Inferno Dawn
#1 of Fate of Magi (New Masters)
The dull brown furred figure slinked under the cover of the trees, hoping to find something; a piece of fruit, some discarded meat, edible roots, anything in order to satisfy the hunger gnawing in its stomach. Nose pressed against the soft leaf litter, snuffling through to the layer of soil and moss beneath, it traced a zigzag path through the forest and as it did so, it kept looking over its shoulder every couple of minutes, as if afraid of being caught. Drab, un-kept fur hung of a thin frame that showed the barest hints of rib through the skin. Tail hung low between his legs, dressed in the ragged remains he stole from some farmer's scarecrow, the wolf counted himself lucky as he picked up a rather large beetle from the trunk of a tree. Screwing up his face and closing his eyes, he stuffed the insect into his mouth and crunched, trying to ignore the still twitching nature of his meal as he swallowed. Immediately he glanced around, hoping that perhaps there was a stream nearby. Nothing tasted worse than stink beetles, but in his current condition he was in no shape to try to hunt for something better suited to his carnivore palate.
After a few minutes searching he came across a large-ish stream, almost a lake. Immediately, he dunked his head into the cool water and gulped as much water as he could with only one lungful of air. Already he felt faintly ill as cold water sloshed in an empty stomach, but he drank anyway, not dehydrated but feeling an overwhelming urge to drink. Finally, his thirst quenched, he looked over the stream, licking his lips. Perhaps... Just perhaps... There were fish ripe for the eating in the water. Days of only the occasional bug to eat made him salivate at the idea of charred fish and before he knew it, he was wading out until he was waist deep, hunching down slightly with his paws in the water. Now came the easy part; waiting until the fish came close enough to grab. If he kept still for long enough, they would practically swarm around him.
He had always been good at waiting. It came with the job. It was the job more or less. Taking a deep breath, ignoring his stomach, he settled in to wait, eyes glazing over slightly.
How had it come to this? Not long ago he had a pack... A home. Now here he was, running for his life from that same pack that would gladly kill him themselves for something he had no part in. A year ago, a virulent plague swept through the area his pack had inhabited, the disease leaping from host to host without concern for status, sex, age or species. All were at risk, and no amount of money or power could prevent oneself from becoming infected. After a few months, the disease was called "The Reaper" both for its unpredictability; one member of the family could catch it while the others remain stubbornly healthy, and for its sheer terrifying nature. Most of the victims never died from the actual disease. They did it themselves, or begged family members to do it on their behalf. Those whose lungs and voice box hadn't already melted anyway.
Soon, a holy man from one of the major cities arrived to examine the plague for himself. After quickly looking over one of the victims, he muttered only one word.
He was an apprentice at the time to the Pack's Magus, a great honour considering he was routinely summoned to the royal city to assist in magical affairs on behalf of the kingdom. In the few years since he was taken in, he had learned much, from which type of herbs cured which disease to how to summon flames and other elements; though he always lacked in this department. He could even set up protective wards and signals, but that was the height of his power. It seemed his Master has made a mistake in choosing him after all.
His "Master"... In reflex his paws bunched into fists, making a fish veer of course. Cursing both his actions and the memory of his old teacher, he settled back down to wait, trying to keep his mind away from the topic of his old mentor, but like a shadow in the night it rose up when he least expected it. The holy man had cast many spells of his own, spells unlike any the Apprentice had ever seen or heard in his Master's study. Soon, the Holy man gripped something invisible in the air and followed it, like a lost child would when he ventured into the woods for firewood. To everyone's shock, the trail led straight back to the Magus's treetop house, where the apprentice himself dwelt. Breaking down the door to his study; where the to-be Magus was forbidden to go, they came across a hovel of darkness, curse nets and poppets strung up on the roof beams and in the corner lay a pot full of swirling red smoke. This, the holy man declared, was where the pox had risen from.
That it was his Master and not he who cast the spell meant little to the pack, nor to the hundreds of other towns and cities affected by the vile curse. He was an Apprentice to him, fated to learn all his secrets and incantations. And thus, in their eyes, he was just as guilty. He had no choice but to run, taking nothing with him save the old, tatty grey-with-age white robe his Master used to wear; the only clothes he owned. Eventually he had to discard even that, when news spread around the kingdom that the plague was caused by a brown furred wolf Magus apprentice in a faded white robe. It was sheer chance he wasn't found before he stole "new" clothes from a farmer's scarecrow, but there was still no hiding the mark on his arm, signifying that he was in servitude to the Valehaven Pack Magus, the physical manifestation of his pact with the spell caster. No matter what he did, whether it was cover it with mud, or the rags of the shirt, or attempt to hide it with an illusion, it would always shine through with a pale sickly green glow, revealing his true nature. As such, he avoided journeying through settlements after dark, although he made every attempt to avoid settlements totally in the first place.
Sighing, he wondered just how long he would have to run, how much longer he would have to hide away from people. By now, the royal family would have spread word of him to the other regions. A rogue magic user was a threat to everyone after all, and he doubted that the people of his old kingdom would feel safe until he was hung until dead and burned at the stake. It was only after these gloomy thoughts entered his head when he rose out of his trance-like state, spying two fish swirling around his paws. Licking his lips unconsciously, drool gathering in his mouth, he slowly moved his fingers along with the current until, with a great deal of splashing, he pulled his arms out of the water with two wriggling fish in his paws and a wide grin on his muzzle.
Drake shifted the uncomfortable sling that bit into his scales, the tight strap unable to extend to comfortable lengths for his Draconian physique. It was to be expected after all... A tribe of secluded mouse monks would hardly have travel bags for those outside their order. Shifting his wings slightly to compensate for a slight breeze, he patted the large bulge poking out from the bag, reassuring himself that his precious cargo was still safe. If anything were to happen to it... Well, the return trip would be the least of his concern. Sighing to himself, the red scaled Flame Caste Draconian reached to his belt for his water pouch, sipping from it mid-air as he began to vaguely recognise certain landmarks and landscapes, grinning as he wiped his snout with the back of his paw. It had been a long time from home... A six month journey to the Moustic Order, intense negotiations for their assistance with the "Reaper" sickness, and a further two months to return... All he wanted to do was return home to his family to rest, but he still had one job left; to convey the secret for the cure and a sample of said cure to the royal family's Magi.
He stopped mid-air; blushing though no one could see or hear him as his stomach let out a loud, protesting grumble at the thought of more flying on an empty stomach. Grimacing, he tried to ignore it, continuing his flight. He had eaten the last of the rations the Order had grudgingly given him last night, and there was really no time to hunt or stop by a village somewhere. Patting his stomach, he reassured it that he would feed soon. He was nearby his private lake anyway, and it would only take ten minutes to catch a fine haul of fish to ease the hunger pains. And while he was there, there was no harm in taking five or ten minutes to rest his weary wings was there? Chuckling to himself, he tilted his wings, swooping down, muscle memory guiding his flight to his lake...
The embers were just going out when the wolf tossed the remains of the two fish into them, resting back against a tree trunk, placing a paw on his stomach in content. The fish were small, but they made his shrunken stomach bulge, making him feel bloated and tired. Eyes half closed, staring across the river/lake as the sun began to set, turning the water to liquid gold.
For the first time in the months he had been running... Everything seemed like it was going to be okay...
He should have learned by now. Nothing in his life had ever been easy.
As he started to drift off into the first real peaceful slumber since his ordeal began, a sharp, biting pain rose up from his stomach, forcing him to cry out loud and curl up on himself instinctually. It felt like something was inside him, something with sharp claws, or maybe thin, pointed needles ramming them against his gut every second or so, giving him enough to gasp for breath before the new wave of pain washed over him. Pulling himself to his feet using the trunk, he staggered to the water, hoping that it would wash away whatever was causing him such pain, feet dragging almost uselessly. But before he could reach that welcome cool embrace, he dropped to his knees, clutching his stomach, feeling the tendrils of dark oblivion darken his senses...
A few hours later, Drake stared at the remains of a fire, bones from two of his fish charred, but picked clean of meat, before letting his gaze slide across to the wolf whimpering and twitching on the ground not too far away. Kneeling down, he turned him over roughly, eyes unusually cold, looking over his frame and staring at the mark on his arm. As he read the signal he took a deep breath and sighed. In the language of magic users, it told him that he was an apprentice... Not a master by any length. But surely, even a novice in the ways of magic could detect the presence of magic in the water? Rolling his eyes, feeling the rage leave him quickly as it usually did, he placed a hand on the wolf's forehead, rubbing a thumb on his temple soothingly...
"Me Patra."
The wolf let out a loud gasp as the blinding, all consuming pain left him suddenly, leaving his chest heaving as he sucked in air heavily, body trembling as his senses slowly started to end their screaming. All the time the draconian kept rubbing his thumb over his temple, muttering soothing words in the Magi's tongue. Eventually the wolf's eyes fluttered open, staring up at the red scaled behemoth over him. Crimson scales coated his entire being, everything below the waist hidden by a well worn pair of travelling trousers besides his long tail which if pressed against his back would drape between the two horns sprouting from his forehead, the bone a dull yellow colour. Paws possessing sharp, retractable claws held him fast, one or two jewelled rings adorning his fingers. Glancing up to meet the lizard's face, he saw vibrant green eyes, shining like freshly cut emeralds in the waning light, his almost foot long snout curving up gently in half amusement, half annoyance. His ears flared slightly, much like his large, translucent wings that cast a pale pink glow as the light shone through them, highlighting veins and bone within. His chest and shoulders were bulging slightly with powerful muscles, a racial trait due to the amount of work they put into developing their wings for flight, his arms thick and twitching with every movement, as though a great amount of power was only being contained by the barest amount of will. It was only now that he realised that he could feel those bulges around him, the Draconian's arms wrapped around his chest. Immediately his eyes widened in fear add he struggled to get away, fearing the worst.
"Calm now little pup... The curse has been lifted..."
The wolf's struggles eased slightly, but Drake could still see the near blind panic in his eyes. Stroking his head softly, he helped the wolf to lean against a tree, his body still weak from the Pain curse.
"Maybe I really should put up a sign or something... But surely you could sense the power from my Lake?"
The wolf stared from the lake's waters reflecting the pale moonlight to the red draconian in front of him, shaking his head slowly...
"I... I'm only... An apprentice..."
Drake snorted, pulling away slightly.
"If that's true, then you should at least know how to sense magic. I bet you're just some runaway slave who messed with his owner's magic's..."
The wolf scowled slightly, climbing up higher until he was standing on his own two feet, admittedly using his tail to help prop him up against the bark. Placing his hands together, he glared at the Draconian before moving his hands in a complex motion, eventually pointing both palms at him.
The Draconian rose one of his eye ridges as nothing happened, a fact that confused the wolf again. He repeated his motions, slightly faster this time, and thrust his palms forward harder, nearly screaming the incantation. This time, a small crystal of ice grew up next to Drake's toe. Bending down, he tapped it, making it turn to silver dust that blew away in the breeze. Glancing up at the wolf, he saw the canine's eyes watering as he stared at his hands, twisting round to slam his clenched fist against the tree bark. Soft sobs reached the lizard's ears as he stepped forward. It was unmistakable to anyone versed in magic... An Apprentice seal. But this one was different somehow... Grabbing the wolf's arm, he saw the same panic, same fear he showed last time, but ignored it. This time, he focused harder on the signal on his arm, running his fingers over it while muttering softly to himself...
Just then a howl from a hunting dog forced both of them to stare into the forest. The wolf's struggles increased, and Drake would have sworn that he would have torn his hand from his arm if it meant he could get away. Releasing the apprentice, he watched as he glanced across the tree-line, torches weaving through the trees, before looking into the waters again. Biting his lip, he glared at the Draconian before placing both hands on their opposite shoulders, kneeling down on the ground.
"Ne'er failing light, Shield me from sight"
The Wolf's form wavered and faded, shifting between opaqueness and transparency. Eventually he dropped to the floor, gasping, still visible. Shaking at the effort of casting his failed spell, he crawled forward, heading for the water, apparently hoping to elude those following him on the other side. Glancing into the trees, Drake could see the several lit torches growing nearer; anger and hated heavy in the air. Rolling his eyes, he reached down, swiping up the wolf and; ignoring his thrashing complaints, shoved him against a tree before leaning next to it, his wings draping over the pair of them. Muttering under his breath, he clutched the wolf's leg hidden under his wing and closed his eyes.
The hunting party burst out of the forest, their tracking hounds snuffling on the ground and yelping excitedly. The hunters, a collection of several species, glanced around the clearing before advancing on the draconian, their leader pointing a sword at Drake's face.
"You! Have you seen a Wolf Magus around these parts?"
Beneath his wing, shielded from mortal view by the red scaled stranger's grip, the wolf shuddered in fear, wondering what he would do if the hunters told him why they were searching for him.
"He's responsible for unleashing the "Reaper" plague on the populace, using his vile magic's to kill even his own pack!"
Drake felt the wolf's body stiffen before shuddering, wiggling deeper into his embrace as if he could burry himself in his crimson scales and escape. Slowly, he shook his head, explaining that he was here to rest before conveying the cure for the cursed plague to the royal city. Hearing this one of the hunters pushed his way forward, his holy robes stained by the many months on the road, trying to curb the other's bloodthirsty intentions. He too, like Drake, knew that the wolf had not the ability, nor the reason to unleash a deadly plague upon the people. Meeting the gaze of his fellow Magus, the holy man's eyes flickered just for an instant to Drake's wing and back again, blinking slowly.
"I... Have heard of your pilgrimage Drake. I will gladly return to the Royal city with the secret of the cure. It has been a long journey for you. I'm sure you wish to return home..."
Drake grinned, lifting off the pouch containing the cure and secret, passing it over wordlessly with a nod of thanks to the leopard cleric. Quickly, the feline turned round to the other hunters, demanding that they all return to the royal city. Most of them had already lost loved ones to the Plague and; desperate not to lose any more, agreed. Some however grumbled, returning to the forest to try and track down the "Lost trail" of the killer.
Drake sighed as the last of the hunters left, releasing his grip on the wolf's leg and standing up, stretching. The wolf just knelt there, staring at the ground, eyes half closed as he thought about what he had overheard. There was a cure, he knew that much. But... He had never known that this Draconian was the one who was sent to find it, keeping him from his family for so long... Biting his lip, he glanced up at the red scaled Magus who was staring at his mark, like he was some cattle for sale at market. Swallowing a hard lump in his throat, he bowed slightly to his obvious magical superior, muttering thanks under his breath and apologising profusely.
Drake let out a long sigh at the wolf's thanks, rubbing the back of his neck. It was no one's fault he was being hunted... No one but that bastard Magus who dumped the blame on him, but most mundanes wouldn't understand something like that. If he left the pup here, he would surely be caught and killed, especially with that mark on his arm. Growling out loud at the thought of one of his own, a Magus, placing such a mark on someone who didn't know any better, his tail thumped into the ground with enough force to fell a small tree. Immediately he regretted showing such displays of anger as the wolf began to scuttle back, fear painted over his face. Pinching the bridge of his snout between his eyes, Drake mumbled an apology before stepping forward, pulling the wolf to his feet. For the first time, he actually looked at the wolf. Not just a glance, but actually looked him over. It was obvious he hadn't been feeding well; only two fish and such a large bulge in his stomach, and he was in such a sorry state, what with his fur clumped, dirty and in some areas thinning with the sheer stress he was being put under simply to stay alive. Still, there was enough meat left on him to show that, while not strong like a stallion or a bull, he still had some muscle to him. Rather typical for a wolf pack though, considering they preferred to live in the forests away from the comforts of civilisation. There was, by now, no fat whatsoever on the pup but it was actually a good look for him; slightly toned but weakened still. Drake was sure that, with a little work, he would be quite cute. At the thought of him recovered, he blushed, thankfully keeping it hidden with his red scales.
"... You got a name wolf?"
The canine opened his mouth, but then slowly closed it, shaking his head.
"I... The Master told me that... I should forget my ‘Mundane' name... Apprentice is the only name I know." Smiling to himself, he reached out; gripping the wolf's arm and trying to ignore the cursed mark on his fur.
"Then I guess I'll name you... How about... Pup? Yeah, that'll do for now... Come with me Pup... I know where you can be safe..."
The apprentice was more than dubious about the Draconian's claims, but even he had to admit that, were it not for his risk of using his magic to hide him, he would currently be burning in some makeshift bonfire by now. Slowly, he reached out and took hold of the larger, scaled paw, just resting his fingers on the rough, calloused hands. Gripping his hand tight, Drake pulled him to his chest and flared his wings, spreading them to their full wingspan; an impressive five feet. As he beat the air a few times in preparation for takeoff, the wolf clutched onto his arms, eyes wide as they both began to lift off from the ground. Quickly taking the wolf's extra mass into account, Drake began to rise up above the treetops, hovering above the lake while he got his bearings in the dull, cool twilight.
The Magus-to-be slowly released his tight grip on the lizard, mumbling an apology as his claws nicked in between two of his scales. As he forced himself to relax, he felt the night breeze brush through his fur, calming him somewhat. Despite the cold of the night air, he was kept perfectly warm by the Draconian's own inner flame, his bare chest radiating heat through the rags he called clothes. Blushing softly as he did so, be gently pushed himself closer to the source of the heat, snuggling into it. Drake averted his gaze from the canine in his arms, trying to ignore the fact that he was pushing against him, trying to ignore the fact he was so cute when he blushed, to ignore the fact he hadn't had a single moments release since he left on his quest. Focusing on the horizon, he let out a near audible sigh of strained relief as his own mountain cave came into view, the torches on the outside...
Drake shook his head as they came into touchdown. Tapping the torches once, he mumbled under his breath, waving his hand in front of them. Bursting into flame, their light spilled into the cave mouth, which began to glow brighter and brighter as torches lined up on each wall lit themselves in anticipation of the return of their master.
"I swear, if those boys have gone and left the cave unguarded..."
He rubbed the back of his neck and grinned sheepishly at his new "guest" before stepping forward to enter the cave. Instead of stepping over the threshold, his snout collided with an unseen wall that pushed him back gently, but firmly, with a slight tingle over his scales as warning that next time he won't just be set aside. Wiggling his fingers, he muttered the counter-spell watching in satisfaction as the invisible wall faded into view, before falling apart brick by brick. Stepping inside, he invited the wolf in, saying that his family must be out hunting at the moment. Sighing, he led the way to the main room, closing his eyes in bliss at the familiar, peaceful aura surrounding his home, sinking into one of the large chairs set in front of a fireplace. Glancing around, he chuckled while shaking his head at the level of dust and mess his children had left on his bookshelves, his tables, his artefacts... He glanced over at the herb cupboard before shaking his head and sinking down into the soft cushions, exhaling in simple exhaustion and a joy at being home once more. Damage control could wait until after he'd rested.
The wolf hung back at the entrance to the main room, simply looking around the place until he was invited inside. Eventually Drake realised he was alone in the room, and glanced over his shoulder, shaking his head in amusement.
"I did invite you in, didn't I? Come on in here Pup."
Slowly, as though every step was an ordeal, he made his way into the room, gazing at the fire with such longing that Drake had to firmly stamp down on his own rising needs, ignoring the voice at the back of his mind saying that he could warm up the pup far better than any mere fire could. Placing a foot on the floor and pushing the chair away from the fire, he tapped his toes on the nearby deer pelt spread out on the cold stone, inviting. Desperate for some decent heat since he ran away from his pack, the canine dropped to all fours, reverting to certain feral instincts that even to this day many species across Hirata were unable to completely burry beneath their illusions of civilisation. Stretching out, he basked in the heat of the flame before curling up, a trait he picked up after months of not daring to risk making a fire when hunters were after him.
Drake sighed, glancing down at the wolf that was, unknowingly and certainly without intention, making it more and more difficult for the Draconian to resist grabbing him and having his way with him there and then. He was currently on his back in a half-sleep, stretching as fingers of warmth soothed the aches and pains that rose up from surviving on nothing but his wits for months, the tip of his tongue poking out in sheer joy of heat. Rubbing his face to avoid rubbing elsewhere, Drake stood up with a happy sigh, making his way to the kitchen area. Even with his dual fish meal, he figured the pup would still be hungry. Pausing by the door he turned back to the fireplace, smiling at the sheer happiness on the pup's face over something as simple as heat...
The pup kept his eyes closed until he was certain the Draconian was out the room before turning round onto his stomach, sitting up on his knees. He bit his lip nervously as he took in more of his surroundings, trying to take in every detail. Without conscious thought, he found himself thinking about his scaly saviour, remembering how comfortable it had been to be pressed against the bare red chest, his arms folded across his smaller, slender chest, feeling safer there then he had for over ten years...
Letting out a mild whimper of remembered pain, he slowly moved his paw to his shoulder, eyes half closing as he forced himself not to think about that...
"It... It's a sin... Against God... Furkind... And Magic..."
He shivered, huddling against himself as his hollow, empty words repeated the same message forced into his mind time and time again by his Master. His paws trembled as he let out a mild yelp; the echoes of pain still returning to haunt him even after he thought he had left the magus behind. Shaking fingers traced the mark on his arm with a whimper, eyes closing.
No... He couldn't think of that Sin. He couldn't. He was a magic user too. He'd beat him just as surely as his old master did if he caught the scent of such things...
Lying down on the ground, curling up tight, he closed his eyes. And tried not to dream.
Drake smiled a little as he returned to find the pup in a weak slumber, his body forcing him to regain strength while he was in relative safety. Placing the plate of cold meats on a table, he crossed over to the canine and knelt down beside him, just watching him sleep. It was an old Draconian wife's tale; In the middle of their sleep, a person's true face emerged. Harsh and cold, or warm and kind, they couldn't hide their true natures in the grip of their dreams. He watched as his face, laboured from his ordeal of the wilderness slowly melt into a calm face, although the occasional tremor showed that even now he was ready and alert to deal with any possible threat. Shaking his head sadly, he reached out without even thinking, stroking his shoulder length hair softly, like how a mother would soothe their child after a nightmare. Half expecting him to wake, ready to withdraw his hand at a moment's notice, his smile widened as he pushed against the hand, whimpering under his breath, fingers and feet twitching as he reacted to whatever ailed his sleep.
Eventually the pup stirred as he continued to calm his slumber, his eyes fluttering open. At first he was calm; this was surely still part of his dream and there was no harm in indulging in it, but soon he realised that he was awake and the Draconian was sitting next to him, was stroking his hair...
Sitting bolt upright, he stammered apology after apology, tensing up, half expecting to feel the sharp bite of a whip or rod against his hide, eyes closing.
"Shh... There's nothing to be sorry for... You must be tired..."
He risked opening an eye and the sheer concern he saw in those eyes almost made him break down there and then. Instead he forced a deep breath, calming himself, nodding slightly...
"I would like to know what was troubling your dreams though... I promise you that there's nothing to be afraid of here."
The wolf shook his head violently, believing that if he were to know, he would cast him out, maybe even kill him where he stood. Magic users never suffered fools gladly, and he was repeatedly made aware of how lenient his master was when receiving his beatings, each word in between each strike of the rod. The Draconian seemed to deflate a little, evidently disappointed that the canine still couldn't trust him. But he nodded, accepting it. After all, with such a betrayal, he was doing well to trust him so far. Getting to his feet, he helped him up before beginning to guide his guest to one of the spare rooms in his cavernous dwelling. Maintaining an orb of flame in his hand, lighting lanterns on the way, he gestured to several archways cut into the living rock; a bathroom, the kitchen, a healer's room and the like. Eventually he stood outside an oak door, clenching his fist as the lanterns on either side of the entrance lit themselves.
"This is the first of my guest rooms... I hope it will be comfortable."
The pup nodded, assuring him that it would be, thanking him. Nodding, Drake made to leave, but something made him turn back to face the canine...
The wolf turned round, a "Yes?" on his lips which never made it out of his muzzle as firm, slightly scaled reptilian lips clashed against his own passionately. Standing in sheer shock, it took a few moments for him to realise what was happening, and even then he had a hard time believing it. Shoving the Draconian away, he thrust the door open and ran inside, total fear gripping his actions. Standing against the other side of the door, the wolf moaned to himself, thumping his head against the wood. He had seen his dreams then... Was this a pity action before he was killed? Whimpering, he crept over to the bed against the wall and crawled under the bedclothes, hiding beneath the sheets... If he was to be killed, he would at least hope he didn't see the end coming.
Drake stared at the door before closing his eyes and cursing himself quietly. How could he have been so stupid? Why did he let his body take action like that? Many, many people were against relationships between those of the same gender. Hells, even relationships between species had only recently become accepted within society. What were the odds that a young, exiled wolf male would actually even consider anything more than friendship with a draconian well into his second century? Staring at the door, he let out a deep sigh before unlocking it with a wave of the hand, pushing the door open and stepping in. Maybe he could apologise at the least.
The pup shuddered as he heard the door open and click close, the soft pad of Draconian footsteps approaching the bed. Slowly, he felt the larger scaled magus sit at the bottom of the bed, tail draping down over the edge. Silence reigned until the fire caste lizard spoke up, clearing his throat.
"I'm sorry..."
The wolf shuddered softly as he rested a hand on the pup's shoulder beneath the covers. As soon as he felt the canine's flinch he pulled back slowly, resting his paws on his lap.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that..."
He sighed, running a hand behind his head.
"I just... I had to at least try. You are quite cute..."
He laughed nervously.
"To be honest, I liked you the moment I got a good look at you. I had to at least try to give you a kiss, but I can see it upset you... I'm sorr-"
The pup reached up, grabbing the Draconian's arm, throwing off the covers to stare at him right in the face.
"You mean you won't beat me?"
Immediately he pulled away, covering his muzzle with one paw, eyes flying over the room, looking for an escape. Drake however was ready for this, grabbing the wolf as he made to leap for the door, wrapping his arms around the panic stricken pup. He struggled in his arms, kicking and whimpering against him, trying desperately to get away. Clutching him close, Drake whispered and muttered to him, murmuring calming words over and over, stroking his hair softly.
"Calm down... You're okay... No one's going to hurt you..."
Eventually, after several minutes of muttering, the wolf slowed and stopped, hanging limply in Drake's arms. Brushing some hair aside from his face, he smoothed down the fur on his cheek, saying nothing, just letting his heartbeat soothe the canine pressed against him. Eventually his eyes half closed, slumping forward a little.
"That's better... It's okay, you're safe here..."
Placing him back in the bed, pulling up the covers, the draconian sat next to him, fingers running through the pup's hair.
"Now... May I ask why you tried to run?"
His eyes snapped back open, and Drake feared that he would have to subdue him again, however the wolf stayed in place, admittedly pulling the covers higher over his face.
For a while, the pup was silent. Even his breathing was eerily subdued. Then, slowly, hesitantly, he spoke up, his voice so low that it was nearly a whisper.
"When... I was five, the Pack's Magus... Took me in. I was to be his new apprentice..."
Drake simply nodded, knowing that this was something he had to get off his chest by himself, without him coaxing it. Instead he simply stroked the wolf's hair, letting him tell his tale in his own time.
"I... Never wanted to. But no one asked. My parents had... Already passed on. No one was there to object."
He whimpered in the back of his throat, trying to pull more of the covers up over himself, but they were held back by the Draconian's rump. Instead he wiggled down, twisting his face to the side to avoid Drake's stare.
"He placed his mark on me-"
Drake couldn't help but growl, quickly followed up by a muttered apology. No Magus would have placed a mark on a child so young... Half turning his face from the pup, he muttered "Sorry" before urging him to continue.
"I trained under him for fifteen years... I didn't really learn much... He always seemed... Angry when I used magic..." He paused, visibly flinching at memories only he could see, looking up to meet the Draconian's eyes.
"He beat me every day. Then used magic to hide it." The wolf's voice began to break as he struggled not to cry, he could never cry, crying would only earn him another beating and no meals...
Wordlessly Drake pulled the wolf close to him, stroking the back of his head as he stared at noting in sheer horror. What kind of tortures did that... That demon inflict on him, that even now, in the prime of his youth, he acted more like a frightened cub? A faint sobbing and damp heat on his scales brought his attention back to the matter at hand, just holding the wolf tightly. Sighing sadly, he brushed his fingers through his fur as a mother would, trying to calm him once more. It wasn't needed however. As though his tears were a river, washing away something that he was keeping held in for so long, the pressure behind it couldn't be reigned in once more. His body calming, tears still streaming down, he continued his tale, his voice firmer.
"He spied on me, in my dreams... Looking into my head. Every time he sent me to do chores, like gather wood, I would sometimes see some of the other males in the pack... Those... Those were the days where I prayed for Death..."
Furiously, he wiped his cheeks with the pack of his paw, hiccupping an apology as he wiped his tears off Drake's chest. Taking a few deep breaths, he gripped the Draconian's paw tight.
"He told me... Such things were sinful. No magus should have desires, for neither female nor male. He forced me into... Things. Painful things, around... Down there. He conjured words on my fur, describing all my... Fantasies... Before kicking me out, nearly naked, into the village."
He shook his head, memories playing over in his mind. The pointing of the villagers, the whispering between them, but never any laughter. Everyone knew about the Magus's cruel methods of "Discipline", so mostly the pack only felt pity for him. Even so, he could hear the biting whispers as they talked among themselves on whether or not everything written on him was true. Drake sighed, rubbing his face as he played that image over in his mind, feeling a pang of sympathy as well as a growing sense of hatred for the Magus who had put the wolf under such torture. The wolf shook his head, trying to force himself to continue.
"That... That was more or less everything. I dreamed of running away for so long... But I could never... Build up the courage..."
Drake shook his head slightly. He knew that there was more to it than the wolf was telling him, but even so, to have told him this much took a great amount of courage. Softly, he placed a hand on the wolf's brow, smiling...
Drake sat on the bed in silence, the tip of his tail flicking slightly as he thought though everything the pup had told him. From the sounds of it, this Magus was a twisted son of a bitch, mentally apologising to the wolf, and he wondered exactly how did the Magi Council miss out on this guy? Surely someone had to have seen the conditions he was keeping the wolf in?
Said wolf was now sleeping peacefully beneath the sheets after a muttered spell from the lizard. At least, as peacefully as he was able to experience given the circumstances. Gently, Drake turned him over to reveal the Mark on his arm, scowling. He knew that the symbol wasn't a usual mark... Something was different about it, and he'd be damned if he let a mystery like this slip away from him. Thing was, he couldn't just go get the book he needed. It would take hours to travel to the capital city, let alone find the single page in a single book out of the thousands the Magi kept in their library. And he couldn't forgive himself if he let the still recovering wolf all alone in an unfamiliar scene, not when he had come so far as to actually open up. But in the meantime, he couldn't let it stay on the pup. He'd been through too much because of that Bastard. Maybe if he removed the mark, he might be able to put the past behind him, where it belonged. Quickly he left and returned with a quill and sheet of parchment, copying out the signal superimposed on the brown fur with as much detail as he could make out. When he was finished, he rolled up the slightly crinkling parchment, placing it on the bedside table before reaching out for the pup. Shaking him awake, he waited for his grogginess to fade before taking a deep breath, forcing the words through his lips.
"Wolf... Would you become my new Apprentice?"
The pup gaped at the Draconian, mouth hanging open in shock. Did... Did he seriously just ask him... What he thought he asked him? Slowly, Drake repeated his question, staring the wolf in the eyes, radiating nothing but sheer concern for the younger, mammalian male. He couldn't help it; his protective instinct rose up hard, demanding that he keep this young, fragile, cute cup of a wolf safe... The canine blushed deeply, giving a barely noticeable nod of the head. Since he arrived, Drake had done nothing but help him, care for him... Perhaps he would be a better master than his old teacher? Not that that would be hard. With a grin, the draconian stepped forward; pulling the sheets of the bed back, ignoring the wolf's shocked stammering.
"Hush Pup. You want it... I want it..."
The wolf only blushed deeper as he slipped in beside the canine, casually running his fingers through his chest fur, it's fluffiness an exotic feeling for a being coated entirely in scales. Shivering guiltily at the contact, he hesitatingly reached out, touching the Draconian's scales. Drake chuckled, nuzzling the top of the wolf's head, laughing louder as his blush deepened.
"Go ahead Pup. You'll be getting much more if you decide to become my Apprentice anyway..."
The wolf reached out, letting his fingers brush over the crimson chest scales, feeling the rise and dip of his well defined abdominal-muscles, his rough scales over his softer skin beneath his fur. Murring slightly, Drake leaned in, licking the wolf's cheek, tasting him and the accumulated sweat and dirt from his months of travel. The wolf couldn't help it; he let out a low moan of sheer pleasure as the large draconian tongue pushed over his face roughly, yet with care behind it. With a rumble almost akin to a purr rising out of the lizard's throat, he proceeded to bathe the wolf from head to toe, licking and sucking on his fur, ever so slowly inching down. He nibbled the tips of his ears as the wolf writhed beneath him in sheer, inexperienced pleasure, mouth open in silent yelps. He nuzzled into the wolf's neck, his larger frame dwarfing the canine's as he pressed his chest and groin against him, gently, but with enough pressure to signify that he could, and would, be using more of his strength later on in the proceedings. At this the wolf let out a low, long moan. The sheer bulk that leaned over him, the power held in check, barely, for his sake alone was almost intoxicating. He wanted that power... He wanted to feel that close to someone, for once in his life.
Strong hands grasped the pup's shoulders, tugging at the clothes that obstructed the Draconian's path down the wolf, even as he himself was struggling with his trousers, trying to wriggle out of them. Without even thinking, acting on pure instinct and need, the wolf fumbled with the fastenings, wrenching the ragged material off before freezing. Drake had just tossed his trousers outside the bed, and for the first time his draconian malehood was exposed for the wolf to see. It was about foot and a half long, a darker red than the rest of his body, covered with plenty of small, but rigid, barbs, At its base, still hidden by its sheath, a large, bulbous knot swelled, almost doubling the width of his impressive shaft which was already about two inches thick. Hanging beneath it were a pair of round, full balls, heavy with the accumulated seed of months without some sort of release. As he watched, his shaft twitched with the promise of a good time, the sack pulsing as the seed within churned. Noticing the wolf's admiring gaze, he chuckled, watching as he moved closer slightly. Biting his bottom lip, trying to look as naughty as possible, Drake clasped his hands behind his head, kneeling up onto his knees before pushing his chest and hips forward; blushing slightly as the wolf practically fell onto his chest, licking his six-pack. His breathing became ragged as a canine tongue dipped and flowed along with his impressive physique, placing a hand on the back of his head. Fingers danced around his sides, back and ass, hesitant still, wondering where was allowed, where was safe...
Slowly, he took the restless hands and pressed it against his ass, his sides, his tail, his back. The message was clear. Nowhere was off limits. Spurred on by this, the wolf grasped and kneaded his body, feeling his firm ass give slightly to his eager paws, draconian musk filling his nostrils and making him more eager, more energetic, and rougher in his grabbing. Grinning, Drake reached down, gently pushing the wolf's paws away, chiding him gently.
"Now now Pup... You calm down..."
Bending down, he nuzzled the canine, pushing his lips against his, bruising them with the passion behind the kiss before gently, firmly, guiding him down to his waiting shaft.
The wolf paused, simply gazing at the cock with its leaking slit, pearly pre trickling down its length in a constant stream as his groin ached to release the pent up pressure barely held in check. Unconsciously, he licked his lips, imagining the taste of that very male organ, feeling it slide deep into him, from either side, his every fantasy and every guilty image flashing through his mind. Drake, as tormented as he was, as desperate for release as he was, did nothing, just letting the pup take his own pace. While he was practiced at taking and giving head, this was the pup's first ever sexual encounter, and he was going to give the wolf all the time he wanted to embed this in his memory. After all, he was going to be taking the wolf's every sense of virginity; his mouth, his tailhole, his cock... All were going to belong to him. The least he could do was give him the time to adjust.
The pup closed his eyes, breathing deeply, inhaling more and more of that musk into his lungs, shivers and jolts of electricity coursing through his system which, inevitably, found its way down to his groin, a painful ache rising up as he literally shot out of his sheath. Leaning forward, he closed his eyes and began to nuzzle the leaking pipe, draconian pre smeared over his snout and face. Opening his mouth, he extended his tongue, ignoring the shuddering gasps from above as he pressed his mouth muscle against the base, slowly licking up, being extra careful around the barbs as he gathered some of that pre on his tongue and brought it into his mouth, a perplexed look on his face. Taking a deep breath, Drake looked down at the wolf rolling the taste around in his mouth, struggling to keep his voice level.
"Well? How does it taste?"
He held up a paw, swallowing quickly before licking his lips a few times.
"It's odd... But... I can get used to it..."
Drake nodded firmly, breathing deep to try and control himself. God, if that pup didn't look cute before, having his snout covered in his own pre-seed just tipped him over the edge... As it was, he was seriously struggling to hold himself back, preventing himself from holding him down and taking that muzzle like the willing hole it was. Instead, he leaned back, positioning himself against the wall, legs spread out and pointing directly at the pup.
"Good... Cos this thing won't wait forever Pup..."
Letting a small, coy smile creep over his muzzle, the wolf crawled forward, tail beating gently as he viewed Drake's malehood, wondering how on earth he was going to be able to satisfy his new Master when he was so very big and he himself was so very little. Licking his suddenly dry lips, he reached out and grasped Drake's shaft at the base, blushing deeply as the lizard let out a long, eagerly awaited moan of sheer pleasure.
"Th-thats the way... Pup..."
Spurred on by the elder male's cries of pleasure, the wolf huffed on the tapered tip before him, inhaling the scent deeply before gently locking his lips around the head, avoiding the barbs as much as possible, tongue quickly finding and probing the slit that was already leaking heavily. Suckling softly, the wolf's tail began to beat softly as his mind fogged with the taste that he was craving more and more; a slightly spicy, yet oddly cool taste followed by a quick shot of salt at the back of the throat. Slowly, he pushed his muzzle down further, sliding his tongue along the underside and undulating it, murring deeply as he pulled gasps and moans out of his new Master.
Drake leaned back, closing his eyes in sheer bliss. The pup was a natural at giving pleasure, somehow mapping his every pleasure zone within the first five minutes. If he kept this up, he wouldn't be able to stop himself humping that muzzle raw. That being said, he guiltily imagined himself pawing off beneath a prone, and willing, pup, his draconian seed matting his fur and changing his scent to match the powerful lizard looming over him. Instead he rested a hand on the pup's head, gently guiding him, helping him down, pausing every time he stiffened or began to splutter. Yet every time he stopped his eager "Assistance", the wolf would continue nonetheless, forcing his head further down, despite the tenderness of his mouth as the barbs stiffened slightly, catching his tongue and the roof of his mouth. Clenching one eye shit, the other half lidded, Drake glanced down at the pup, breathless.
"D-don't... Hurt yourself... Pup..."
The pup nodded over the reptilian rod, a soft, lazy smile on his face. Right now, he couldn't care less about such... Mundane things as pain or discomfort. All he knew was; here was his master, and he had to pleasure him. He couldn't deny the strange... Floating sensation Drake's concern brought up inside him however and with a blush he carefully gripped the Draconian's hand and rested it on the back of his head, wrapping his tongue around the shaft and pulling...
Drake's head banged against the rocky wall as a long drawn out moan was pulled from his maw, his fingers gripping the fur offered gratefully before thrusting his hips towards that divine warmth surrounding his love muscle. Soft barbs glided over his throat before scraping over the virgin flesh sharply, the pup moaning gently in half-pain. The last of Drake's restraint evaporated with the first thrust and he began to push up to the wolf's maw, dragging him down to meet him halfway, hilting deeply into his throat, balls swinging with the thrust and slapping the wolf's lower jaw. Furred paws wrapped round, gripping Drake's ass tightly as he was pounded hard, his head being jolted around with each punishing jump forward. The Pup whined a little as he totally submitted to the larger male, pain mixing with pleasure as his mouth was thoroughly bred by Drake. Only dimly registering his rutting partner's noises, he roughly ground his thumb over the wolf's forehead, trying to be comforting while pulling his shaft out until only the tip remained in his muzzle before ramming the entire length back in quickly with a chuff of pleasure that rumbled throughout his entire body.
The pup murred in pleasure as Drake pre-seed stained his mouth, forcing him to swallow before he choked. The gargantuan love rod plundered his throat, the thrusts into him growing more and more erratic as Drake's breathing became more and more laboured. Even to the inexperienced wolf, it was clear that he was beginning to reach his limit, shaft buried deep and gently humping the last two or three inches from his base between the canine's locked lips. With one final, shuddering thrust, Drake lifted his head and roared loudly, shaking the bed as he began to fire ropes of hot, almost burning, draconian seed down the wolf's gullet. Pulling back sharply, he held his head in the wolf's muzzle with one hand, while making sure he kept his lips firmly locked around him with the other, muttering curses as he slowly began to subside...
The wolf shuddered as the lizard over him began to shoot his liquid into his mouth, the spicy/salty taste erupting into his mouth violently. He began to choke as Drake held his head still, swallowing as quickly as he could but to no avail. Eventually he pulled all but his head out, which made it easier, though he was coughing, spluttering and gasping for breath by the time the draconian released his grip on him. His vision swam as his body tried to make sense of what just happened; whether it was a good thing or bad. As he was still drunk with the lizard's juice, he felt himself pulled up against Drake's chest, a deep rumble akin to a purr vibrating through his body.
"That... Was amazing... Pup..."
The canine barely heard him, yet a small blush burned through his brown fur, his muzzle dripping the seed he was unable to catch in time. Slowly, Drake leaned in, carefully lapping up the mess on the wolf's face before pressing his lips against his, tasting his own flavour on the wolf's tongue. Pulling away, smiling at the wolf's distressed tone, he quickly rolled the two over, so the pup was now leaning against the wall, the warmth left behind by his scaly back making it more comfortable for the mammal. The ragged trousers didn't exactly hide the pup's arousal, a taloned hand gently stroking it through the thin sackcloth material, making the pup squirm in inexperienced pleasure. Even the thought of being touched there, even by himself, was a punishable offence by his old master. Now though... He could just let go, letting the older Draconian take him any way he wanted...
"Relax Pup..."
Drake ran one finger up the bulge, a faint smirk on his face as he extended a talon, piercing the sack-cloth and running down it, splitting the material. The wolf let out a shuddering gasp as the sharp claw bounced off his straining, virgin wolf-hood, Drake's tongue running over his lips as already the wolf began to leak pre like a leaky faucet. As he wrapped his scaly fingers around the canine love muscle, the furred one moaned, hunching down over the Draconian's arm, panting hard.
Drake looked up sharply, a reprimanding look in his eyes, squeezing a little roughly in chastisement.
"I'm not your Master Pup... Not here. Not now. Not like this. I'm Drake... Your Lover."
The pup's chest heaved with the sheer effort of panting, his whole body shuddering as he experienced real pleasure for the first time in his life, nodding fiercely.
*Y-yes... Drake..."
The lizard nodded softly, smiling as he bent down, running his broad tongue up the straining malehood, tail flexing as he took in the more musky taste of a forest mammal. The wolf's panting only became more agitated as he arched his back against the rock wall, whining deep in his chest as wave after wave of new sensations swam across his mind. Rational thought stripped away, instinct took over as the canine began to grip Drake's head, pumping his up rapidly, rutting with the lizard's face. Drake emitted a rumbling murr in his chest, sending vibrations through the canine in his maw, throwing him further into ecstasy. The love drunk canine responded by yelping and growling in equal measure, the suction Drake added causing his knot to reveal itself. Quickly, it was taken in between those scaled lips, expanding rapidly, almost filling the Draconian's maw to the brim as his long shaft tickled the back of his throat. He could feel the pup's oncoming first orgasm, his body tensing as his orbs pulled up against his groin. Primitive snarls rose out of his throat as he shoved his malehood deep within Drake's mouth, throwing his head back, banging it like Drake, howling loudly as he sent wave after wave of seed down the eager throat.
Drake's eyes bulged as the wolf cock showed no sign of stopping; a few good years worth of seed escaping in one solid orgasm, the wolf hunched over and clutching around his neck and chest, drooling slightly and eyes fluttering as his chin rested on the scaled back. Finally, after many gulps on Drake's part, the wolf slowed, coming to a trickle before falling back, out of Drake's mouth with a whimpering murr of pure satisfaction. Squirming, his body ablaze with cold fire, he finally managed to open his eyes to come face to face with a looming Drake, smiling over him as he began to stroke the sweat matted fur of his head.
"How do you feel pup?"
He just smiled, possibly the first honest smile of happiness in a long time, leaning up to lick away at the mess he caused around the Draconian's lips, blushing slightly at his own taste. Sighing in pure content, gripping Drake's hand tightly, his eyes fluttered as exhaustion dragged him under, muttering before dropping into a, finally, peaceful slumber...
"Frost... C-call me... Frost..."
A pair of winged silhouettes landed with barely a sound before the cave's archway, approaching the entrance with nonchalance at first, before they noticed one stunning difference.
The lamps... Were lit.
Glancing at each other, they gulped simultaneously. They knew for a fact that the lamps were unlit when they left...
Both were an unusual colour for Draconians. Black and white hides, each alternating in their patterns. Where one was white over his chest and stomach, the other was black. Running down their spines, circulating their wing connections, laid an alternate strip of colour to that of their main shade, running down their tails until the tip. Their horns jutted out from their foreheads, curling slightly as they grew out. Both were a dull, almost metallic grey, tapered to sharp points. Their eyes were a uniform shade of green, brightening or dulling depending on their moods. Right now, both of them were practically dead, no light within them now.
Besides the colour scheme, they each had the same general build, although the black dominated Draconian was taller and broader than the white. On their right forearms, dull red symbols floated just above their scales, composed of sooty red light, looking as though they could burst into flames at any moment. Each was subtly different, the black one having a more angular look, while the white had a more graceful, arching style.
Slowly, they approached the archway, reaching out with almost trembling hands before wincing as nothing barred their entry. That was the final proof. Someone was in their home for certain. Taking symmetrical deep breaths, they made their way into the cave, hunching down as is trying to appear smaller than they were. Up ahead they could see the familiar dance of flames on the walls, and they hunched down even more. Sending out their Magi senses, they both let out a long moan, clenching their eyes shut. Glancing towards each other, they nodded, stepping forward...
"Welcome home boys... Had fun?"
Both of the twins stiffened, their eyes moving towards the large plush armchair opposite the roaring fireplace. A scaled hand moved up over the back of the chair, twirling gently, and the chair turned a full 180 to face the younger Draconians. Drake's face was too jovial to be true, his mouth open in a beaming smile while his eyes where shining bright. But, as the boys knew, that didn't always mean a good thing. He might have quite a few... amusing punishments in store for them.
"I'm glad to see you in such good health. And that you looked after our home so well kept during my absence..." lying through his teeth, Drake laid down the glass full of claret on the small table that shuffled its way over to him, before respectfully retreating again. Standing up, his voice became colder, small flames licking up around his limbs before dying down again.
"I specifically told you, not to let the fires go out! Hell, I don't care if you lived in the forest until I came back, keep those damn lamps lit!"
Both boys flinched back at their father's unusual rage, shuffling back a few steps and rubbing their Magi marks. Hanging their heads, the boys mumbled apologies, eyes half closed...
At once, three heads turned to face the archway heading for the bedrooms, the two boys raising their eye ridges while the elder visibly sagged. A dark brown male (very male) naked wolf stood at the doorway, trying to hide himself while at the same time wanting to defend Drake from whatever threat these two newcomers would pose to him. As if picking up on the pup's thoughts, Drake raised his hands in a peaceful gesture, glancing at his sons out the side of his eyes.
"It's okay... Frost. Honest. Go back to sleep."
The brown furred wolf glanced from face to face, worry plain to see on his snout. Slowly, nodding his head once, he shuffled back, eyes glancing over the two strangers before heading back to the guest bedroom. The younger Draconians glanced at each other before looking towards their dad, who had the decency to look embarrassed. After living with him for so long, they had long ago learned to recognise the scent of their father's musk, the physical manifestation of his Love and Concern to his family and Mate. Rubbing the back of his neck, he snatched up the glass of claret again, gulping it down before placing the glass back down, closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his snout...
"We... We met at the Lake. I'll explain tomorrow, after you explain where you were tonight. We'll also talk about your punishment. Now... get to bed. Go on, get..."
The Lizards hung their heads, shame washing over them as they stepped back, heading down the corridor that Frost headed down not moments before. Reaching their own room, they glanced back as they heard their father call for Frost, the elder magi lightly jogging up towards his current bedroom. The wolf paused, ears folding down onto the top of his head. Pressing themselves against the doorway to their room, the twins listened in to the conversation, smiling despite the trouble they were in. It had been too long since their father had anyone to spend time with, even for a one night stand. Ever... Ever since their mother died, all those years ago.
"Frost... Why don't you come back to my room? It's... Far cosier that that... Unused one. And... The bed is so big... It... It gets kind of... Lonely..."
Both boys chuckled to each other, winking. Even now, their father was the same old shy guy they'd come to know. Hopefully, the wolf would be good for him. As they opened the door to their own room, they heard Frost's stammering response, a smile in his voice.
"S-sure... I'd... Like that Drake..."
They heard a yelp as they crossed the threshold of their room, glancing back. Drake had grabbed Frost around the waist, carrying him bridal style down the carved rock hallway. As he passed the twin's room, he glanced over to them, smirking once before shifting the wolf in his arms, pressing him against his chest. Blushing, Frost glanced as well at the twins before letting out a small giggle, snuggling into Drake's warm chest, yawning before falling into a deep, comforting sleep...