Chapter 5

Serena didn't take too long, she rounded up, quite literally, some mid sized Pokémon, Mareep and Spoink had littered this land, and while she made note of them, she took only as much as she thought they would need. She showed signs of shocking, but...

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Chapter 17

\<I do hope you're being figurative Serena... since well, I'm a human. I told you how easy it would be for me to acquire meat and pelt, but Anana doesn't need to know that. Supply and demand. First law of understanding business. If the supply is too...

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Chapter 7

/And this is where you come in again. You DID promise him a week. Are you going to reward him yet?/ Kyn sat down on the ground next to Royce, but once again, making sure that he was at what he deemed a 'safe' distance. She stood up, walking over to...

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New to the Force Ch.6: Friends, Old Renewed

She started to remember when that medicham let slip she kept a human mate, and you remember how well she handled it."

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Chapter 14

"There is nothing more to talk about," was Kyn's response. It came out as flat and monotone. His mind was still in a loop over what to do next. "Fine...then you shall listen, while I talk, and try to explain what just happened to someone who...

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Chapter 12

As the door clicked behind them, Serena growled again, then walked over to the pile of silk, laying down on it. She wished for a way to escape from her emotions, and hoped that she was wrong about Royce, for Kyn's sake, not for her own. She coiled and...

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Chapter 3

About an hour, Kyn went back to what he originally went to the river to do, and washed his clothing and himself. He had with him, the extra change of clothes, and had chosen to bring his red set of clothing this time. The other set he planned on...

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Chapter 3

Serena nodded to Striker and had to resist the urge to swat at Heji's tail, it was a stupid impulse, but one that showed that she was still a kid. Her own tail flicked as she resisted what her body wanted to do. She was glad that Heji and she were on...

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Pyschic Impressions

She had a medicham named marlo, a gardvoir named gwen, a metagross named gavin and a lopunny named violet.

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A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 15

The other was a medicham, easily recognizable not only by body shape, but also due to their bright coloration. she walked over to the white furred giant. "her name is skadi, and she's a beartic.

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New to the Force Ch.8: Fire and Ice

With expert timing, entei let out another fire blast, engulfing the air-born medicham. simon shouted with panic, ignoring the incoming wall of fire as he rushed for his mate.

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Chapter 2

Serena slipped through after Kyn. She didn't get the reference, since the term wasn't from her world, but she did do her best to equate it. She nearly shivered even stepping foot near this place, and she kept her head tucked back into her shell. "This...

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