Dog Gone (Epilogue)

Dog gone epilogue by roofles i awoke surrounded by a warmth i hadn't felt in a very long time. it all seemed like a distance dream that only now i was waking up from.

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Rescue Gone Wrong

"Let her go!" Angel snarled the world out with her tail lashing behind her as she squared off again the gator in front of her. Every part of her trembled with barely contained anger and fear. The sauropod flickered her gaze over to where her friend...

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Dog Gone (22)

Dog gone (22) by roofles "at ease." i raised my hand up to the two brutus in front of us. they saluted as we approached. they were much faster than i expected them to be. and here i was trying to rush things.

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Dog Gone (21)

Dog gone (21) by roofles chains, hooks and barbed wire like a masochist closet. it was a bit melodramatic, i mean really. but hudson had always said if you wanted to do something right...make it as over the top as possible.

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Dog Gone (20)

They were dead and gone. such is life. no use weeping over the dead. the dead carried disease and were just wasted matter. once the brain dies there is nothing left of them.

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Dog Gone (19)

Dog gone (19) by roofles so many pairs of eyes. all a tinge of yellow in the darkness that slowly reveals itself as my own eyes adjusted to its veil.

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Dog Gone (18)

Dog gone (18) by roofles i thought that the night they broke into my apartment and spirited us away would be something i'd never forget. and in a sense i didn't as i stepped onto the white linoleum floor.

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Dog Gone (17)

Dog gone (17) by roofles my mind wasn't clear. it couldn't focus as my body was flooded with a surge, a tidal wave of emotions that boiled up inside and made me lose my voice. my palms grew sweaty as my heart raced around in my chest.

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Dog Gone (16)

Dog gone (16) by roofles "and that's one small step for this dog and," biscuit turned looking back at me. our paws were locked as he helped me across. "one giant leap," i jumped and he caught me, spun me around and set me down.

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Dog Gone (15)

Dog gone (15) by roofles i wanted to ask him more about him but we ended up walking in silence. after it all i didn't really have my heart in it. what could i say? or do? his home was a hell he had just now found out about.

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Dog Gone (13)

He had been picking the same spot on the desk for the past few minutes with his finger...and had gone back to picking at it. "we have laws here. rules to make sure the society stays the way it is.

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Dog Gone (14)

Dog gone (14) by roofles biscuit looked around the corner before i followed him out. he had told me the layout of the place and i had picked out the quickest way for us both to escape.

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