the bits of hay and oats crunch between his bulky teeth, chewing for some time before swallowing the heavy substance.