The Monster Lies Ch1: A Spark of Heat

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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#1 of The Monster Lies Novel

After a restless dream solidifies a forbidden idea that took root in her head ever since the start of an exhausting, lust-inducing condition, Skanita, the playful, normally well-mannered daughter of the Drake family, starts to harbor romantic feelings for her own brother.

Greetings, my feline loving friends. I welcome you to one of the largest feline-based works I have done in recent memory. The Monster Lies is going to be a sprawling emotional roller-coaster told over the course of 22 chapters. I'm going to take you into the hearts and minds of Skan Drake's family, and together, we shall be privy to the ambitions of these felines. Their lusts shall be unveiled, their secrets, exposed.

Fair warning. There will be some parts later on that might get a bit...intense for those of you who prefer stories with a focus on the warmer side of the emotional spectrum. However, the tags as well as the warnings I'll post for graphic content should keep you away from these...less savory paragraphs.

That's about it for now. On with the show!

Oops, forgot.

This commission has been crafted for the kind, friendly, ever-patient

All major characters in the story (that is, the whole Drake family) belong to him!

Story description: After a restless dream solidifies a forbidden idea that took root in her head ever since the start of an exhausting, lust-inducing condition, Skanita, the playful, normally well-mannered daughter of the Drake family, starts to harbor romantic feelings for her own brother.

*The Monster Lies Ch1: A Spark of Heat** ***

Nights have gotten warmer lately, but few were as warm as tonight, when Skanita had a ravenous male pressed upon her back. The victorious cougar had no need to dominate her. His licks alone caused the female beneath his soft belly to willingly surrender to his touch, be that of his tongue, his nose...or his cock. When she felt that hard, barbed spire prod at the wet fur around her pussy, Skanita's heart all but leaped with excitement. She had been waiting for this day for so long. The day when she'd finally mate. The time when each shove of his tense hind legs got the male closer, and closer to her flooded gate...

Until his cock finally hit its mark. The scraping of his flared barbs against her silken flesh made Skanita tense as if struck by lightning, each row of prominent nubs awakening forbidden pleasures across her shuddering body as they pricked her oversensitive walls to completion. One thrust. That's all the male needed to latch his jaws around the back of her neck and fill her pussy with the sharp spurts of his creamy ejaculate. The rush of his hot seed flowing through her body made Skanita orgasm harder than ever...and no matter how much air she swallowed or how hard she roared, the pleasure refused to lessen its chaotic reign. It was only after the male pulled himself out that senses returned to her numb form. Skanita rolled onto her back to look upon her drenched folds, alongside the cougar that stole her virginity. He was a male in his prime, with warm green eyes, sturdy limbs...and a familiar scent that gave her pause.

The male approached. Skanita shied away from his tongue at first, but he insisted, and just like before, she had a hard time resisting his charm.


Skanita blinked, dazed by the intensely pleasant scents of their copulation, a fragrance that wafted around her receptive nostrils.

"Should we do it again, sister?" the cougar cocked his head in surprise. He seemed unaware of the implication of the deed he just requested. Ignorant to many things that happened right in front of his eyes. Skanita fought tooth and nail to free herself from the vines that suddenly fettered her to the ground.

"After can I refuse a female who willingly offers herself to me?" Skan padded over to her backside to take a whiff from the delightful scent of her pussy. "Your scents are so...mrrrr, fertile. Let us do it again!"

"NO!" Skanita roared. "Skan, stop. I said STOP!"

The vines, the forest, even her brother flickered out of existence, replaced by the drab confines of her home.

Three things occupied her frantic mind. The dream. Her brother coiled around her back...

And the pungent smell of the sticky water-like fluid that had been oozing out of her nethers for the past few days. Skanita cleaned the ground first, then retreated to a corner to do the same for her pussy.

"Nrrrhhhhrrrr," her body seized up when that hot tongue fell upon her nether lips. Like in the dream, her pussy was flushed with arousal, receptive to the tiniest hint of stimulation, even if it came from her own brother. The thought of coupling with Skan disgusted her at first.

Yet with every flick of tongue upon bare, tender lips, the pleasure washed her distaste away, until nothing remained but the sharp desire to release. Skanita licked herself close to completion, then coiled around herself and muffled her moans as best as she could while the vile heat trickled out of her in sharp, ecstatic bursts. After the deed was done, she looked upon her brother's sleeping form with a tint of regret. Was it really necessary to fear him? How would it have been, if his tongue lapped the fresh squirts out of her pussy? Heated thoughts swam through her mind, breaking her conviction apart piece by piece until distaste gave way to curiosity.

What is happening to me? Skanita buried her head under her forepaws_. He's my brother. I can't be thinking straight._

The dream. That had to be the source of her distress. If she told no one...perhaps things could return to normal. That's what she told herself tomorrow, and the day after. She did nothing to stop her brother from spending most of his time out in the forest, nor had she tried to press her parents for answers. They acted so...normal around her. As if she could still walk around without dripping like a melting icicle. She knew her scent changed, yet nobody aside from her brother did anything about it.

Skanita decided to try her luck with him. She waited for the day to pass, then, in the morning of the next day Skanita started off her journey into the thickness of the forest at a comfortable pace for her. Though she was excited to be reunited with her brother after days of frugal meetings, the simple pleasures of strolling through her verdant forest still gave her a reason to smile in spite of the few strange thoughts that prodded at her mind. Her own brother coupled with her. No. Not just that. He spilled his essence inside her.

And she enjoyed it.

Skanita shook her head. The heated images of that experience slithered along her vent, flushing it back to the wet dripping mess that greeted her every morning. She had such dreams before, where she did impossible things with her family. Still, few felt as intense as that last one. The female remained half focused on her brother's bulk pressing against her, replaying the scents, the sounds, the feel of his perfect cock buried deep within her needy body...She thought on it for so long that she barely realized some of her fantasies turned real.

Skanita's aquamarine eyes widened. A pleasant aroma caressed her nostrils. With her brother's familiar scent warming her senses, she quickened her pace into a full run and blazed through the forest until she arrived in their favorite clearing. The scent of male musk was strong here. Clearly Skan had a point to prove. Skanita approached her nose to the fresh claw markings that marred the bark of a tree. Like her, Skan changed. He went out in the forest early in the day to hunt and inscribe his presence upon the trees with claws and scent. This mark was fresh. Skanita pulled her head back, snarling from the pungent sting of urine that pricked her sensitive nostrils from the very first breath she took.

"I can't believe you fell for that old trick again," a voice said from nearby. "How many times have I told you to avoid getting so close to my work?"

"Bastard. You knew I'd come?" she said as she lowered herself into a predatory stance.

Skan emerged from the bushes, strong as beautiful like his dream counterpart. "I marked about twenty trees today. I can't take the blame every time you do something stupid now, can I? So tell does my pee smell like, sister?"

"You're about to find out very very soon!" Skanita rushed towards him.

"Oh no! Nita's gone crazy!" Skan turned tail back to his hiding place. He sought refuge in the bushes, not expecting his sister to get her fur ruffled.

But Skanita chased him anyway. Persistently, she crawled her way through brambles and leaves to find her brother splayed on his back at the roots of a tree, enjoying the warmth of the sun upon his tawny belly.

"Surely you won't hit a lounging cougar now, will ya?"

He picked the spot carefully, the wide beam of light big enough to encompass his whole form. Though he looked just like her, Skanita always thought her brother was rather striking at a glance. Skan was a bit larger than her, a trait owed to his male heritage. With well-defined muscles hiding beneath the velvet waves of his shiny fur, the male was relaxed as any cougar could be, his tail flicking lazily whenever an insect dared to get too close to his nuggets.

"That's it? You made me crawl through that maze so I can watch you laze?"

"I don't mind if you join me." The male beckoned her. "There's enough sun for the both of us."

Skanita didn't dwell too much on the cute paws that took in the sun on their cushy surface. Not when the male's gender was exposed in such a shameless way. His pink tip protruded out of the small sheath just enough to fill the air with the tint of male scent, and the lazy cougar did absolutely nothing to sheathe himself back in.

The nerve on him. Skanita's tail flicked with rising impatience. She could wrestle him into submission for teasing her such. Or better. Slap a paw down upon his overly sensitive member. See how he would enjoy the sun then. Dry pads felt unpleasant scraping against her tongue, so she could only imagine how uncomfortable they would be when pressed around the weakest place of a male's body.

"Nita...if I didn't know any better, I'd say you are into me."

"Wh-what?" the female shook her head. She blinked a few times to enhance the lie she that burned upon her tongue. "How can you even say something like that? I'm thinking."

Thinking of his wet tongue rolling around her nape, and his clammy cock throbbing inside her flushed, needy, heat-stricken vent.

"About what?" her brother calmly inquired. He dashed his moist tongue over the dusty pads of a forepaw. His claws came out, sharp, curved, and deadly, yet by no means dangerous to the fleshy barbs that rolled over them.

Gods be damned. When did he get so good at reading her thoughts? Did he even know how much he teased and tempted her, or was he just that clueless? "Your... reek!" Skanita blurted out. "This whole forest stinks because of your morning habit. When was the last time you bathed?"

"Why don't you come closer and find out?" her brother invited her by rolling flat on his back, legs spread far to the sides to offer the most teasing view of his male parts.

Skanita backed a few steps. Her head started to feel light, heart throbbing in her chest. She loved her brother...but did she love him enough to truly let him know the burdens of her mind? No. The old Skanita wouldn't fall prey to his primitive seduction skills so easily. He had to keep her secret hidden. To act as she always did, playful and teasing. If anything, he was the one who would fall prey to her seductive skills. Skanita swallowed whatever saliva remained inside her dry mouth, then slowly trotted over to his backside.

She brushed her head around one of his flanks up to the paw, her ears twitching when their tips met the warm pads. Skan jerked his foot back, but Skanita just went over to the other one, touching it with her warm oozing nose.

She liked the way his pads smelled, the way each toe slid along her head as she moved around, with just the slight amount of resistance put by the male's unsheathed claw tips.

"Mrarrr, we should do this more often."

The way his body trembled spoke much of his excitement. Pleased to have him in her fetters, Skanita adopted a coy smile and draped her tongue over his warm, dusty pads. "The whole point of coming here is to avoid doing anything physically exerting. Just relax, brother. I know what I'm doing."

"Perhaps I should return that favor."

The trade suited her. For every lick, Skan combed his short claws through her messy fur, straightening the clumps inflicted upon her by that blasted bush. The two cougars kept at it for a while, and when she became satisfied with the combing, Skanita moved over to the front of his body, nuzzling along her brother's exposed belly. His fur felt like a sea made of silk, sheltering both the scent of wild nature and her brother's unique fragrance, enjoyed in equal measures by Skanita's receptive nose.

"Hrrr, now now, sister, that's starting to tickle," Skan's heavy paws wrapped around the back of her neck. "Perhaps I should restrain the menace before it reaches its final destination."

"And what would that be?" Skanita dropped her chin on his chest and stared into her brother's enchanting green eyes. "Your runny nose? Or maybe those awfully short whiskers?"

"If you nip them...

"You'll do what, exactly?"

With the grip released, Skanita was tempted to go for those sensitive whiskers, but instead she just settled for a lick under her brother's snowy chin. "Nice trick. I don't want another nickname added to my list, lazy bones."

"Clever choice...but you did pester my paws enough to consider a new one, so what about..." the male turned his eyes towards the sky, seemingly lost in thought...

Until his front paws dragged Skanita against him.

"Rattlebush!" he drawled out as he nuzzled into her neck. "Because all that fluff of yours reminds me of a gnarled bush with spiky leaves that go in all directions."

Skanita didn't even reply to that. She fell on top of him like a boulder, then proceeded to bite around his neck in an attempt to get him to submit.

"Little kitten wants to play?" Skan grabbed her harder.

"Graaarrr, I'll show you how rough this kitten can get."

She knew her brother better than anyone. He never unsheathed his claws against her, and without the proper means to hold a predator almost as big as him, Skanita managed to wrestle herself out of his grip and pounced him properly this time. A low growl escaped through his throat, and Skanita's heart skipped a beat when she felt a moist presence that could only be his maleness prod dangerously close to her crevice. She pushed herself further back, the male's squishy stones rolling along her fur like two sensitive fruits nestled in a fuzzy package. Skanita banished every strange thought from her mind and immediately went for the neck, only she forgot to properly restrain his hind legs. She took one of his kicks hinds in the belly, then another just on the side. She expected more, yet the blows were soft and weak compared to the pressure she applied around his throat. In order to win, Skan had to do much better than that. Her teeth easily pierced through the male's feeble fur, allowing her to end the fight before it even started.

"Rraarrrhhh. That-that was more boring than your drab fur, sister," the male drawled as he allowed her tongue to moisten his neck. Skanita enjoyed the way he purred. Even in defeat her brother extracted an unreasonable amount of enjoyment from these sort of games.

"My quick judgment won the battle still."

"With the same move you've done ever since we became strong enough to walk on our own feet. Try something else next time."

"Like melting you with my intense gaze?" Skanita pressed her nose against the male's, getting a quick lick from the soft tip of his tongue in return.

"You know...times like these tempt me into pulling onto a whisker or two in revenge."

Skanita buried his muzzle under one of her paws. "You wouldn't dare. Last time you pulled my whiskers, I...I went for your ears, and you remember how we got so entangled that...stop being a stupid cub and let me enjoy my victory!"

But Skan didn't stop his affectionate assault. He licked her, she blocked his muzzle with all she had, but the bastard still pushed his tongue through her now-soggy toes, causing a warm shiver to course along her spine. Skanita lifted her paw just slightly to allow him better access, watching his barbed tongue as it slid along her pads like the rolling rapids of the Zuzeca river, one of the largest in their territory.

"You have sensitive paws," the male observed as he continued licking her trembling limb few more times. "See how they twitch when I run my barbs over them? Mine aren't like that."

"Yeah, yeah. The paws of a male. I heard that lecture one too many times."

"There is truth in it. Males are better at hunting, while females...well, you're just made to enjoy the benefits I guess."

Skanita waited for him to finish the pleasant grooming, then rolled around, pressing one of her hinds in his face while her own tongue found the male's warm hind pads, still wet from the previous grooming.

"Now that's not fair," Skan growled. "What about father? Wonder if he's the ticklish sort."

"No. Maybe. I don't know." Skanita sighed. "Haven't paid much attention to his grooming skills. He doesn't catch my interest in the same way you do." She rounded the warm pads, savoring the earthly smells they bore, enjoying how soft they felt against her barbed tongue.

"You never licked father's paws?" Skan asked, almost surprised.

"You did?" she countered.

"I do many things with him. Some...less usual than you might expect."

"Color me intrigued," Skanita flicked her tail as excitement started creeping along her spine, then shivered as hot moisture engulfed her entire foot. She didn't expect her brother to go so far as to take her paw into his mouth, and to show him she was his equal Skanita reciprocated the gesture. Though it felt weird to have something so fuzzy inside her mouth, she enjoyed how the claws poked out of their sheaths. The tips were quite sharper than his fur, which turned into a spiky mess once both cougars finished their ministrations. Skanita dropped on top of him, a soft growl leaving his throat along with an onrush of moistened air.

"Sss-Skanita...that was...that was quite a weird thing to do in response to a joke."

"Oh, so you like to tease others, but chicken out when the favor is returned?"

"You got close," the male's lips trembled over his exposed fangs. "Too close to know..."

"What if I like it close?" She interrupted him before he finished. Her tongue played along his nose, going between his ears before returning upon the same path. "I like the way you grab me. Your paws are soft, your warmth so familiar. We shared a womb together, so why not...this?"

Skan kicked his hind legs. He made it clear he wanted to get rid of her, but Skanita still held on like a thorn, treating his muzzle with lick after lick until the male rolled on his side. She didn't have to look behind to know what troubled him. Not when the scents already provided a suitable answer.

Skan stood up.

"Why did you have to go and stop a perfectly enjoyable moment? We were just playing. Playing and cuddling," the female said playfully.

"It felt a bit stranger than that. We should do something else. Something more engaging," the male bowed his head with a soft growl. "I don't know. You pick something in my stead."

"Joking about who's the better gender?"

Skan's eyes widened like two grapes. "N-no! I don't want your eyes anywhere near my-"

"Batting at your nuggets then?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

She loved to see him squirming, so why not go a bit further than that? Skanita nuzzled along his petrified face, then whispered in his ear. "What about mating?" Skanita said seductively as she continued to antagonize the poor male with unwanted licks.

"What in the- Nita, I can't believe you said that. Stop this. Stop this now!"

She wasn't quite ready to, straddling the male as if she prepared to mate. Skan tried to kick her off once, twice, thrice.

But she still refused to budge. "I've already seen how it looks, you silly male. Not like you even tried to conceal it."

"Skanita...stop with all of this...I don't even know what you're playing at, but from brother to sister, please stop pestering me."

"Oh come on. You can't tell me you've never seen our parents on top of each other."

She didn't have the chance to finish with Skan's paws slamming her back into the grass. She snarled, he growled, and both cougars engaged in a short paw slapping fight before stumbling onto their fours.

"I'll smack your little red strawberry top. You know I will!" She hissed angrily at him.

"You can try," the male growled back at her.

The two got on their fours. Skanita waited for him to charge, her slender constitution slightly better matched against the male's larger bulk. She managed to avoid him twice before one of his slaps took her in the nose. Skanita tried to regain her senses, but even her sharp instincts were unable to protect her against the heavy mass of fur and flesh that overwhelmed her. Skan latched a paw around the back of her neck, and, using his greater weight, he managed to wrestle her down, and Skanita could do nothing to oppose that. One of her paws slipped, and she collapsed with a growly male standing on top of her.

"Down. I win."

"That's how you charm your prey? With words?" Skanita rolled onto her back, only to have her head slammed back into the ground by another heavy paw. She had pushed her brother to quickly, she needed to defuse the tension before he set his mind against her plan for good.

"Graarrr...I demand..." she spat his paw out so she could look into his glimmering eyes. "I was distracted! I demand another contest, you little cheater."

"And lose again? I don't want to have my paws bitten you know."

"No. They shall sting with fatigue after I best you in a trial of endurance," Skanita snarled. "Race you to the river!"

"Now?" the male tilted his head in disbelief. "You want us to run now, when the sun burns the brightest?"

"No time like the present, is there? Unless you want me to test the endurance of your fruits."

Skan knew he had no way out with his balls at the female's mercy. He lazily allowed the female to rise on her fours, then complied with her request by following at her side. They ran along the river's bend until froth gathered around their lips. Skanita knew he never intended to win this one, and though her chest burned and her paws stung from the extended running, Skanita felt much better after she exerted all that pent-up energy.

"I win..." she collapsed on the ground at the same time as her brother. Skan rolled on his back, exposing his belly to the sky, breathing in copious amounts of crisp forest air.

"Never...put me through this...again. I hate the heat. rough the shore of the river feels on my paws.

"Breathe. And don't worry about heat. It's all in your mind."

He did, three times before he opened his maw again. "I'll follow you anywhere. Just...don't make me run again. Not on sharp rocks blasted from the bowels of the underworld."

Stupid male. He didn't have to push himself so hard, but here he was, exhausting himself just to please her. She was impressed, humbled, grateful to have him here, with her, rather than on another patrol with their father.

Skanita crawled towards him. She wanted to smell his scent right now. To feel the copious warmth leaving his exhausted body. When she reached him, she placed her head on top of his chest, then waited as her breath slowly returned to her as the male's paws kneaded along her back in a most relaxing way.

"It was a close one though."

"Yes...and I won. Make sure you scratch that down on our wall once we get back." Skanita smiled.

Once they properly rested, the cougars started a slow walk on the river's shore, heading towards the small lake that formed in a small crater from one of the river's branches. Skanita leaped into the refreshing waters as soon as she reached them, splashing the annoyed male with dozens of hefty droplets.

"Grarr, what are you doing now? Taking a bath?" Skan shook himself off the pestering liquid.

"Relaxing," Skanita paddled through the refreshing lake. "Join me, and I vow to keep you afloat from the dangers of this river."

"Not even our own father is so cruel as to force me into this pit of darkness," the male backed away, staring fearfully at the water's surface. "My feet are made for ground, not water."

"Yeah, because I am a fish in disguise. Come in. I promise there's no monsters hiding in the depths."

Skan scoffed at the joke. "You're being unreasonable. Hunt whatever frogs you want. I'll wait for you on the bank, like I always do."

But there was no fun swimming all by herself when she had him to play with. Skanita made a few lazy loops to calm herself down, then joined her lazy brother on the stony shore, purposefully rubbing her wet fur against his much to the male's snarly displeasure.

"Don't be so closed to my ideas. This is one skill that may save your life one day."

"How?" He growled, scraping a few loose stones from the ground with his claws. "What good is there in paddling through a little bulk of water when we are so much better at running?"

"Well..." Skanita pushed her wet muzzle into his ear, slowly licking around its twitching outline. "If a rival male chases you down to a body of water you can gain an edge over him!"

"One of the things that will never happen, right next to you catching your own prey." Skan huffed.

Skanita didn't allow the insult to rub off on her. "Let's say it will," she continued her licks along his neck, pleased with the soft rumble reverberating within his throat. "Say there's more than a few cougars. Stronger too. Your only choice is to go in the only place they wouldn't."

"Grarrhhhh...but...but what if they've trained to swim like you? I don't find water interesting at all!"

"The chance of finding another cougar around here, especially one that knows how to swim is indeed very small," Skanita moved her head along his side, approaching the male's tensing flanks. "But when you will have to leave our home in search of a mate, you might stumble upon a threat like the one I speak of."

Skan became tense with apprehension. His claw tips pressed into the ground, his tail just as stiff as the rest of his body. Skanita kept licking his fur to calm him down. She rolled her tongue around his haunch a few times, then climbed above the base of his tail to stir the shivers running underneath the male's increasingly damp fur.

"Enough pampering!" Skan jumped away, half of his malehood already poking out of his tawny sheath. "I will do this thing if only to be rid of your...your incessant, annoying cub prattling!"

"Glad you decided to male up!" Skanita strode towards the lake. "We'll start with a paw first. Push it through the water, and, if our river doesn't bite, you can walk right in."

The male advanced carefully, as if his life was in peril. He lifted one forepaw, dabbed with his pads at the water a couple of times to test it...

And when his foot left the ground, Skanita pushed her whole weight against him, sending the startled cougar face-first into the small pond. It was amusing, and a bit painful to see him slap the water without any kind of precision.

"Skan! Skan, hold still! Push your paws through the water, not against it!"

He tried, but he was clumsier than a cub struggling to take his first steps. Skanita laughed at his obvious inability to swim, but it quickly became clear Skan was not going to get out on his own.

Skanita leaped in after him. That poor fool was going to leave her alone before his time, so she dived under his body to allow his frantic paws to latch upon her back until she swam back to the shore. Skan shook himself not once or twice, but three times once he got ashore, panting with fright, his pupils wider than they'd ever been in his life.

"It's ok. Everything's alright." Skanita licked the water dripping off his head, rubbing against him, keeping him as warm as she could against the trembles that rushed along his body in cold chilling waves. "That was so stupid of me. Lay down. Let me warm you up."

"The- the water. It's everywhere! I'm drowning. I'm-"

"You're out. There's no water. Just ground, see?" she gently guided her brother onto his belly. "Lay down. Focus on me. I'm here, Skan. The water is gone. It's just us."

The male blinked. He was still distracted, still afraid. Skanita rolled him onto his back and moved on top of him. She licked around his head, then pushed her nose into his neck, breathing three warm gusts before doing the same all over again.

Slowly, Skan's breath steadied, and she let out a long growl of relief.

"What was I thinking, pushing you into the lake like that? I'm stupid. Shouldn't have done something so...what if you drowned?!"


"Don't say it," the female rolled next to him, looking at him with regret. "I went against my better judgment. Forced you into the water against your will. Please...tell me how wrong I was. Bite...bite me somewhere. Just don't hold grudges. I like our games, and I really don't want things to get weird between us."

"There is no need for that," the male said calmly "You saved me, Skanita. You were here for me, like you always promise."

The male crawled closer to her. His warm breath washed over her moistened paws, then approached her nose, slowly, until a long growl of utter fulfillment trembled in the female's throat. Skan not only forgave her. He licked her as lovingly as her parents, his calming tongue traveling between her tightly closed eyes.

Skanita's limbs trembled with excitement. Warm shivers rushed along her body in rhythm with her brother's enticing licks. He lingered on her head for a bit, then descended along her neck, passing each of her four paws before settling on her belly, going lower, and lower, and lower...closer to a place he rarely cared to inspect. Skanita's toes spread as a sliver of his warm breath fell upon the bare, defenseless lips of her gender. She tensed hard when that happened, for she never expected her nether flesh to feel so weak as it did now. A strange heat burned within her cavernous depths. She...wanted her brother to do more than just smell her scent. Wanted to feel his caring tongue upon a part of her that had barely been touched before.

But he only sniffed. That was all he dared, before he pushed his head back to expose his fangs as all felines did when they smelled something of particular importance.

"It's Let me help you." Skanita rolled on her fours. She rubbed around her brother, licked him, nuzzled him. And when Skan grew accustomed to her presence, she insistently pushed him towards the ground, until he exposed himself fully to her desires.

It was her turn to lick now, so she bathed her dearest twin from the top of his nose all the way to the wet balls that huddled together right under his little sheath. She knew his scent by heart, yet somehow, the smells that rushed into her trembling nostrils right now had never been so enticing before. His musk was stirred by his recent bath, and Skanita could hardly help herself from giving in to the instincts that only whispered one thing into her mind.

Take him.

She approached his wet sack with her damp, twitching nose, sniffed in deep the scents of his wet sheath, then snarled as the male's scent dug deep into her nostrils, feeding her instincts with everything they needed. A young male in his prime, healthy and apt to breed, just waited for the proper touch to fulfill his greatest purpose. She wanted to lick him. Do things to him she never thought before the fateful dream that graced her this morning. It was wrong. Something deep inside her warned her of this dangerous choice.

But Skanita just couldn't help herself this time. Her wet tongue poked through her fangs, then slowly washed over her brother's moist sheath. Skan growled, but she didn't care about any of that. She licked the shelter of his cock, and when his little pink spire poked out to greet her warm tongue, she lapped at the wet tip of his barbed member, sampling his taste once, twice, thrice before the strength of his scent became too arousing to endure.

"Rawwrrhhhh," Skanita stumbled back as if struck. She buried her nose into a paw, licking and kneading to rub the overwhelming scent off her nose. She couldn't climax. Not now. Not like this!

When she opened her eyes, Skan stood next to her, calmly pushing his head under her neck.

"I'm sorry...I...shouldn't have groomed you there."

"You managed to stop before you did anything we could both regret." He said calmly. "That is a hidden strength only you possess, sister. Were I in your place...I don't think I would have stopped."

Skanita ignored that remark. "It was hard. Too hard. And I don't even know why."

"You do," the male licked her neck with long, loving strokes. "Do you remember the stories mother told us when we were little?"

"She told us so many of them..." Skanita started purring. "My favorite was the one with the runt of blackheart's pack, who won the heart of the alpha female. What about you?"

Skan thought for a bit. "It has to be the one when Maka got saved by father from her abusive friends."

" you think we'll ever find any? What about mates?"


"Don't," the female nudged her brother to continue with his licking session. "Don't stop... I like how it feels. So"

"Do you want to be my mate?"

A lump formed in her throat. "What? You can't- I heard wrong didn't I? Mate? No, we're...we cannot...that's outlandish."

The male stared back, honesty and affection brewing inside his emerald eyes. His question, so flatly stated, gave no hint the answer he expected. "I care about you on a level nobody can truly understand. We hunted together, played, slept together. I want us to keep doing these things...and maybe when the time comes, we can..."

"Do what?" Skanita said as her tail flicked with a strange combination of excitement and fear. "We can't have cubs like mother and father had us. We've were born at the same time. Skan...what you say is madness."

"Alright, no-one said anything about cubs," the cougar licked his muzzle apprehensively. "I don't want know...worry about cubs. They frighten me, but mating is not something we should be afraid of, as long as it doesn't lead to unnecessary consequences. I mean...what I'm trying to say is..." he shook his head, then tried again "Mating is complicated. It changes things. Right now, I want you just the way you are, young, playful, and innocent."

"You're saying this after you almost drowned. Maybe I should push you into a forest fire next and see what other crazy idea you propose," Skanita said, barely resisting the urge to nip one of his whiskers. Remind him of the choice he was making.

"I'm half serious. I love you Skanita...and maybe if you love me too...and there's no other cougars around, we can...keep playing these crazy games? When the time comes?"

It was a heavy question...but the bastard made it hard to say no with his constant licks and playful gestures. Skanita couldn't find it in her heart to completely refuse him. Not when past the worries and doubts, she felt the same about him. Skan was the best cougar she knew. He was warm, kind, and sillier than any male had the right to be, which made him very desirable as a partner.

After a hefty amount of licks, Skanita told him she agreed to love him as a brother, like she always had.

End of Chapter 1

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