Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 1
The mistrust between the wols and the rest of the inhabitants of the world was mutual, for the wols didn't like the other races any more than the others liked them.
Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 2
#2 of fire from the darkness chapter 2 a couple days later, the couple was walking down a path that eventually led to the temple, the title the wols gave to their home.
Fire From the Darkness Chapter 6
The wol and the group walked to each other meeting at about the center of the room. tabol turned to the group and gestured at the wol, "this is my son, travol." he turned to travol. "son, this is firus, sayuri, kanto, and hatako."
Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 3
Tabol opened the door to the room that had been affectionately dubbed "the nest" by the other wols in the temple.
Maverick Hunter - Sexual Side Story - The Red Bandana
The dog sighed and continued, "wolf is a term that the terrans adopted for the wol... i'm not a wol. i'm a ley." luke blinked rather stupidly. he found it hard to believe that he had never heard of or seen any of the other wolvrun subspecies before.
Chapter 38: You Make Me Wanna
Chapter 38: You Make Me Wanna Kilyan was asleep when someone suddenly burst in the room where he was still bound. He had spent the last few hours or so angrily pulling at the bedposts to which he was tied with no success. And as...
Chapter 21: The Same Pain
Chapter 21: The Same Pain Life was pain. Kel remembered his father saying that when he once expressed his shock and confusion about the horrors he had witnessed during a village raid when he'd been a child. The winter wolves, once...
Small Things in Big Packages
"i-i'm sorry, wol-" fox tried to mutter out, through his forcefully shut muzzle. "ssssh, little guy. there's no apologies now. you've been a bad boy, and i think you know what needs to be done now."
Adopted Fun
Nikolas slammed his locker shut and slung his book bag onto his shoulder. His tail twitched as he walked down the hallway. He was an albino wolf, an anomaly in the south. To add insult to injury his hair was pitch black while his eyes were ice blue....
Patient Privilege
Patient Privilege by theonehowl The wolf sat at the end of a bed, the uncomfortable-standard class of beds that private facilities like Olen Private Care has in many of its examining rooms. Jeffery came to this facility for a certain medication he's...
PMD BFF Prolog 'Ein weiterer Tag voll Langeweile und Trübselblasen'
Ich hätte wol doch nich beim schwimmunterricht andauernd blaumachen solln das hab ich nun davon 'durch halten einfach durchhalten'denk ich energisch und paddel mit meinen pfoten zu dem schwarzen etwas.
Badges [Pilot]
"the wol-" "the fox." she interrupted, flicking hark's nose as he recoiled slightly, chuffed. "that makes it eight to one, hark. you're terrible at guessing."