Phoenix Coven - Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Relics from the Past, Weapons for the Future _Runefield Asylum_ _2:00 PM_ Victor looked over the crime scene with his fellow detectives, a blue-colored chameleon name Galileo and Ray-Ray the raven as they were accompanied by Moon City PD...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Soul-Bonding Flight _Egad's Villa - Cliffside Overhang_ _11:45 AM_ Gareth laid at the cliffside overhang, his back on Bishop's chest. They were both fully nude aside from wearing special bondage harnesses; the harnesses went around their...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Black Orchid and Beechwood Soaps _Egad's Villa_ _7:00 AM_ Tommy and Zhal walked into the room Bishop and Gareth were in, after hearing their ruckus earlier at 3:00 in the morning. When they walked in, they saw the two asleep in a very...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Eternal Bond Rekindled and Healed _3:00 AM_ Gareth opened his eyes slowly, still in a daze as he looks around a bit. He was in a room, on a comfortable bed with sheets that felt luxurious and smooth against his scales, covering him from...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Tears and Pain _Inside the Villa..._ _One Hour After the Hunters' attack..._ Bishop knelt at Gareth's side as he lay in the bed, his partner's WarGreymon helmet on the nightstand, Gareth's burns treated with burn ointment. The Sephartian...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Draconic Bloodbath Once Bishop let out his roar, everyone stopped and looked up at the patio, even the hunters. Mick looked at Bishop, seeing his eyes glazed over with pure white! Not only that, but smoke was starting to come out of his...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Wrath and Tragedy _Shadewoods Manor_ _8:15 PM_ Victor Lincel rode his Indian Chieftain 5000 motorcycle down the winding, forested private road, ending up at the gates to Shadewoods Manor. Already, he was getting the vibe that something...

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Somebody's Got To Do The Dirty Work - Part 1

For now, i hope you can appreciate the first part of this short, action adventure story. dalmatia at night is a sight to behold. provided you've got my night eyes, that is. if not, all you can see is torchlight, flickering like an upside down starfield.

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A Place for the Stranger

A brief and lively debate, including the votes from the kitchen, finally resulted in a clear win for a classic action/adventure flick,_spy game,_ chosen from the selection

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Hunter-Killers _Farmer's Market Square_ _Outskirts of Moon City_ _7:45 AM Local Time - The Next Day..._ Mick pulled the Audi up into a parking space near the farmer's market with Uniko and Zarch in the car as well. Both Zarch and Uniko...

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Throne Chapter 1: Capture

This will be an ongoing series, so stick around and have a good read, there is action, adventure, love, discovery of self and another, and much much more! comments/votes are welcome! throne chapter 1.

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The Guild Ch. 1

There will be adult situations, fighting and combat ... it's basically an action adventure/slightly romance story. i am open to suggestions and ideas, though i do have a firm idea of where i'm going.

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