
Growth story. Pretty basic. Involves a friend of mine. Vixenworld Nothing captures the essence of summer better than a day out at the local amusement park. The playful, somewhat childish nature of these fairs always brings out the energy in...

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casandra's first night

it was late at night when Cassandra was bored and alone because her family had gone out for vacation and she had opted to stay home for she had no interest in skiing so she stayed home while her mother brother and father went off to...

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The voice of reason - Ch 4 - A new friend...

A couple of months have passed by since that night. And for me, not much has changed. But things changed for the people around me. I saw how Terry changed ever since he was with some girl for a longer period of time. I didn't know why but... He wasn't...

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Journey of an Outcast - Part 1

(Disclaimer: Those who are under the age of 18 and/or live in a place that has laws and/or stipulations against reading this kind of material are as such prohibited from reading the following. It contains adult themed sexuality among other things....

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Maara's "Tech Support"

Raan... desert homeworld of the Artisans. A race of sentient and advanced bi-pedal serpents that are known across the galaxy for their enduring machinery and technology. However, despite the level of advancement this long lived race has achieved, there...

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War Hound Chapter 6

Upon landing Samantha helps Rebirth out of the car. Her friend felt rubbery and light and that concerned her. When they got into the apartment Samantha puts Rebirth on the couch and she asks. "You need anything?" "Meat to further recover my...

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Sunday, Part I

Disclaimer: You know what you can and can't read given your national laws; I won't patronize you by telling you whether or not you can, indeed, read this. This is more of a personal disclaimer. In my previous story I mentioned that each of my...

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Cerise Saltfoam - Clean Biography

Name: Cerise Saltfoam Species: Australian Fur Seal (Anthropomorphic) Sex: Female Age: 21 Height: 5'4" Body Type: Thin, Athletic musculature Hair/Eye Color: None (see below)/Dark brown, almost black Personality: Appears shy and demure,...

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CotWJ II: The Search for Faustus Begins

Over the many days of trial and endurance I have faced, both in my studies at home and afield, this has by far been the longest. The scene of the forest was just as my brother had described it. After a few miles of hiking through sparse trails cut...

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War Hound Chapter 2

Rebirth walks down a city street with a sense of nostalgia and for a minute doesn't know why. 'Ah yes Tyria's memories, she has been down this street many times in the past'. As the disguised war hound looks around the people around her don't notice...

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Closing the Skin

With one curious touch, it came upon her--like the bite of a needle, stinging and making her woozy. The leathery hide slipped up her arm with a wet, slick _"slup"._ With an almost acidic hiss, her white blouse began to spot, tatter, and tear, and the...

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Commission For Taasla Ketzia - When the lion is away, the cats come out to play

It was lonely the first week he was away. Necro sighed as she paced around the large room. Her husband Jubei hadn't ever been away for more than a week before and now he was going to be away for three whole months! Most of the responsibilities of the...

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