Preview: Where it all went wrong

**Where it all went wrong** Evens looked down at himself, he was on his back in a unknown area bleeding out. While his hearing was going silent he could still make out what seemed like a battle. A figure stood over him; he couldn't really make it out...

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.8: Children Are the Number One Priority

So we've covered quite a lot. Many of my boyfriends have passed over the years through idiocy and pure bad luck. I've nearly lost my own life twenty times over the course of it. That's practically once per year. I'm not ashamed to admit that I myself...

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With tooth and paw chapter 8

Chapter 8: Rendezvous On the agenda for the day, though later than Vedrit had intended, was a meeting with Wern and Mirrna. Plans needed to move forward. Pulling his hood over his head, casting his furry face in shadow, he snuck through the...

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Snapshots - Special Delivery

_Author's Note: Hey, look! I'm not dead! :D Thought it might be a good idea to turn out something to prove it, so here's the fifth of my 'Snapshots' series. Each of these shorts will consist of exactly 1000 words. If a picture is worth 1000 words, how...

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Chapter 8 - There's Missions. Then There's Missions...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Echo-three Command, Echo-three Command. This is Charlie-one-three-zero-Echo. E-T-A to drop zone; fifteen minutes, over..." It...

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Chapter 1 - How it all Began

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopping - happily down the street of red-bricked, detached houses, a kangaroo was on his way to his friends. It was his 12th...

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Child's Play

At my age now, I went through some pretty cool training with my father. He taught me the basics of things: Speed, Combat, anything that'll help me in the future. He even showed me how to use weapons. I was a natural with a dagger. I wanted a sword...

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Lives of the Undead

**Lives of the Undead** Their soulless eyes, their rotten skin The stench of death that reeks within. These creatures aren't alive or dead, But something far more worse instead. They're spawns of all our wrongs and sin. No longer who they...

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Part 2 - The Best Offense is Defense or vice versa

"welcome students, faculty, and parents. allow me to welcome you to our fine school. my name is mr. john walsh, principal walsh. as you begin your journey through juniper high, we encourage as much learning..... "i hate these introductory...

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Not So Retired Any More XVII

Chapter XVII - Eyewall Kiyosato dove through a doorway on the second floor of the hospital, coming up into a roll to fire his pilfered MP-5 as a pair of black-clad mercenaries stormed through the stairwell door behind him. One, a tall dog, jerked...


Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part Two

Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part Two Looking at the smoking corpse of the human attacker, Bane made a decision. He said to his friends, "Ron, you and Seamus will make your way to a control room and see if you can take control of the central...


Steel vs Shadow

**Now for the epic conclusion to the gym battle. Was it really that easy for Evens to win? Why did Dante say his Pokémon had to evolve to win? What secret power does Bisharp hold? Finally tired of me ranting? Me to so onward to the story!** **...

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