Baklava (A1, B2, C14)

"i saw washington dc in the future." "i need you to be specific. i need every detail, no matter how insignificant." yiayia nodded and started her story again. "i saw a layer of dust on stale boxes of cigarettes, sitting on a shelf.

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Comrades In Arms (Book7, Chapter9)

"i lived in washington dc years ago." "you did?" "charming little place called bethesda. i miss it sometimes. the seasons were very pronounced - nothing like san francisco.

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The Wolf Hunters - Episode 1 - The Toll of a Slow War, Part 1

Even after contact, most people had never seen a lutrian, except on tv, and when they were seen, it was almost always in one of the larger cities, especially new york, or washington dc.

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Ham & Eggs Fire (A1, B10, C2)

But i also lived in washington dc for a while. there's not much left there. i don't have anymore tears to cry, reno." they stood side-by-side in a doorway, watching sinopa in front of a dark window, facing the downtown area.

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Escape into Dragon's Love Story I of III of the Dragon's Love Trilogy

"our spy satellites have streamed in images before going offline, we are operating on a seris of relay towers to bring you this news" she speaks as pictures turn to the citys of denver, miami, washington dc, minniapolis, san diago, los angeles, los

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RWB 2: Bad Moon Rising Chapter 1

Dad ran the local russian mob in washington dc, where we live, and i was kinda the heir. i also was a hitman, never once failed an assignment.

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Details (unabridged outtake) (B6, C16)

Are we going to washington dc?" "we can. would you be willing?" asked watson. "i know you want to help your friends but i'm going to be leaving here shortly. i'm headed to meet up with the coast guard. they have topaz parker and her friends.

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Leader of the Pack

They dumped out in all sorts of places all over washington dc." "yeah?" she brought two fingers to her lips, recalling the memories in a fond tone. "one of those tunnels came out at dupont circle and that was where he and i would meet.

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Son of a Gun (Chap14, Book7)

"district coast, in old washington dc. he looked okay. he wasn't injured. i could get in serious trouble for telling you that, because only four agents in the bureau know about your kind. don't go asking questions. i'll talk to you about it later.

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Causality (Chapter7, Act1/Book3)

"a power core... some sort of... crystal that came from beneath washington dc, and some object from a space craft, a single golden page from the book of mormon, thought to have '_ascended into heaven..._' stuff like that.

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End of the Line (A1, B11, C36)

The myrell vampire clan moved to washington dc in the late 1700s. _this_ home was built in 1884 as a place for the vampire family to live until the completion of the mansion in 1889." reno shrugged. "neat."

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Smushy (Chap2, Book9)

The quake was felt throughout virginia and washington dc. why didn't you listen to me? you never listen. twelve hours earlier, you did the same stunt in denver. you never learn from your mistakes."

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