Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 3 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote. sampson belongs to me and arca belongs to alaster enjoy! Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 3 Arca yawned as the sudden urge for a morning piss awoke him....and with that he stood picking up...

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Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 2 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote. sampson belongs to me and arca belongs to alaster this chapter is pretty much just one long sex scene. enjoy! Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 2 When Arca's tears had stopped flowing he...

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Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 1(Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote. sampson belongs to me and arca belongs to alaster the events are purely ficticious... (well no shit...) enjoy! Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 1 Sampson sighed and looked at his map...

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you will be the bitch now: pt 2

You will be the bitch now: part 2 I slowly climbed out of my new bed, ready for the day ahead of me. Yesterday I would've been dreading getting out of bed. Some days I wished I hadn't woken up and I had died in my sleep. But today is different......

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you will be the bitch now: lights, camera, action (prequel)

you will be the bitch now: lights, camera, action (prequel) i sat down in the plastic chair in front of the web cam and forced a smile, my golden fur matted with all sorts of liquids, semen, urine, alcohol and other assorted things... my coat, filthy...

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you will be the bitch now

You will be the bitch now. Caesar W. Patience is like spaghetti... you've got so much of it... you can't snap it all at once.. It breaks one strand at a time... Every time he does something to me... Snap! Every time he threatens me... Snap! I can't...

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project wolfsoul: chpt 7: karma is a bitch

this chapter contains rape and watersports. if this upsets you: piss off. if not: enjoy if you're too young what on earth are you doing even attempting to read this? Karma is a bitch. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the German shepherd, I still...

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steele's revenge: chpt 2: curiosity raped the wolf

another shit chapter. if it's good please tell me. if it's not please tell me why not curiosity raped the wolf "So then wolf-dog what are you going to do to me?" the dog asked "you don't have the balls to finish me off" Balto nodded "i don't... heh I...

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steele's revenge: chpt 1: steele's revenge

this was my very first furry story series. the story line's pretty pathetic. please tell me what you like about it and if you didn't like it. why not and what can i improve? Steele's revenge a lone dog lay outside in the cold December night,...

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project wolfsoul: chpt 8: how far would you go?

please comment and tell me what you think. i love to hear from you guys. whether it's a "well done man!" or a "if you did this it would be better" and if you rate please tell me what you rated and why you rated it that. cheers! How far would you...
