Fates Chosen 1- Fateful Meetings

Things never go right for me do they? I ask for something exciting to happen to my life and I get changed into an animal. And not just me, the whole world as well, not a single human being was left. Only humanoid animals. I bet you're wondering what...

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Twist of Fate

Whether by fate or chance, ky had been given an opportunity to shape the world as he saw fit. she could be just another offering to his might if she got in his way... but first he needed to put the rowdy, petulant cock between his legs to rest.

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Luck and Fate

"my grandfather used to say that it was fate, that my mother's scales were a sign that she and my father were destined for each other. i never believed that stuff." adin arches a brow. "you don't believe in that stuff? like 'soulmates', or whatever?"

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A Clipper's Fate

Adelard the fox knew better than to say anything, and so he did not. He said nothing as he saw the watchmen gather, outside his little shop. He said nothing, as a large wolf in battle-worn mail shouted accusations at him. He even said nothing as he was...

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The Coils of Fate

She was locked in constant moaning, purring, and sometimes squirming while she slid towards his fate.

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Blackhart's Fate

Now the low born lion leaned back and waited for his fate to be decide by the notoriously unmerciful, if dutiful, magistrate of the great city of olan.

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By Luck or By Fate

Pigma stood with a hand poised over the door to Wolf's quarters, working up the nerve to knock on it. Wolf had always been demanding, with high standards and harsh words for anyone that didn't meet them, but recently she'd been working into the...

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A Fateful meeting

He couldn't even begin to question why he followed. It was instinct. There might be consequences to come, but those thoughts couldn't cross his mind. It was too focused on the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. And she beckoned him to...

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The Fate of the Harrier

But foxwell had accepted his fate. in their frenzy to rescue their queen, the other entities were unaware of the imminent danger surrounding them. foxwell felt a pang of guilt from that.

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Fate Reroll

(F tf Cow, reality TF) Mary started to feel a bit off one night, though it was subtle enough of a feeling that she could not actually identify what was off. She found herself bumping into things occasionally as if it had shifted when she was...

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A Better Fate

This was their fate, to be breeding sluts for the wolves, together. at least, that was how hazzy interpreted it as the last vestiges of his self-control faltered under the fiery heat of arousal.

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