Teach me, Daddy

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#14 of Random Ramblings (Adult)

Story without a canine, how strange of me.

Teach me Daddy

I looked over the room. It warmed my heart to see so many young faces, ready to learn, even if Jacob in the back corner was falling asleep. What could I do? It was right after lunch for these Juniors. The food was settling in their stomachs, and all they wanted to do was fall asleep while I lectured them on the Boer War. It was a challenge to make sure these students got the education they deserved when many of them were too busy just trying to not get caught sleeping, drool leaking out of the corner of their mouths and onto their books.

"Jacob," I called out sternly to the otter. His head snapped up, some spittle was flung into the air and landed back on the table. A snickered went across the room as the otter panicked for a moment, grasping his papers on his desk. "You with us?" I asked, and he looked at me with glassy eyes as his groggy brain worked out what was going on.

"Uhh," He muttered, and another bout of quite laughs echoed across the room. "I'm good." He finally said after Ryan, a fox to his left, nudged him back into reality. "I'm with you."

"Good," I grinned and pointed at the powerpoint I had up. "Can you repeat what I just said about the Boer War? When did it end and what was the name of the treaty that ended it?"

He looked at me and his book which wasn't even opened to the right page. "Uhmm." He tapped his pencil to his chin. "It ended in 1902 with the Treaty of Vereeniging?"

"Are you asking me?" I asked and planted my hands on my hips and gave him a quick stern look before reverting to my smile that I couldn't help but give when I was teasing the students."

"No? Err. No." He quickly corrected himself. "Ended in 1902 with the Treaty of Vereeniging." He said with more confidence and straightened himself in his chair.

I looked at him for a moment longer, letting the tension build. Half of the class hadn't been listening and didn't know if Jacob was right or wrong. They were relying on me to give them permission to laugh at him. "That's correct. Very good." I nodded at him. Jacob was one of my star students. Even when he fell asleep, he read far enough ahead in the lecture to have a strong grasp of the day's topic.

The lecture continued. I paced the outside of the room slowly, passing numerous posters and news clippings I had collected over the years. I had an original print of several newspapers on both V-E and V-J Day. There were Times magazines from decades ago and a complete collection of National Geographics, all the way back to December of 1932. I was still trying to find the rest of them, but not many were left for a decent price.

I talked about European expansion and conquest in Africa, switching between the various countries and how Europeans treated the locals or why they were there in the first place. It wasn't the most exciting topic, most of the students wanted to learn about were the wars. They wanted to hear about the great generals and the massive battles. We would get there soon enough. Next week would be when we went over World War 1.

I got into the subject so much that I didn't notice how much time was passing. I was cut off by the bell just as I was beginning to speak about French North Africa and the students quickly scrambled to gather their things to rush off to their next class before the tardy bell. I watched them go and then went around to collect the small pieces of trash that always seemed to appear from nowhere. I tossed them in the bin at the back corner of the room where my copy of the Declaration of Independence was hanging in a wooden frame and then began to get ready for the next class, the dreaded Freshman American History class.

The day went by rather quickly with my last period being a free one which allowed me to grade quizzes and homework. The pop quiz that I gave to the sophomore was lacking. A lot of them couldn't remember when Martin Luther King Jr. had his march on DC. The Juniors fared better with the quiz I had given them at the beginning of their class over yesterday's subject of the Boxer Rebellion, especially Jacob and I had thought that I would have gotten him this time, he had been especially distracted this week.

His parents were out of town for the weekend and the prospect of not having to worry about them for two days definitely perked a seventeen-year old's ears up, even if his ears didn't really perk. I had caught him looking at me several times during class with more than the look of an attentive student. There was a certain twinkle in his eyes, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit distracted either.

I found myself glancing up at the clock on multiple occasions, counting down the last few minutes of the day, watching that second hand slowly make its circuit, ticking past the twelve and starting another lap. There was still five minutes left. It would be a long five minutes, and I allowed my hand to slip beneath my desk. I pawed at the bulge that had formed in my black slacks and thought about Jacob.

I had been like this before, months ago when Jacob had first joined the class. His family had moved here from inland due to work. His father had gotten a job at Boeing as a floor manager. When he first showed up and introduced himself, I couldn't help but stare a bit longer than what was deemed appropriate. He had short, silky brown fur, a tight and lean swimmers body with a thick muscular tail that jutted out from his supple behind. I had never looked at a student like that before, and I was ashamed of it. I never thought of myself as a pedophile. I didn't want to rape children. No. Not at all, that was disgusting, but the more I looked at him over the days, the way his tail slowly waved behind him even as he sat, his ears flicked for no apparent reason at random intervals, everything about him tugged at me more and more. I began to imagine him without clothes. He was part of the swim team, as was expected for an otter, and I ended up going to his first match. I nearly exploded in my pants the first time I saw him in those snug speedos with a well-defined lump where I knew his sheath and balls were. I had to excuse myself and go to the restroom to rub one out.

It was at the end of the day, two months ago on a rainy day when he nearly walked in on me with my hands in my pants. I had heard him walking down the hall past all of the lockers soon enough for me to quickly pull my hands out of my pants and wipe to pre off onto my jeans. I had been thinking of him.

He walked in with his backpack on and some math books in his arm. He knocked politely twice on the open door with his knuckle. "Mr. Bosch?" He said, and I pretended to look up from grading exams from earlier in the morning.

"What can I do for you, Jacob?" I put on a genuine smile and avoided looked at his crotch, instead looking directly in the eyes where I still had to avoid getting lost in those brown orbs.

The otter walked into the classroom and looked outside at the rain that was coming down in earnest. The sound of thunder could be heard. "I missed the bus when I had to run back to Mrs. Mor's room to get my books that I had forgotten." He looked embarrassed, and I could see a little bit of pink on the inside of his ears.

"Need to use the phone to call your parents?" I asked him. There was a phone in the office, but the bus would have left nearly half an hour ago which meant that it was locked up which also meant that he had been wandering for some time before coming here.

"My parents are gone for the weekend. My dad has some meeting over in Columbia." He shook his head. "And I live all the way in Summerville." That was twelve miles away from where we were. Normally he would be going to a school much closer to where he lived, but we were a private school.

"Ahh." I nodded. "Need a ride?"

"I'm sorry if It's too much to ask. No one else could." He got caught on some of his words. It was as if I was talking to an entirely different person. In class, he was more sure of himself, able to answer questions quickly and with confidence. This was a very shy and submissive otter in front of me.

"No." I scooped up the exams I hadn't been grading and put them inside my desk's large drawer. "I can give you a ride."

He smiled, perking up instantly.

I gathered my things and hid that fact that my hands were shaky with excitement. With traffic and the weather, I was going to be with Jacob in my car for a solid half an hour and part of me couldn't wait, but another part of me was questioning what I was doing. This was someone who was half my age. He was seventeen. I was thirty-four. A teacher should never have these kinds of feelings towards their students. I was supposed to be a teacher, maybe even a friend. I was conflicted as we got into my cheap sedan and drove off just as the storm really hit.

The windshield wipers were going as fast as they could, but the rain was heavy enough that I had to drive at about half of the speed limit. I pulled off of the main road, sliding only a bit and took one of the side roads that ran parallel to the main one to avoid traffic to the address that he had given me. I gave a nervous laugh once I had control back and looked over at Jacob. The otter was sitting with his paws in his lap and seemed unconcerned about my lackluster driving.

"Drive in the rain much?" I said to start a conversation. My previous attempt to get the radio working had failed, the thing had always been spotty at best.

"My parents don't let me drive." He sighed and gave me a sideways glance. "Their so overprotective. They don't let me do anything. Letting me stay home alone this weekend is probably the most they would allow me to do until I finally move out." He leaned back, hitting his head against the headrest.

I kept my eyes on the road, looking out for puddles. God forbid I begin to hydroplane. "They just care for you."

"Oh, I know, but did you know that my dad kept me in diapers until I went began pre-school?" He scoffed.

"Geez." It was bad.

"That's just the beginning. My dad obsesses over everything I do. Do I want to go out and hang with friends? He has to be there. My mom tries to be supportive when dad isn't there, but as soon as he's home, she just lets him do whatever he wants with me." His paws were now twisting together tightly as if wringing some invisible neck. "I'm sorry about ranting at you." He apologized after I didn't say anything for a moment.

"No. It's fine." I replied. "Sometimes you just need to get it out." I had actually been thinking about how I just wanted to wrap an arm around his neck, or take his paw in mine and comfort him, but that would be appropriate. I was just a teacher giving a student a ride home after missing the bus, nothing more. I was doing my duty to the children to help them.

We passed the strip mall a mile from his home. It was just a little farther to go. It occurred to me that he lived only a few blocks away from where I lived. A small detour perhaps.

NO! I shook my head. It wasn't right. Why was I thinking like this? It was unlike me. Sure, I considered myself a bit more sexual than others my age. I had the Humpr app on my phone and did hookups maybe once every two or three weeks, but I had never gone after someone so much younger than me. I cut it off at twenty-five, no younger. I couldn't help but think more and more about what I wanted to do with Jacob. He was adorable, and I just wanted to eat him up in all the ways possible.

The rest of the drive was spent talking about school work. Even though he was excellent in History and English, Jacob had trouble with Math and Science. He asked me a few questions regarding derivatives. It had been nearly twenty years since I had last seen derivatives, but I surprised myself with how much I did remember. I felt good to be able to help and for a moment I forgot about how much I would have liked to have torn off his white t-shirt.

I pulled into the driveway of Jacob's house. It wasn't a big house, but it wasn't bad either. It was one of those townhouses where there were two houses in one large building. It would be tight, but for a family of three, it would work. There was an entire row of houses that all looked alike, and I needed Jacob to point out his.

"Well, here you are." I put the car into park and looked at Jacob, who was watching the rain.

"Thanks." He bit his lower lip as he looked at the storm and then opened the door. "I'll see you on Monday." He gave a quick wave to me and stepped out with one arm over his head to hopelessly shield himself from the downpour.

I didn't pull away right away. I wanted to make sure he got into his house. While I watched, I got a good look at his rump. I had missed it at the swim meet when I left to jerk off in the restroom. He was wearing tight jeans that fit to his form. He had a bit of a bubble but, not at all what I would expect of a swimmer. He must have done squats for days. I licked my lips a bit and my gaze drifted upwards to his wet shirt that was now partially see through. His back muscles were lean, hugging his form tightly. There was the swimmer body that I knew that he had. I shivered.

Jacob got to his front door, no longer shielding himself since he was under the cover of the porch's overhang. He paused for a moment and reached into his pocket and his tail slumped. He looked over at me. He ran back to the car and quickly got back in.

"What's the matter?" I asked though I had a pretty good guess.

"I left my keys inside." He blushed and then closed his eyes and gave a chuckle. " I left them right on the counter. I remember now. Right there next to the sink."

"Isn't there a spare? Like under the rug or something?"

"With my dad? No. Doesn't trust anyone to let there be a spare key lying around to be stolen. He would hate for someone to come and rob the place when his precious Jacob was at home." He fluttered his eyelashes mockingly.

"Uhmm." I blurted out. My heart was beating fast. I had an idea. I both loved it and hated it.

"Hmm?" He looked at me, one ear up and the other down. Why did he have to look at me like that? Now I had to do it.

"You can stay at my place until your parents get back." I kept my head forward. My paws were sweaty, and I was gripping the steering wheel much more tightly than necessary. I could feel my heart drumming in my chest. This was the moment where he would either continue to think of me as just a friendly teacher or a creep who had just tried to get a child into his home. Which was I in reality? No clue right now.

He didn't hesitate one bit. "Yeah, sounds great." He gave a warming smile and buckled back up. "Beats the hell out of going to the neighbors or something. They're a couple of wombats. Not even sure what a wombat is, but they're weird."

"Yeah." I agreed even though I had never met a wombat before and put the car back into drive.

The conversation was much more energetic on the way back. Jacob was much more receptive to talking about whatever I had to offer, which was mostly about the weather again since the car ahead of us almost ended up in a ditch after taking a corner a bit too fast. His recent woes about his dad were put aside for the time being. By the time we got back to my house, we were both having a jolly time.

We both ran over to my front door in the rain. I didn't have a porch overhang, so we were both getting pelted by some of the largest raindrops I had ever seen.

I dug my paw into my pocket, fishing for my keys. We both had grins on our faces as I finally got out my key and shoved it into the deadbolt, twisted it the wrong way once and then the right way. We both ran inside thoroughly drenched.

"You wouldn't happen to have any spare clothes in that bag of yours, do you?" I asked as I shook the water out of my fur, not caring if it dripped. It was hardwood and could be mopped up later. The water had slicked off Jacob's coat, on the other hand. He looked perfectly dry other than his clothes.

"Uhmm, heh. No." He took off said backpack and set it down before he slid his shoes off. "Maybe a week ago when I still had to go swimming practice."

"I have a bathroom just upstairs. First door to the right." I pointed out the stairs. "There should be some towels there. I'll see if I can't dig up something that may fit so we can get you out of those clothes." I quickly quieted down when I heard what I said. Of course, he wouldn't have such a thought on his mind, but I did.

He didn't catch the undertone on my voice. Instead, he said his thanks and quickly rushed upstairs, managing to hit the right light switch. He left a small trail of water drops behind him. I waited until I heard the bathroom door open and then close before I walked to my room to get myself out of my wet clothes.

I slipped my pants off and had to fight my undershirt off after my tie and blouse was off. The wet fabric clung to my coarse fur. I stretched the shirt a bit, but I had a dozen of them. I stood naked for a moment and caught a look at myself in my mirror on the wall by my bed.

I had been a well-built, muscular tiger at one point in my prime, but those days were gone. While I had a decent packing of muscles all around, they had been covered in a layer of fat that gave me a very full look. I had the average striping of a tiger, orange with black and a white belly that stuck out a bit. I could still see my cock, a part of me that I knew I could boast about. Four inches long when flaccid, nine inches when erect with a thick head that had barbs on it. Under it was a hefty set of balls in an orange package. They were fuzzy and were well proportioned to my size. Jacob would have to use both hands to handle them.

I was half erect by the time I finished looking at myself when I turned around to get fresh clothes but froze when I saw Jacob standing in the door frame, naked. He was gorgeous with a lean belly of white fur that went up to his chin one way and all the way to his sheath the other way. He had a small sheath and small balls. I quickly looked back up to him.

I was about to yell at him. I wanted to, but again, I also wanted this.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously and stepped back as he stepped into the room, his eyes never leaving mine.

"My dad wants to protect me." He said, and his eyes flickered down once to my groin where I couldn't help but have an erection. "But he isn't. I don't feel safe with him. I don't feel like he's protecting me, he's imprisoned me. I need someone who can make me safe." He licked his lips as the back of my legs bumped into my bed. "You, I feel safe with you."

"Me?" I said, more or less just repeating what he said. My poor mind couldn't make sense of what was going on and I was half convinced that I was hallucinating.

"Yes." He nodded. "When I needed help, you took care of me. My dad would have just panicked. Yelled at me and grounded me for my safety. I need a new daddy."

I gulped. A little excited at this. I could see a little bit of pink poking from his sheath.

"Will you be my daddy?" He asked.

I didn't answer right away. I was thinking too much about what would happen. This was illegal. He was eighteen. I was thirty-seven. If I was found out...

"No one would know." He said as if reading my mind. He stepped closer, and I froze up. "Just between you and me. I would never tell on my daddy. I just need someone to make me feel safe at times." He leaned on me, resting his head on my chest. He was a good six inches shorter than me.

I sucked in a breath as his arms wrapped around me. He seemed genuine. He couldn't tell without implicating himself as well in one way, and I did want this. My erection that was pressing into his stomach was evident of that. I hugged him back. "I'll be your daddy." It sounded weird to me to say that.

He hugged me tighter. "Make me feel safe." He said and slowly lowered himself.

We stood there for a moment, and I accepted this now and felt a lot better doing so and a lot more horny.

"I'll make sure you're safe," I grinned down at him, nudging the top of his head and scratched his back with my claws. I turned him around and laid him across the bed and stood over him. "But I need to know that this is what you want."

"I want it." He mewled at him, bring his arms and legs up more like a cat than an otter.

"You want it... what?" I said, feeling quite naughty.

"I want it, daddy." He corrected himself. "I really do. Make me feel safe and loved."

I grinned now. I had been with younger men, not this young, more around twenty. I loved the lithe ones like Jacob. I loved just to wrap them up entirely in my arms, know that I had complete control over them and felt their entire body against mine.

"Do you really want it?"

"I do. I do, daddy." I was beginning to like this now. I know I'm a kinky bastard, but I was going to take full advantage of my good fortune and enjoy it.

"Alright. I'll keep you safe." I leaned down and set both of my paws on either side of the otter's head. He shivered with delight as I brought my legs onto the bed and I hovered directly over him. His cock was getting harder, more of it was out of its sheath, and although my first look made me assume that he was lacking in that department, he was fairly average, six inches, I would say. It stuck straight up, pointing right at me with a small bead of pre already at its tip. I brought my own hefty cock up to his and drug it up from his balls and gave him a good grind.

He moaned in pleasure and bucked up. I could tell that he was relatively new to this kind of activity. Maybe even a virgin which did get my blood pumping even more.

I slowly rested my bulk on top of him, keeping most of my weight on my arms as not to crush him which I was sure that I would since I was right around two hundred and twenty pounds. He was closer to one hundred and forty.

Some more grinding followed, and Jacob wrapped his arms around my neck and nuzzled the tuft of my fur at the base of my neck. It wasn't long before I decided that it was time to move on a bit further.

"You want to taste it?" I asked.

Jacob, tense, panted a, "yes." I let him get away with not saying daddy. Hearing it in every sentence was a bit much.

I nodded down to my cock and he slid down and off the bed onto his knees. My cock stared at him at he gave it a quick lick, and it jumped at him. I moaned at the feeling of his tongue lashing across my barbs and then some more as he quickly began to suck on my head. He coaxed more noises of pleasure from me as he tested him gag reflex, letting more of me slip into his maw, and we were both delighted when it became apparent that he had none. He took me all the way into his mouth and swallowed my pre. I didn't pre a lot, not like dogs that gushed everywhere, but a man of my size did give enough.

His tongue swirled around my shaft, working it as he bobbed up to the top, leaving only an inch in his mouth before sucking it all the way back in. I could already feel my orgasm building up.

I stopped him before he could drain and he looked at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked me with a slight whimper. "Did I do it wrong, daddy?"

"No," I said and rolled over, making sure I didn't knee him in the head on accident. I laid on my back. "Not at all. Come back up here." I flicked a finger at him, beckoning him and he eagerly crawled on top of me. "I just want to get more comfortable."

He propped his head up on his hands and looked at me with a cute grin on his face. I reached up and took each of his ass cheeks in each of my hands. He yipped at that and gave a laugh. I slowly spread his cheeks, and he squirmed on my chest, his fur and weight pressing against my rod. I dipped a finger down between his spread cheeks and teased his pucker. He sucked in a breath, and I gave a toothy smile.

"Da... Ahh." He moaned as I pressed a claw into him just to test how tight he was. He was tight; he instinctively clenched around my claw, and I pulled out. I could work with it with a bit of stretching.

"You like that," I stated, and he nodded.

My nightstand was within reach, so I pulled open the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube for nights that I had company, like now. Jacob looked at it intuitively as I popped it open and squirted some of the clear liquid into my palm. I slathered it over my hand, especially my fingers and went back to his tight hole.

"Just relax," I told him, and he exhaled and rested his head on me as I pressed my claw back into him and then some more. I went to the first knuckle which went in pretty easily, but there was some resistance as I reached the second knuckle. Now I had fat fingers, one of my fingers was nearly as thick as his cock, so one finger was quite a bit for this tight otter to take in.

Jacob managed quite well. He stayed quite as I slipped in all the way to the knuckle. I let it sit inside of him for a moment, shifting it to help him stretch out some more. He wriggles his behind, encouraging me for more and I was happy to oblige. I pulled my finger out and began to work a second finger in. This time, he gasped at I pushed my second digit in. I stopped for a moment and then he begged me to keep going.

"Don't stop." He said into my chest fur. "Please, daddy."

I couldn't say no to that. I slowly, very slowly pushed my finger into him, pausing only on occasion to let him adjust to the stretching. After a solid ten minutes, I got both fingers to my knuckle which was about how thick I was. After this, I grabbed the lube and squirted more onto my finger, and then I upended some of it on his pucker.

"It's cold." He whined, and I shushed him.

"Not for long." I grabbed his hips and rolled the both of us over so I was on top with him facing up at me. "I'm going to keep you safe."

He didn't complain anymore. He let me lift up his legs onto my shoulder, positioning his hips right in front of my hungry cock. His stretched hole pulsed in excitement and I pressed my barbed head against his hole, easing it in.

He closed his eyes, in either pain or pleasure, I couldn't tell. Even after the stretching, he was still so tight that it was like a cock ring, making me larger and harder. I pushed farther into him as he moaned and mewled, his hands digging into my chest, his toes curling. He mouth curled into a smile and his tongue lolled out of his lips.

I eventually got all of my nine inches into him. I was impressed since he was still so tight. It was almost painful with how much he was squeezing me, but the pleasure I was also feeling easily outweighed the pain.

"Ready?" I asked him, and again, he nodded, at a loss for words.

I slowly rolled my hips back, pulling almost all the way out before. I didn't give him any time to recover as I rammed all the way back into him. He was resilient as all he did was give out a long grunt and then he pushed back into me. I gave out a grunt as I quickly got into a well-practiced rhythm and it was up to Jacob to get in sync and let me tell you, he's a smart boy, and it wasn't long before he was pushing back against me as I pushed into him.

He wasn't a loud person, he seemed focused on my breathing which was fine, he was still so tight, so I'd imagine that he was in some pain, but not enough for him to want me to stop. I would have if he asked, but since he didn't, I didn't.

I bucked into him, purring with glee as I felt a familiar rise in my cock again. This time, I didn't stop it from happening. I shoved my cock deep into him. My large balls pulled up against me as I unloaded rope and rope of thick cum right into the otter. I gave a roar as I gave a few hard thrusts more into the otter and shot a few more loads into him before rolling us onto my side so I could just drop down, satisfied, but before I could just fall asleep, I had to make sure that my little otter was taken care of as well.

I reached around and took a hold of Jacob's cock with mine still in him. He squirmed in my grasp. A shot of pre covered my lubed hand. He had leaked quite a bit while I was busy. Not even his water-resistant fur could stop it all from sticking, it matter and collected on his stomach as I slowly began to slide my hand up and down his cock.

He couldn't help but jerk and hump into my hand. I was relentless and moved rapidly, making sure to twist my hand when his head was in my palm, letting my pads rub against his sensitive glans. He gasped and moaned so much now, suddenly loud right up to the moment that he shot his load. The first jet went far, hitting him on the nose. The rest ended up on his chest and stomach. Once his orgasm ended, he was left panting.

I was going to ask him how he was, but the poor thing was asleep before I could even say anything. I soon followed and at some point during the night I slipped out and everything that I had put in him spilled on onto my crotch and the bed sheets.

Now it was two months later, and Jacob's parents were gone for the weekend, and I had a sneaking suspicion that he was going to miss the bus.

I admit that I had rushed our last encounter, getting right to the sex and that wasn't the best thing to do. I was supposed to take care of him, better than his father and in more ways as well. Tonight would be better. I had a roast in the crockpot and some movies picked out.

There was a knock at the door, and I looked up to see Jacob with his backpack and books.

"I missed the bus."