Diapered Dragons

He lifted vers legs up so he could thread his tail through the tail-hole and apply baby powder to hiss bottom. he let vers legs down and sprinkled baby powder over his limp member and testicles.

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Our Party

I could smell it better now-strong, smelly hog shit combined with the tender smell of his natural musk and the baby powder that covered his ass. "see?" said george.

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The Cave of Minos

The minotaur gently lifted my legs and liberally applied baby powder to my behind. once this was done, asterion fastened the childish garment around my waist.

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The life of a herm part 2

The dog then put nicole on the table and took the diaper off and thre it in the trash. the wolf went and got a wash cloth and the baby powder and gave it to his wife. then the dog wiped nicoles ass with the cloth and powdered her rump with the powder. after

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He rubbed baby oil on me, then massaged me with baby powder. once he finished, he taped a new diaper on me. i got up and hugged him. the sun rose from behind the moutains. - you are free now! - he said. - go outside and do whatever you want.

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Kokuei's Messy Diaper

After he knew the diaper was positioned right, he reached out to his nightstand and grabbed a nearby bottle of baby powder.

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Chapter XV: All Things Grow

"now go say hello," she said, giving him a playful smack on the bottom, which sent a couple baby powder clouds 'poofing' out from his shorts.

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Like and Reblog

Bogo replied as he obeyed, sending a cloud of baby powder to roll outward from under his muscled rump.

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Petty Crimes [Comm]

He had taken the name of 'gun powder' as his nickname, for he was afraid that if he ever were to show any fear or apprehension that the name 'baby powder' might pop into their minds.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 2

He took out a package of diapers labeled "playtime diapers" he ripped the package and inhaled the smell of baby powder, slipping a paw inside the package he extracted a diaper and opened it up.

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Remember, Daddy Loves You

He crooned, scooping her out and drying her fur as much as he could before laying her back on a quilt with fabric that smelled of the lingering aroma of baby powder, rich and clean in the threads of the blanket.

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Change and a Cage

There was a big puff of baby powder as rei sprinkled a cloud of the sweet smelling stuff all over the fox, completely covering his diaper area as well as much of his belly. "perfect!

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