SubChp.2 Unwanted Captive

The hand felt cold against her face, and was covered with soft scales with a hard spot in the middle. "please don't hurt me..."

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Prologue

The Dark Portal to the Otherworld Death...what is the meaning of death? Is it the last thing that will eventually take all beings, immortal or mortal? Or, is it the corruption of soul that led to a very discreet end, either the end of the universe or...

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Memoirs of Kid Universe: Lucky Kid

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff On the tenth of July, two thousand three hundred sixty eight, a brand new private vessel called a Solar Flare. It was a round, asteroid looking vessel that required the aid of gravity to propel itself. This individual...

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The Chronical'ers Journal part 1

The Chronical'ers Journal I greet you seeker of Knowledge. I am the Chronicaler. I keep track of the historical events that happened in this world we call Serpentia. What is Serpentia? Well it is a world where mythical beasts of the ancients...

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Dragon Changing Scales

\*\* have you ever stopped to listen to the dragon changing scales? it rages against the storm and gnashes against your sails. upon your bow it thrashes its body to and fro, until your very vessel beneath the waves begins to go.

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Bardic Scales 3

She gasps, feeling his tongue press to her scales, licking over her, taking in the taste of her flesh. he pulls away, licking his lips, and says "never had i seen a woman so in need of this.

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Bardic Scales 2

Not a moment after the shirt obscures her vision, he goes in for the attack, leaning in and placing kisses at her abdomen and up along her sensitive scales.

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Bardic Scales 1

Kret's bad mood cannot be lifted, even with the sweet smell of the cinnamon toast that sits upon her plate. The kobold slumps over on the bench at the tavern, having spent part of her earnings on the new traveler's clothing she wore and another portion...

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[Patreon] Fur to Scale

It sharpened the greens of her scales to the point it was almost painful to look directly at her. it gave my good friend an incredibly intense look.

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Scaling for Late Game

Who among you scales better than i?" "veigar." teemo parried, completely deadpan. the answer gave nasus some pause, taking a brief moment to mull it over. "hmm, that is an exceptional point." he nodded, satisfied with the response.

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Thoughts Behind the Scales

1234567890-= qwertyuiop[] asdfghjkl;' zxcvbnm,./ QWERTYUIOP ASDFGHJKL ZXCVBNM OK, I think I'm getting the hang of using this thing. Wait... I remember seeing James put a space at the start of these new boxes of...

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