Chapter Four: Bank Job

"a daring daylight robbery is taking place!" sarah sat up in her seat and watched with a renewed intrest, stuff like this never happened in swindon.

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The Disciplinarian

"this is the video footage we have from the security cameras where the robbery took place."

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Fantasy Story Outline

- power comes into fruition - anea gets colby's supper - talks with papa - discusses her feelings about colby with papa - anea returns to his room - finds the room open and a speck of something outside - colby has a vision of a bank robbery

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Final Chance 1

"craig templar, you stand before this court charged with robbery and handling of stolen goods, you have been on the wrong end of the justice system for most of your young life, but you were always able to use the fact that you could only be charged as a minor

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The First Penitatas - Prospect Skal

We're investigating a robbery and one of our leads thought some of your men might have been involved." kadan glanced around the bar subtly as he spoke, while skal's curiosity was much more overt.

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:30 Funny Sh*t

\*the whale pulld out a gun\* (w)this is a robbery! give me yo god damn money!(f)woah!(w)i said give me yo money bitch!(f)i really don`t know what`s going on here..(w)i aint depressed. thet was a rouse.

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep6

"can you think of anyone else who would want to make sure that both franks family and us were gathered on the bullseye of the same fat juicy robbery target?"

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In Deep Chapter 1 Supplies and Demands

Muggings, purse snatching, robbery, flat earth theorising , murder and other wonderful activities are classed on the criminal spectrum of "making a living" in the wonderful sodom town.

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Fall of man dawn of a new age Chapter 8

Then, the attempted robbery. the robber's only weapon was a knife, he had her as a hostage. he was yelling. he waves the knife in front of him. she felt some thing hit the robber, and he dropped dead.

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Lab Rat 2 - The Beginnings

"two bizarre robberies fallowing two murders; last night a break in at the local zoo lead to the robbery of certain animals; two snakes, a tiger, a rhino, and a crocodile were all missing.

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The Taming of Mitchell Anick, Episode 2.

During your robberies has meant that the only real sentence that i can pass is that of eight years.

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Krystals Nightmare

Bursted in on her and the room became filled with scorching flames, she shrieked for a short moment as she backed away and from the shadows stood her old nemesis general scales, thankfully she remembered that there was a gun hidden in the kitchen in case of a robbery

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