
ok this is M/M and a little of others as well. read to fine out what character and animals there is going to be first time please be nice to me

The suferer and the hidden Part 1

This is the world we live in......And these are the hands we're given....Use them and lets start trying.....To make this place a world worth livi-", "Would you shut that shit up already Ty!" It was the same as always, wake up, go to school, get...

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Allein unter Wölfen Part4 (german)

Allein unter Wölfen 4 Renate war todmüde und erschöpft. Während sie am Förderband auf ihre Koffer wartete, hallte die monotone Ansagestimme durch die weiten Räume des sibirschen Flughafens. Endlich war sie nach knapp 9 Stunden Flug in einer...

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Allein unter Wölfen Part 3 (german)

Allein unter Wölfen 3 Renate fuhr sich, wie ihr vorkam, zum hundertsten Mal diese Nacht nervös mit der Hand durch die Haare. Sie stand etwas verlohren am Rande eines kleinen Wäldchens, dass nur wenige Kilometer von der Stadt entfernt war. Ihr Auto...

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Allein unter Wölfen Part2 (german)

Allein unter Wölfen 2 Wie so oft in dieser Zeit des Sommers war es nachts so heiss, dass viele Menschen kaum ein Auge zu bekamen, und Renate ging es da nicht anders. Sie lag wach und nachdenklich auf ihrem Bett, in Gedanken bei den „Ereignissen"...

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Allein unter Wölfen Part 1 (german)

Allein unter Wölfen 1 Wieder einmal lag Renate wach und ruhelos auf ihrem Bett, obwohl die Uhr an der Wand anzeigte, dass es schon weit nach Mitternacht war. Das Ticken der Zeiger machte sie fast wahnsinnig. Das Geräusch, das man gewöhnlich einfach...

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Cams Teacher

Cam was sitting impatiently at his desk, staring at the clock. It was 3:25, just five minutes left until home-time. The fox sat at his desk, desperately waiting for the class to end . He bit his bottom lip and clenched his pen tightly, staring at the...

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(Wet)Dreams Do Come True

It was a rainy yet warm Saturday afternoon in June. Dave was in his flat, which was newly rented just a few weeks ago. Rain gently splattered against the just slightly opened window as he stared out. A refreshingly cool breeze whisped through, easing...

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Dave and Steve were on the College soccer pitch playing a match, just minutes in. They had been good friends for years, since primary school. Dave was a grey bunny with lighter grey on his chest and paws and Steve was a fox, also with lighter fur,...

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The Castle

**_The summer breeze blows cooler_** **_The heated days she's known Tumble slowly to the past As she remains alone She ponders as she freezes Her limbs are growing numb The silent games that steal her time As she waits for death to come ...

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You, Me, and We

Once, there was you and me. And life was great with you and me. Then later, you and me were we. Suddenly, my life was we. I lived and breathed and worshiped we. We was all I prayed we'd be. But one day, we turned into you. And I did what you...

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In The Night

_Run as fast as you'd will never escape us... _ _ Holo did just that. That's all she'd known how to do for as long as she could remember. Tears soaked into her blood-stained fur as she bolted through the valley. The valley she had once...

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