Follow my Lead

Story by TheNeutralOoze on SoFurry

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This is a story inspired by a sort of trade with vowels We agreed on a prompt: "A tiger and a bear in a classroom lewdly challenging each other." Enjoy and please do make sure to check out his half "Power Struggle".

Follow My Lead

Written by: TheNeutralOoze

Trade with Vowels

Power Struggle

Seven-forty-three in the evening on a Friday night, every Friday night, was Western Civilization, the monotone grey-furred tabby professor standing at the center of the classroom, repeating the vocabulary from her lecture for the thirteenth time just within the hour. The class dwindled, only five students seated in a semi-circle facing the professor. Corey sat on one side of the lecture hall, tapping away on the table rhythmically with a stare that scanned past the musty old classroom. He'd already spent half the class counting his own sharp black stripes, at least those on his arms. Only one other student was awake: Thomas, a husky honey bear, his legs kicked up on the table as he leaned back, covertly watching Corey. He was technically in the same row as the tiger, just all the way across the class room, but that wasn't going to get in the way for Thomas to have a little fun.

He pulled his legs off the table, a quick motion that caught Corey's eye. Thomas wiggled his eyebrows at him then indicated south with his eyes. The tiger did a quick up and down scan of Thomas before noticing the bear was holding his legs open in a way to clearly reveal up into his baggy khaki shorts, his inner thigh and the tip of his foreskin-covered dick visible to the whole world. Corey could even make out a faint vein running up its side. A crimson shade of blush ran over the tiger's striped face, and the bear chuckled, silently happy to have caught him in the little trap. He wiped a little tear from his eye before he noticed Corey making a show of stretching, big and long, his arms reaching up and back showing off his lightly-muscled belly, the soft fur white and fluffy over his stomach, and a little outie belly button. The view made Thomas' heart skip a beat. The bear bit his lip as he watched his eyes transfixed on the hem of the tiger's black t-shirt, studying every revealed inch.

The tiger glanced around the room, his face still hot and trying to find something else to focus on. He tried the three other students: There was Isabella, a simple owl with a page full of notes planted in front of her. She was the last to nod off as her heavy, feathered head tipped back-and-forth before planting itself in front of her. She was down in the front so, even if Corey knew her better, there was no way to get her attention. Artie, a deer with iceberg fur, sat in the far back of the room and had been deeply asleep since the start of class, a pool of drool forming under his muzzle. The last student was directly in front of him, Clement the spider, his disheveled hoodie tucked over his head. Just looking at him made Corey sick. No use waking him up just to get an upsetting "fuck you!" before he returned to sleep.

"Ooh so that's how we're playing this," Thomas whispered before making the next move. He had the tiger's full attention, emerald eyes glancing at him eagerly. He pulled a little blue bag from his backpack, slowly unzipping it and pulling a crinkly brown, paper-wrapped bundle from within. Unwrapping it, he revealed a bagel with cream cheese spread inside. Slowly he stuck out his tongue, a long thing measuring just under eight inches in length when he fully extended it, and he licked the cream cheese off the bagel without separating the slices, maintaining full eye contact with Corey. The bear even took an extra motion just to leave a little touch of it on his lips, slowly working it off in one last dragging gesture.

Ooh that got Corey's heart racing, his eyes locked on the sensual display made worse when the bear just shoved the full bagel into his mouth, consuming it in a few bites. He even winked as he swallowed it, making Corey stir in his chair and under his jeans. That's okay, though, because the tiger had a few moves of his own. All he had to do was plant his hands up on the table, not unlike goal posts, starting about an inch apart before slowly separating them. Any guy older than fifteen knew what he was indicating, and he didn't stop until he reached the appropriate distance, around eight inches, Thomas' eyes growing wider and wider, synced in time with the gap. The two met eyes, and Corey just nodded his head, Thomas taking in this new discovery. It was impressive, no doubt, and the tiger grinned, leaning back in his chair.

Thomas remained confident though, fishing through his bag. He slapped a dildo on the tabletop, a flourish of quiet action, and squinted at the tiger across from him. Corey was surprised by such boldness, his mouth agape and his eyes darting between Thomas and the professor. It must have been a solid ten inches in length. The bear took the toy and began to shove it into his mouth, slowly taking more and more in until he was an inch from the bottom before removing it with ease, a simple flick of the wrist. If they weren't in the middle of class, Corey may have even gasped, staring wide-eyed at the show. The bear hadn't even gagged or broken eye contact once. Thomas stared, a cocky smile across his face and half-lidded eyes looking at the tiger while he replaced the item, just waiting for Corey to make the next move. The tiger did, glancing around to make sure his classmates were truly out of it. The other three were sound asleep. Clement had even slid from his chair to the ground, his head resting on his bag. The professor was diligently reciting some line about the dark ages and the plague, turning away to create an elaborate timeline on the white board.

The tiger decided to go through with his plan, shimmying in his seat to draw Thomas' eye down below the desk. Corey started by working the zipper of his jeans down, slowly arching his hips and back in an unnecessary extra flair of motion. Once drawn down, he thumbed the button, tugging on it slowly before unclasping it. He pulled his briefs down just below his balls, letting his full semi-hard penis escape its bonds into the free air. Drooping a bit in front of him and dripping pre-cum onto his seat, he stroked himself, tugging gently until he reached full length. The whole time he could see Thomas, ogling him hungrily, his mouth ajar from the start until Corey tucked himself back into his pants, winking at the bear who looked a bit upset, adjusting the bulge that had formed in his pants. Class was almost over, the clock ticking close to the end of the hour, and it was looking certain that Corey was going to emerge the victor.

Until Thomas did something unexpected.

The chubby bear made a show of writing a little note on a piece of paper, folding it and tucking it into his pants pocket. He then, much like Corey, made a show of unzipping and unbuttoning his cream-colored shorts, fully removing them and leaving him totally bottomless, his round ass exposed to the open air. He stood from his seat, his reasonable (but admittedly short) erection appearing over the table as he walked across the classroom before placing the shorts right on Corey's lap, walking out of the classroom right as the clock struck for the end of the class. The professor turned to the class and dismissed them moments later. Isabella stretched in the front, and Corey could hear the panicked yip of Artie just staring in horror at the pool on his desk. Clement didn't even stir as the rest of the class left. The tiger pulled the little scrap of paper out, reading over the note:

Text me when you're free and we'll make this a little more fun.

It followed with a phone number and a little heart. Corey smiled and tucked the bear's khakis into his bag before scrambling out into the hallway. The vacant hallways echoed with every footstep Corey made, the smell of bleach and squelch of his shoes a footnote as he ran to the end and dived into the restroom. Corey abandoned all concept of isolation as he threw himself into the first stall and flung his pants to the ground. His swinging meat attempted to escape the bounds of its cotton bindings, creating a lewd bulge and leaving little to the imagination. It didn't take him long to remove these as well, pulling both fully off and hanging them on a hook behind the stall door.

The restroom stall was a tight space, but Corey made do taking a seat on the porcelain thrown and kicking his legs up, one on the toilet paper dispenser, the other planted on the wall next to him. His dick was rock hard, pointing up at him and twitching, the rosy head pulsing. He lapped at the palm of his hand, getting it as slick as possible before setting to work, starting with one slow stroke from the veiny base to the tip of his cut length. It didn't take him long to pick up the pace. He reached into his bag conveniently placed next to his seated position, removing the bear's pants from his pack. He just looked over them for a bit as he stroked along, pre-cum dripping from his cock and dropping strands onto the floor below him in little pools.

Corey began to find a steady rhythm when, in horror, someone pushed the bathroom door open with a squeal. He jumped slightly, one more squelch sounding off as he thrusted up, and a pair of sneakers squeaked onto the tile. Corey's heart raced as he watched the pair of shoes cross in front of the stall door. He heard a zipper and then piss hitting the inside of a urinal. A shiver ran down his spine. He was exhilarated, and his dick was even harder than it had been, twitching and drooling out more precum, the little pools growing more noticeable. He squeezed it a little and watched more pool out of the tip. The urinal flushed, and he heard the footsteps moving back across the bathroom stop briefly by the sound of running water before continuing back out.

Corey started to let out a moan and pant, shooting his slick ooze further and in higher volume. He reached down, taking the pair of shorts and inhaling a whiff the smell of the bear's musk, sweet like honey or fruit spread and taint, filling his lungs, tipping him over the edge. He shot a heavy load, the first volley splattering onto the back of the door in front of him, splashing all over his jeans, and a follow-up striking a hair under the same spot. A few more shots flew before his balls were empty, his beating dick relaxing to a more manageable size.

Corey took toilet paper from the dispenser to clean up his mess, quickly wiping it off the floor and toilet seat first. When he got to the door, he groaned in dismay, his jeans spattered, easily noticeable to anyone who saw him, not to mention they smelled of his fresh semen. His briefs were in even worse condition. He stepped out into the empty bathroom, stall doors wide open for anyone to use. The tiger ran both articles under the faucet starting with his jeans, pressing into the globs and sending them down the drain. He soaked his clothes into an even worse state for wear, repeatedly swearing "Fuck, fuck, fuck...." He rung them out as best he could before tossing them onto a stall door to drip dry, doing the same with his underwear. Pacing back and forth, all he could do was stare at the clock on his phone that read "8:43PM." As he stared at the phone, it began to buzz, a picture of his hyena roommate, Gar, popping onto the screen.

He swiped the phone in a quick motion, putting the phone on speaker. "Hello?"

"Hey man, where are you?" The hyena's loud voice crackled out of Corey's end as he furiously checked his still-soaking pants for even the slightest dryness. No luck. The tiger sighed before responding to him, drying the cool dampness on his arm.

"Sorry, just running a bit late. I spilled... something on my jeans and they're soaked! Any chance you could swing by with a new pair?"

"Naw man, you know curfew's in like 15 minutes." There was a short pause and then a crackle from the other end. Gar let out a sigh as the springs of his bunk screeched into the mic. "Plus, it's laundry day man. I took your stuff down to get clean, it'll be done soon though."

"Aw shit!" Corey said before maneuvering the contents in his bag to a single pocket and shoving the wet clothes into the newly vacated compartment. "I'll talk to you soon, gotta bounce over."

"Alright man, hurry!" Gar chuckled as the line clicked to silence. Corey clicked the phone locked before holding it in his mouth and looking for any escape route or idea in his bag. Then he glanced over and saw them, the large pair of shorts Thomas had left with him. He just stood silently for a minute before shrugging and grabbing them out from next to the toilet. They were clean, or at least not splattered with even a globule of seed, a promising aspect as Corey slid it over the stripes on his bare rear end. He clipped the strap for his tail into place, checking the bathroom mirror to see how they fit.

The shorts were loose and his t-shirt wore short so it was easy to see the outline of the tiger's lithe hips and even a bit of his pubic fur from the right angle. They also hung low, the crotch hanging around mid-thigh, restricting his movements slightly. Wearing the shorts was clearly exciting to the tiger, the way the material rubbed against him causing his soft dick to rise, bulging them out a couple inches. His swinging cock wouldn't be helpful, but the shorts would have to do as Corey barreled out of the bathroom, the hallway darker now, power saver bulbs kicking in and lighting the way. He stepped quietly but quickly down the stairs to the ground floor to view, to his horror, what awaited him outside.

Corey was awestruck. Waiting outside was a gathering of students, freshmen to the college, on a tour through the campus. He swore under his breath as the students and their guide, a sturdy-looking wolf in a downy jacket, stopped in front of the English building. Corey tried to quietly slip out, pushing the front entrance open enough for his lithe frame to slip through. The tiger almost made it out before the wolf glanced over, noticing him and calling out. "Hey, Corey, come meet my tour group!" A handsome and friendly face poked out of the jacket, waving the tiger over to him. Corey did so with a crooked smile, running a hand through the fur on the back of his neck before making his way over. The night air was chilling, causing him to shiver and rub at his arms to try and warm up.

"Hey Roy, what's going on, man?" Corey asked, trying not to focus on the cool air currently running up the loose legs of his shorts past his taint and lightly throbbing arousal. The wolf looked him over for a second, taking in his strange outfit and arching an eyebrow.

"Well, it's the final tour of the campus, these freshmen missed the early tours so I'm out here freezing my nuts off. Speaking of, maybe I should be asking you the same. Isn't it a bit cold for shorts and a t-shirt?" Roy leaned in a bit so the group wouldn't be able to hear him before continuing. "Also, I can kind of see your whole shaft man, those shorts might need to be retired." Corey looked down and noticed how right Roy was. The shorts were still bulging slightly, and the fabric was lightweight enough that it wasn't hard to make even the faintest details of his penis. He looked back up to Roy who was smiling at him before winking, squeezing his cock and turning back to his group. "Alright, well this is the English Department's building but that's boring, who wants to go see the conjuring rooms?" The group all responded with cries and howls of agreement as Roy led them away.

Corey let out an exacerbated sigh of relief, chuckling to himself lightly and wiping at his brow before his heartrate spiked again, hearing the monotonous voice of his professor and someone he couldn't identify coming from behind him. Luckily the building had thick bushes growing around each side of the entrance, so he leapt and haphazardly rolled into one directly to his left. He watched the older fur come out talking to one of the summoning professors, a short shiba-inu with golden fur. "I just do not see my students improving as the semester is drawing to its close. What could I be doing wrong?" the taller tabby said, looking down at the shiba who had to arch his thick neck to even make eye contact.

The short-statured canine dashed forward a bit so he was in front of the cat, putting his hands on his hips and puffing out his chest before retorting. "Cheer up, Veronica. You are one of the smartest people on this campus, and I am certain you will figure out just what to do!" The shiba had a voice full of bass you wouldn't expect from such a small guy, and it made Corey want to laugh from the bush he was hidden in. That was until he noticed a jutting branch in his back, and his neck, and his sleeve. In fact, they were all over, like a trap, his shirt all wrapped up in branches that hooked into his cheap t-shirt. He looked down at it his band's logo, the only thing unharmed from the bush. Luckily it took little time for the professors to vacate the area, so he could solely focus on maneuvering out of the bramble. Every move he made tore at his shirt, the seams giving way with even the slightest tension.

Finally, he broke free, but not before watching the bush take claim of his shirt, the cold air now fully enveloping his chest, his nipples becoming ridged immediately from the evening's cool breeze. At least he was nearly free. The campus gates were right around the corner and then the dorms just across the street. Plucking the last tears of shirt from the branches, Corey tossed them all in his bag before slinging it over his bare shoulder and dashing toward the gates.

"No... no, no, no, shit!" He gripped at the locked gates shaking them in hopes of some give or escape. He bounced up and down trying to get warm, stopping to hike up the shorts when they rode down his hips. He snapped his fingers and popped a squat on the cold concrete, opening his bag in front of him. He grabbed a thick text book titled "The Arcana Almanac" and flipped through until he reached wind spells, a list of spell types printed across the page. It took him a second to find one, something paired with an illustration of a fancy set of circles. He went into his pencil case, fumbling with the zipper, his hands shaking erratically, pulling it open and fetching a piece of green chalk. On the ground he started sketching the illustration as best he could with his hands shaking, the poorly lit book being of little help. Once he had laid down the formula, he replaced the items into his bag and hopped to the center of the circle, careful not to scuff the chalk.

Corey began slowly chanting "lift" over and over as the circle began to glow blue. The cool air started to blow around him. The longer he chanted, still low and quiet, the faster and stronger the wind began to move. He felt the air begin to lift him, pushing air up against him, his fur raging in multiple directions and the shorts flustering. First it was only a foot or two, just enough to feel the effort, but Corey got sloppy, beginning to chant faster, his focus shifting. The wind tore around him like a torrent, lifting him up faster than it had been but also unpredictably tearing at his fur and shorts. It didn't take long to launch himself over the gate now that he was rising faster, but all the wind had to do was find the strap on the back of the shorts, and suddenly they were falling off him. Corey made a grab for the shorts before they could drop to the ground but, in his haste, the lift spell broke launching the tiger through the air. He landed on the other side of the gate his back radiating pain as he hit the grassy hill.

On the plus side, Corey was on the other side of the gate only several feet from the dormitory; but the downside, he was naked as the day he was born and intensely erect from the wind pushing his shaft around and jostling his shorts. The spell had also drained what energy remained in him, so all he wanted to do was lie there on his back and try to catch his breath. He scowled when he looked up at the gate, seeing the pair of shorts speared high above him. The scowl turned to a blush as he realized how close he was to ejaculating all over the grass under him.

"Oh hoho, and what do we have here?" His spider classmate from earlier and a couple goons. A chameleon wearing black and leather straps on his wrists and a tall snake wearing next to nothing but a speedo loomed over him. The spider was the one speaking as he looked down at Corey. "Looks like a little perv is trying to get off peeking in on the men's dorm." He placed the underside of a cold boot on Corey's dick, stepping down before stomping onto his chest. "Was that what you were doing, kitty?" Corey was struggling a bit, squirming under the spider as he played with him. He couldn't get the air together to even respond, let alone defend himself. "I think a pervert like you deserves a little punishment, what do you think, boys?"

The chameleon nodded a bit, playing with the bands around his wrist and only half paying attention. The snake smiled before saying, "Of course, boss. Can't have 'em comin' back, now can we?!"

"Alrighty then, watch a master do his work." The spider began chanting under his breath, inaudible to Corey, before purple circles broken by sharp, diamond-shaped runes that dug into his wrist appeared on his hand. Corey could feel it grab his still-hard cock. He squirmed and kicked right on the edge of his climax, but suddenly he couldn't get there. He felt stuck, a limbo between pleasure and need, the three men standing above him laughing. "Hahaha... You idiotic perv, good luck getting your rocks off now." He then gave Corey a quick few kicks in the side as the group laughed, eventually walking off into the dark.

The tiger reeled in pain, gripping his side. All he could do is lie there now, every scrap of energy he had trapped in his increasingly sensitive tool. He sniffled, trying his best to hold back his tears. "Ugh, you idiot, why did you have to participate?" He scolded himself quietly, using the little air he had to verbalize his feelings. "You could have just ignored him but no 'a challenge is a challenge', stupid!" He cringed as he felt a sharp sting in his side and another wave of pleasure course through him. "Now you're just where you deserve to be. The sun will rise, and you'll be expelled! Was it worth it? Really?" That's when the tears came, streaming down the sides of his face. He blubbered and sobbed, not even able to focus on the environment around him--the trees, grass, stars just colorful blobs in his vision. He was so out of it he didn't even notice the amber-colored blob approaching from just outside his vision.

"Well, you look a little ridiculous, you know, that right?" Corey wiped the tears from his eyes to see, standing above him, a thick bear with tawny fur sipping on a bubble tea. He had apparently found pants within the past hour since Corey wasn't staring directly up at his dick. "You need a hand?" Corey just nodded his head as best he could, and Thomas squatted down and brought his hand down to the tiger's erection. The tiger flinched, he was so sensitive; but suddenly he felt a soothing warmth as the spell around his junk faded and he finally found relief, his load splattering across his chest and belly, bits getting on Thomas' hand, which he licked away happily. Once the spell broke, the bear helped Corey, first removing his backpack, and then Thomas scooped him up like a princess in his arms. As Thomas walked, the tiger explained to him what had happened that night. He just grinned down at Corey, meeting his eyes with a reassuring smile. "Sounds like a rough night, although the bathroom jerk off sounds hot." He winked at the tiger who had just enough energy to blush and turn away. "Well, that's okay, you can stay at my place tonight. I don't live far."

Thomas came up to a car, a little blue Jeep at the edge of the parking lot. He laid the tiger down in the back seat, who almost immediately fell asleep, and covered him with a blanket from his trunk. Climbing into the driver's side, Thomas made his way through Arcadia's Downtown, stopping along at Griddy's, a little burger joint just a brisk walk from his place, before making his way down the beachfront to his little home out by the overlook. He carried Corey in his arms, the food bag in his mouth and pack on his back. Grabbing the door and backing into the little place just big enough to fit a pair, he set the tiger down on the couch. Corey groggily greeted the bear with a little smile on his face before watching him slip into the other room.

Corey sat up and cringed, gripping at his side now clearly bruised and black under his short fur, the plush blanket still draped in just the right way to save his dignity. Thomas' home was small, the room he was in barely hosting a kitchen with a small sink and two counters, a small black mini fridge tucked beneath one, and a couch facing an older T.V. that flickered an old movie, the volume almost inaudible. Potted plants scattered throughout, both hanging from the ceiling and sitting on the floor, all well groomed and cared for with a variety of flowers blooming. The scent of the flowers met with the sea air filling Corey's lungs, his shoulders relaxing and his eyes closing.

Thomas didn't take long to reappear from the back room, a mason jar with a smooth gelatinous green liquid sealed inside. Bits of mint and a full slice of lime floated inside, and the bear handed it over with a spoon. "Here, eat some of that, it'll help." He smiled softly before stepping from the carpeted flooring to the tile of the kitchen, his claws clicking along. The brown take-out bag rustled softly as Thomas dug through it, pulling a pair of neatly wrapped burgers and a large serving of fries from the bag. He brought all three over, handing a burger over as he flopped down next to Corey who shoved a thick spoonful of the jarred substance into his mouth, the gooey concoction, jam-like, flowing and incredibly sweet with slight tart undertones. "Looks like you're enjoying that little lime marmalade I've been working on," Thomas said, taking a good chunk out of the burger, uncaring of its juices that ran into the palm of his hand. He reached over with the other hand, touching Corey's side, the tiger flinching in response but not wincing, the pain fading away along with the bruise. "Looks like it did the job too." He chuckled lightly at the tiger who now felt up the side of his chest.

The bear took little time scarfing down the rest of the burger, tossing the wrapper in a trash can by the T.V. set in front of them. "So, you do alchemy?" Corey managed to push out between bites of food, enjoying the savory meat and cheese melting in his mouth.

"Yep, born and raised. My family runs a little restaurant up north and I picked up things from helping out. My mom taught me to bake and make jellies and jams. I even opened a little place a quick walk from here." Thomas smiled, meeting Corey's eyes, pools of ocean blue with flecks of green. "What about you?" The tiger finished his burger, following Thomas' example, clumsily flinging the wrapper toward the trash and missing. It fluttered to the floor.

"Oh uh, I grew up here, not a lot to share, mostly a lot of crappy high school garbage that evolved into crappy college stuff." Corey broke the eye contact, growing quieter as he stared out the window to the waves coming in and pushing out. "If you meant magic, I don't have anything I'm really good at. Professor Benni said to try and work it into my music, but I don't know." Thomas placed a big heavy hand on Corey's shoulder, tension visibly washing away slightly at the contact.

"Well, do you enjoy your music?"

"I'm in a band, but I just play guitar and sometimes back-up vocals. I write a bit but nothing good."

"Do you have any? I'd love to hear some." Corey looked at the bear who sat patiently, waiting for him to respond, his expressions lightening a bit.

"Where's my bag?"

"Oh, I'll get it." Thomas sprung up from the couch, an audible groan releasing from the springs. He hastened into the next room, Corey listening as he jostled around. "I thought I'd wash your clothes for you, so I left it in here," he shouted from the other room, quickly reemerging with the purple pack in hand. Corey took it and retrieved a black book from the body of the bag and flipped through the pages.

"Alright, just be kind. I'm still really new at this," Corey said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, blushing and feeling more exposed than he did on his back in the grass earlier. He closed his eyes, cleared his throat and just let the words flow in as clear a rhythm as he could do without his guitar.

"I think about stars in the sky,

Wondering if they look down and think of me,

I have no reason to really wonder why,

I just think about all that heat,

Constantly burning,

So bright but dying,

If such beautiful things could think of me,

Maybe there's more in life to see.

Maybe there's more for me to be."

As the tiger sang, Thomas watched in awe as the flowers around them shined with a dim glow that radiated their color. Corey himself glowed slightly, a soft heat emanating from him. Thomas, washed over by it, felt a flood of emotion starting sad and painful, tears welling up in his eye but then a spark of joy, something warm emanating hope and happiness. Corey didn't even notice, so focused on the song. He opened his eyes to see Thomas still sitting there with a goofy, wide-eyed expression looking back at him. The bear clapped quietly, smiling from ear-to-ear as Corey finished. Once the tiger slipped his little book back into the bag, Thomas scooped him into a big hug, tight and close. Corey blushed under the warmth of the bear's thick arms, taking his sweet honey-like scent. They broke apart and Corey's face was beet red. Thomas let out a little laugh.

"That was great, thank you for sharing. Aww, you're just so cute!" His eyes squinted a bit, and he got a bit closer to Corey, whispering now in a dulcet tone. "So, you feeling good enough to fool around, because that was honestly so stunning and now, I want us to make something beautiful together." All Corey had to do was nod gently before Thomas licked his muzzle and got to work, beginning with a kiss. He leaned in close enough that they could feel their traded breath on each other, the mint jam still on Corey's breath overwhelming Thomas' savory beef. Their lips met and the Thomas collapsed into Corey, pressing up against each other, hands exploring every inch available to them.

Thomas wore a loose pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt hiding the fur and skin Corey craved. The tiger worked one hand under the shirt, moving over his warm, plush belly and up to one of his nipples, rigged and yearning. He ran his thumb over Thomas' nipples, smooth and gentle motions, before pinching them, causing the bear to moan a bit right into Corey's ear. Not that Thomas wasn't contributing as they continued to kiss. The bear ran his hand over Corey's smooth belly, working his way down through his pubic fur and back up again, teasing him with a light touch bit by bit.

Corey licked his lips, just staring down at the bear who smirked up at him. Thomas grabbed the tiger's thighs, hoisting him up, eliciting a little yip as the blanket fell away, and carried him to the kitchen where he plopped him down on the cool countertop. "Well, now I'm feeling a little underdressed," Corey said with a little chuckle and a blush, staring at the tent in Thomas' bottoms. The bear smiled, gripping the hem of his t-shirt and peeling it away, slowly revealing inch after inch of dark brownish fur all the way up to the crescent-shaped patch of cream-colored fur connecting one breast to the other. Corey swallowed every inch with his eyes as the bear stripped in front of him. He was already at full mast, and this just increased his yearning for Thomas. The big guy didn't take nearly as much time with his plaid night pants, untying the little bunny-eared knot around his waist and letting the loose material fall off him. Corey released a little gasp. "Oh, so you do own underwear!" He was studying the bulge in a pair of tight-fitting, aqua boxer briefs, pointing lewdly at his hip, pre-cum oozing from the tip and leaving a dark spot.

"Ooh you're getting it now!" the bear said, plunging his face into the tiger's lap while spreading his horizontally striped legs, a firm hand on each thigh. Corey's furry white balls pooled onto the countertop with his rock-hard dick pulsing and throbbing, pointing at Thomas' muzzle. A long tongue dropped out, running up the length of Corey's firmness, savoring every drop of pre-cum and taking in the taste and smell of the tiger's nether region. Corey's hips lifted off the counter in reflex, pushing the tip up against Thomas' mouth. He simply chuckled and grabbed the length with one big hand, the other playing with his plump little balls. Pumping Corey's length, Thomas studied the tiger's slack-jawed face, tongue lopping out the side of his open muzzle. The next move really made Corey jump as Thomas took the head of his dick into his mouth, that long tongue exploring inch by inch. As the bear bobbed his head in rhythm, Corey panted and moaned, his sensitive member attacked with sensation, the coarse but squishy hole taking more and more of his length by the second.

Thomas took inch by inch greedily, gulping down every ounce of Corey's sweet and savory pre-cum. He stroked his own four-inch member through the smooth material of his boxer briefs, squeezing and tugging at it gently, his glans stimulated by the smooth poly-fiber material. The more length he swallowed the harder he got and in minutes both were nearing a climax, Corey humping up and off the counter into Thomas' happily waiting throat. Corey let out one last loud moan before shooting his hefty load, the bear doing his best to swallow it down while reaching his own peak, emptying his balls into his underwear, moaning around Corey's member, leaking some of the cum-load from his mouth onto the counter top. The cum drooled out of his soaked undies as he continued to swallow down the heavy load drained from the ever-moaning tiger. He looked up when he felt Corey going limp and saw a blissful look across his face, his eyes half-lidded.

Thomas peeled the soaked briefs from his body, a splat ringing out as they hit the floor and his butt jiggling with their removal. He helped Corey off the counter, gently laying him on the couch and tossing the plush blanket over his body. The tiger fell asleep as Thomas got to work cleaning up. Looking out the window, he smiled seeing the sun just beginning to rise over the ocean. He could hear the light breath of Corey in the background, taking comfort in the soft sounds. "Gods help me, I think I'm falling in love," he said to himself, cleaning the pile of dishes in his sink and lightly humming the rhythm Corey had sung earlier.