
"said she's just about got our situation resolved, and we can head back to the office and start our evals and training this afternoon." "aw, hell, i was just getting used to the idea of having a few days off." "me, too.

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Once, twice and again!

And four of you still owe me evals. it doesn't win medals, but i want them done." more grumbling, although nobody really argued. grace putnam took the podium again. "you have two days to finish those.

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A Heart's Belonging: Ch. 1 - Caught at last

I mean did you see his in class eval test? he could barely keep a single light bulb lit while you could have powered the whole class room. you got this." that was a slight exaggeration.

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Henshin: Overload

I'm at hir apartment -- we were just going through his monthly eval when it started. i've just ordered the whole building evacuated." jessica gasped. "what can i do?"

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Woofy: What Lies Ahead

From there, i'm officially ordering your unit returned to fort aker, and you're all on restricted duty until a full debrief and psych eval for every troop here." "yes, sir!"

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