Chapter 9: More In Common

More In Common Chapter 9 "You needn't have dragged us aside to lecture us on manners and etiquette," Jonathan complained. "Really? That's a relief," Etienne said sarcastically and smiled at Jonathan's back as the marquis paced the room. The moment...

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Chapter 45: Love for Many Mating Seasons to Come

Chapter 45: Love for Many Mating Seasons to Come Eleven years had passed. But Kilyan still remembered the night Wynn left them as if it had been yesterday. She had hugged and kissed her parents goodbye, and when Kilyan pulled back, he...

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Chapter 44: All Sticky

Chapter 44: All Sticky Because Kilyan left out the little detail of Avi's super strength, the village council decided that Avi's possession of a penis was harmless and that she could stay. Kilyan practically bounced home, and he...

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Chapter 43: HapPenis

Chapter 43: HapPenis Avi clung to Kilyan's paw, squeezing his fingers so tight that he winced and she relaxed her grip. But she was just so nervous. It was just like the first time she ever came to the summer village: wolves staring...

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Chapter 42: I Love You, Worthless Male

Chapter 42: I Love You, Worthless Male Keeno knew Zalia would be home when he returned. Because he knew her. He knew how much she hated it, each time he left the village. He knew that she sat up at night, scared out of her pretty mind...

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Chapter 41: Like Father Like Daughter

Chapter 41: Like Father Like Daughter Kilyan's eyes remained fixed on the spot where Sylas had disappeared in pursuit of Wynn. He knew what the teenagers were doing out there in those trees, knew the danger was probably...

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Chapter 40: The Only One

Chapter 40: The Only One The group paused one night on the edge of a place that Avi called The First. It was a clearing within the jungle, and standing in the center of it, in a circle, all facing inward, was a group of statues. The...

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Chapter 39: The Sweetest Silence

Chapter 39: The Sweetest Silence It seemed to Kilyan that the world north of the cliffs was a hidden paradise. It was a lush forest of palms, flowers, and vines, and from the great river that cut across the mainland, little...

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Chapter 38: You Make Me Wanna

Chapter 38: You Make Me Wanna Kilyan was asleep when someone suddenly burst in the room where he was still bound. He had spent the last few hours or so angrily pulling at the bedposts to which he was tied with no success. And as...

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Chapter 37: Without Her Love

Chapter 37: Without Her Love Sitting atop the small hut, Keeno crouched low and listened. Judging by the deserted streets, Keeno knew it was very late. The torches were burning low before each thatched hut, and in the empty...

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Chapter 36: Have Fun

Chapter 36: Have Fun Unlike Kilyan, when Keeno awoke, he was in a cage. He clapped a paw to the faint pain in his neck, found dried blood where several darts had entered him, and looked around. His cage was swinging from the ceiling of...

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Chapter 35: Because I Love Him

Chapter 35: Because I Love Him Avi stumbled after Finivive into the bright sunlight. It was high noon, and in the jungle, high noon meant the sun was unbearably bright and relentless. Already, Avi could see pygmies lounging around the...

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