
love love in the heart and love in the soul the two completely different and yet one in the same one is true the other is undecided one shall lead to partial happiness the other is beside itself but both together lead eternity my love for

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The simple words of love will never be enough to show how much i truly feel. my love, my truest love, my heart, my devotion. you hold me, all that i am, in your hand and i am free. free of pain, free of sorrow and free of the past.



love the silence said it all that very frequency was all that it took to shatter my entire being your voice now distant in my heart and memory yet i still do my best to try and scream back for you again and again i loved you (with

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#17 of underwater fantasies what is love? when does love turn into an obsession? when does it become more than just a need? and if you're around something long enough...can you possibly truly live without it? ^^ perhaps mollie knows.

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love is an endless search of one another searching for love in blind faith once it's found it you question its presence is it true love or just a hallucination? a fictitious feeling built up by your own sentiment?

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"i love you." i said to her. she smiled, "i love you too" she returned. i watched as she left the room, off to her duty's. i just sighed and looked down, my pants beginning to buldge.

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Back. the night is cold in this old abandoned house but our love it burns like fire. keeping us warm and safe. and under the moon we make love hard and slow. until the morning brings the rising sun to find us in each others arms

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love leaves tracks...but it also leaves scars. love's touch is warm...but it burns too. love is joy...but it is also pain. love is wonderful...but it is also horrible.

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For Love

Tarina's cried out as the strength of her love pushed through her telepathic restraints and began to form a telepathic wave. the last thing she ever wanted was to loss the male she loved and cared for so deeply.

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To love

Their love making was nice but don knew that it could not last. don knew that he needed to get on with his life and to make something of his self.

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I remember long ago I felt a feeling so beautiful and pure.. Then it was taken away from me and now I fear feeling it again.


The Entrancing Addler in “Love-Love”

The entrancing addler in "love-love" by danath characters © taiko \* \* \* "what? you can't make it tomorrow night after all? no, no, i understand. don't worry, i'll find a replacement. yes, it's okay. what do you think i did before you came along?

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