Judgement Call

Air atlantic... this is navy fighter flight vigilantes call sign "strat" what is your status." "navy fighter...

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Impcon (QCP: BG-Eps09)

You have movie star status." gerard was heavily blushing. "i wonder what couple of powerful realm lords vouched for my vip status? i didn't think i met that many realm lords while i was down here the first time."

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A new life.

She wanted the human from earth to stay, but for now she'll help eric to see if the foxes and taurs in status are alive. the vixen looked at kailia in her status chamber. "you better help him or i'll make you wish that you died."

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Chapters 5+6

If he wasn't such a mary sue i would up-grade him to the apostle status."

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Part 2: Shutdown

She then seemed to address drias: "d.r.i.a.s., authorization signature "gireg", access code theta 70214, status report!" drias didn't reply but tilted his head to one side while his eyes narrowed slightly.

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Jeremy: Chapter Fifteen: Satisfaction

"yes, didn't you know your own status?" jeremy shook his head. he'd always dreamed of being a dominant alpha but they were so rare he barely hoped to actually achieve that lofty status.

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Jeremy 014; I Am Jeremy's Smirking After Action Report

"her status as a dominant." he repeated. "just as my status as a dominant is helping me?" the jackal snorted "in this instance, you don't need the help of your status."


The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 3

Leader of the order when most members are just starting to eye magus status.

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Startide III -- Intro

The only real light was the faint blues and greens from the various status panels on the pods, and flickering red that raced along the walkways towards the exit stairs.

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Chapter 15: S. O. S.! Virus Evolution.

He looked at the status and the name of the race has change into geogreymon. al looked at the skills and saw a new list of skills. al was simply amazed by the skills, form and status when this pc changed. ‘this is so cool.

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Your size matters (part three)

Isaac lifted his forearm, and the cyber-lines which were part of his fancy body architecture illuminated themselves to show the feline the system's status.

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Which is, naturally, where their special status in the federation originated. several chieftains are members." "indeed," i murmured, not a little apprehensive.

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