Gray's Christmas - a CTContest entry

She was keeping vigil over the child as she slept. looking at her face in the light, i realized that the women standing vigil was visvasa, my assistant. the tiny white infant was clearly her daughter.

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D.E1 Chapter 40 Escaping the sands

Carefully, they walked outside the room, being vigilant of their surroundings. "my furred friend; you will have to go to the generator room and destroy it. i will guide you by the com device.

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Terms of Service - Chapter 6

Erakir had a sinking feeling that the massive candles that stood in silent, trapped vigil along either side of the room had been party guests only a short while ago.

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 1 - "It Comes Soon"

Most were hidden, just trying to live a normal life; but the remaining few that were active (a squad of thirty or more old-timers and neophytes alike called the vigils) were almost on constant alert for any signs of trouble.

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Now i sit here on my lonely vigil watching a race slowly decline into history with every passing day.

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Orion, the Broody Red Panda in Space

One guard who remained vigilant, during the most boring moments of deep-space waypoint security. for this guard, a system breach was to be unheard of. it simply wouldn't happen. not on his watch.

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500 In The Previous Episode of Sythkyllya

The world outside continues to change, and she remains vigilant for signs of meddling as the modern age approaches.

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Season's Front

A heavy wave of green came flooding across the land and washed away the every inch of pale canvas as the sun lofted into the sky; the ever vigilant spectator. spring had arrived in the valley and he brought the heat of life with his sway.

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Of beginnings and endings in Venleaux Villa

Late into the night, we kneeled, keeping vigil, unto the wee hours of the morning and dawns first light filled the room. never before had i been so tired nor so determined to see the sun rise fully on a new day.

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Moonlight shadow (Patreon reward for Kodi)

They had fond memories of walking under the vigilant full moon and being happy about it, and probably some of those feelings had to do with them being a sylveon, but it was something they'd always enjoyed.

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Guns of Legend: Chapter Five

He would remain vigilant through the night, as he always did. the hours passed slowly, but kulgan didn't mind so long as he had a spare bottle of rum on hand. 

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Ioborne: Chapter Six

. \*\*\* the fourteen gathered in the observation deck for a vigil. third squad reported that they had put together two satellites and were ready to put them into orbit as soon as their vis had finished calculating trajectory, orbit information.

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